diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 1efcfd6..ba40896 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -100,3 +100,9 @@
[submodule "vim/bundle/rson-vim-conque"]
path = vim/bundle/rson-vim-conque
url = https://github.com/rson/vim-conque.git
+[submodule "vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen"]
+ path = vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen
+ url = https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen
+[submodule "vim/bundle/drewolson-ruby_focused_unit_test_vim"]
+ path = vim/bundle/drewolson-ruby_focused_unit_test_vim
+ url = https://github.com/drewolson/ruby_focused_unit_test_vim
diff --git a/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim b/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index be68389..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/pathogen.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,230 +0,0 @@
-" pathogen.vim - path option manipulation
-" Maintainer: Tim Pope
-" Version: 2.0
-" Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload).
-" For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or
-" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `call pathogen#infect()` to your .vimrc
-" prior to `fileype plugin indent on` is the only other setup necessary.
-" The API is documented inline below. For maximum ease of reading,
-" :set foldmethod=marker
-if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp
- finish
-let g:loaded_pathogen = 1
-" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a directory name to invoke
-" pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() (defaults to "bundle"), or a full path
-" to invoke pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(). Afterwards,
-" pathogen#cycle_filetype() is invoked.
-function! pathogen#infect(...) abort " {{{1
- let source_path = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle'
- if source_path =~# '[\\/]'
- call pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(source_path)
- else
- call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(source_path)
- endif
- call pathogen#cycle_filetype()
-endfunction " }}}1
-" Split a path into a list.
-function! pathogen#split(path) abort " {{{1
- if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif
- let split = split(a:path,'\\\@,'edit',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit :execute s:find(,'edit',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vsplit :execute s:find(,'split',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vvsplit :execute s:find(,'vsplit',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabedit :execute s:find(,'tabedit',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit :execute s:find(,'pedit',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread :execute s:find(,'read',)
-command! -bar -bang -count=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vopen :execute s:find(,'edit',,'lcd')
-" vim:set ft=vim ts=8 sw=2 sts=2:
diff --git a/vim/autoload/ruby_focused_unit_test.vim b/vim/autoload/ruby_focused_unit_test.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 49e881d..0000000
--- a/vim/autoload/ruby_focused_unit_test.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-"if !has("ruby")
-" finish
-command RunRubyFocusedUnitTest :call RunRubyFocusedUnitTest()
-command RunRubyFocusedContext :call RunRubyFocusedContext()
-command RunAllRubyTests :call RunAllRubyTests()
-command RunLastRubyTest :call RunLastRubyTest()
-function! s:RunRubyFocusedUnitTest()
- ruby RubyFocusedUnitTest.new.run_test
-function! s:RunRubyFocusedContext()
- ruby RubyFocusedUnitTest.new.run_context
-function! s:RunAllRubyTests()
- ruby RubyFocusedUnitTest.new.run_all
-function! s:RunLastRubyTest()
- ruby RubyFocusedUnitTest.new.run_last
-ruby << EOF
-module VIM
- class Buffer
- class << self
- include Enumerable
- def each(&block)
- (0...VIM::Buffer.count).each do |index|
- yield self[index]
- end
- end
- def create(name, opts={})
- location = opts[:location] || :below
- VIM.command("#{location} new #{name}")
- buf = VIM::Buffer.current
- if opts[:text]
- buf.text = opts[:text]
- end
- buf
- end
- end
- def text=(content)
- content.split("\n").each_with_index do |line,index|
- self.append index, line
- end
- end
- def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
- VIM.command "#{method} #{self.name}"
- end
- end
-class RubyFocusedUnitTest
- DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BUFFER = "rb_test_output"
- SAVED_TEST_COMMAND_FILE = '/tmp/last_ruby_focused_unit_test'
- def write_output_to_buffer(test_command)
- save_test_command(test_command)
- if buffer = VIM::Buffer.find { |b| b.name =~ /#{DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BUFFER}/ }
- buffer.bdelete!
- end
- buffer = VIM::Buffer.create DEFAULT_OUTPUT_BUFFER, :location => :below, :text => "--- Run Focused Unit Test ---\n\n"
- VIM.command("setlocal buftype=nowrite")
- VIM.command "redraw"
- IO.popen("#{test_command} 2>&1", "r") do |io|
- begin
- loop do
- input = io.readpartial(10)
- first, *rest = input.split(/\n/, -1)
- buffer[buffer.length] = buffer[buffer.length] + first
- rest.each {|l| buffer.append buffer.length, l }
- VIM.command "redraw"
- end
- rescue EOFError
- end
- end
- end
- def save_test_command(test_command)
- File.open(SAVED_TEST_COMMAND_FILE, 'w') { |f| f.write(test_command) }
- end
- def current_file
- VIM::Buffer.current.name
- end
- def spec_file?
- current_file =~ /spec_|_spec/
- end
- def line_number
- VIM::Buffer.current.line_number
- end
- def run_spec
- write_output_to_buffer("spec #{current_file} -l #{line_number}")
- end
- def run_unit_test
- method_name = nil
- (line_number + 1).downto(1) do |line_number|
- if VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /def (test_\w+)/
- method_name = $1
- break
- elsif VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /test "([^"]+)"/ ||
- VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /test '([^']+)'/
- method_name = "test_" + $1.split(" ").join("_")
- break
- elsif VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /should "([^"]+)"/ ||
- VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /should '([^']+)'/
- method_name = "\"/#{Regexp.escape($1)}/\""
- break
- end
- end
- write_output_to_buffer("ruby #{current_file} -n #{method_name}") if method_name
- end
- def run_test
- if spec_file?
- run_spec
- else
- run_unit_test
- end
- end
- def run_context
- method_name = nil
- context_line_number = nil
- (line_number + 1).downto(1) do |line_number|
- if VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /(context|describe) "([^"]+)"/ ||
- VIM::Buffer.current[line_number] =~ /(context|describe) '([^']+)'/
- method_name = $2
- context_line_number = line_number
- break
- end
- end
- if method_name
- if spec_file?
- write_output_to_buffer("spec #{current_file} -l #{context_line_number}")
- else
- method_name = "\"/#{Regexp.escape(method_name)}/\""
- write_output_to_buffer("ruby #{current_file} -n #{method_name}")
- end
- end
- end
- def run_all
- if spec_file?
- write_output_to_buffer("spec #{current_file}")
- else
- write_output_to_buffer("ruby #{current_file}")
- end
- end
- def run_last
- write_output_to_buffer(File.read(SAVED_TEST_COMMAND_FILE))
- end
diff --git a/vim/bundle/drewolson-ruby_focused_unit_test_vim b/vim/bundle/drewolson-ruby_focused_unit_test_vim
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..980b2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/drewolson-ruby_focused_unit_test_vim
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 980b2ebad5d994ce44a7a765e734e1a3ffde3004
diff --git a/vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen b/vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen
new file mode 160000
index 0000000..ab64b4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vim/bundle/tpope-vim-pathogen
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit ab64b4ddd0c184a528780b498a0b0a5b40248f7c
diff --git a/vim/plugin/ragtag.vim b/vim/plugin/ragtag.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 3843cd9..0000000
--- a/vim/plugin/ragtag.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,486 +0,0 @@
-" ragtag.vim - Ghetto XML/HTML mappings (formerly allml.vim)
-" Author: Tim Pope
-" Version: 2.0
-" GetLatestVimScripts: 1896 1 :AutoInstall: ragtag.vim
-if exists("g:loaded_ragtag") || &cp
- finish
-let g:loaded_ragtag = 1
-if has("autocmd")
- augroup ragtag
- autocmd!
- autocmd FileType *html*,wml,xml,xslt,xsd,jsp call s:Init()
- autocmd FileType php,asp*,cf,mason,eruby call s:Init()
- if version >= 700
- autocmd InsertLeave * call s:Leave()
- endif
- autocmd CursorHold * if exists("b:loaded_ragtag") | call s:Leave() | endif
- augroup END
-inoremap ragtagHtmlComplete =htmlEn()=htmlDis()
-" Public interface, for if you have your own filetypes to activate on
-function! RagtagInit()
- call s:Init()
-function! AllmlInit()
- call s:Init()
-function! s:Init()
- let b:loaded_ragtag = 1
- inoremap xmlversion =toupper(charset())"?>
- inoremap htmltrans
- inoremap xhtmltrans
- if s:subtype() == "xml"
- imap O
- else
- imap ] >O
- endif
- " <% %>
- if &ft == "eruby"
- inoremap - <%-%>3hi
- inoremap _ I<%A-%>Fs
- elseif &ft == "cf"
- inoremap -
- inoremap _
- else
- imap - >2hi
- imap _ IA>Fs
- endif
- " Comments
- if &ft =~ '^asp'
- imap ' '>2hi
- imap " I'A>Fs
- let b:surround_35 = maparg("","i")."' \r ".maparg(">","i")
- elseif &ft == "jsp"
- inoremap ' %----%>4hi
- inoremap " I<%--A--%>Fs
- let b:surround_35 = "<%-- \r --%>"
- elseif &ft == "cf"
- inoremap ' !------>4hi
- inoremap " IFs
- setlocal commentstring=
- let b:surround_35 = ""
- elseif &ft == "html" || &ft == "xml" || &ft == "xhtml"
- inoremap ' !---->3hi
- inoremap " IFs
- let b:surround_35 = ""
- elseif &ft == "django"
- inoremap ' {##}2hi
- inoremap " I{#A#}Fs
- let b:surround_35 = "{# \r #}"
- else
- imap ' #>2hi
- imap " I#A>Fs
- let b:surround_35 = maparg("","i")."# \r ".maparg(">","i")
- endif
- imap % ragtagUrlEncode
- imap & ragtagXmlEncode
- imap % ragtagUrlV
- imap & ragtagXmlV
- if !exists("b:did_indent")
- if s:subtype() == "xml"
- runtime! indent/xml.vim
- else
- runtime! indent/html.vim
- endif
- endif
- " Pet peeve. Do people still not close their and
- if exists("g:html_indent_tags") && g:html_indent_tags !~ '\\|p\>'
- let g:html_indent_tags = g:html_indent_tags.'\|p\|li\|dt\|dd'
- endif
- set indentkeys+=!^F
- let b:surround_indent = 1
- silent doautocmd User ragtag
- silent doautocmd User allml
-function! s:Leave()
- call s:disableescape()
-function! s:length(str)
- return strlen(substitute(a:str,'.','.','g'))
-function! s:repeat(str,cnt)
- let cnt = a:cnt
- let str = ""
- while cnt > 0
- let str = str . a:str
- let cnt = cnt - 1
- endwhile
- return str
-function! s:doctypeSeek()
- if !exists("b:ragtag_doctype_index")
- if exists("b:allml_doctype_index")
- let b:ragtag_doctype_index = b:allml_doctype_index
- elseif &ft == 'xhtml' || &ft == 'eruby'
- let b:ragtag_doctype_index = 10
- elseif &ft != 'xml'
- let b:ragtag_doctype_index = 7
- endif
- endif
- let index = b:ragtag_doctype_index - 1
- return (index < 0 ? s:repeat("\",-index) : s:repeat("\",index))
-function! s:stylesheetTag()
- if !exists("b:ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag")
- if exists("b:allml_stylesheet_link_tag")
- let b:ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag = b:allml_stylesheet_link_tag
- else
- let b:ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag = ""
- endif
- endif
- return s:insertTag(b:ragtag_stylesheet_link_tag)
-function! s:javascriptIncludeTag()
- if !exists("b:ragtag_javascript_include_tag")
- if exists("b:allml_javascript_include_tag")
- let b:ragtag_javascript_include_tag = b:allml_javascript_include_tag
- else
- let b:ragtag_javascript_include_tag = ""
- endif
- endif
- return s:insertTag(b:ragtag_javascript_include_tag)
-function! s:insertTag(tag)
- let tag = a:tag
- if s:subtype() == "html"
- let tag = substitute(a:tag,'\s*/>','>','g')
- endif
- let before = matchstr(tag,'^.\{-\}\ze\r')
- let after = matchstr(tag,'\r\zs\%(.*\r\)\@!.\{-\}$')
- " middle isn't currently used
- let middle = matchstr(tag,'\r\zs.\{-\}\ze\r')
- return before.after.s:repeat("\",s:length(after))
-function! s:htmlEn()
- let b:ragtag_omni = &l:omnifunc
- let b:ragtag_isk = &l:isk
- " : is for namespaced xml attributes
- setlocal omnifunc=htmlcomplete#CompleteTags isk+=:
- return ""
-function! s:htmlDis()
- if exists("b:ragtag_omni")
- let &l:omnifunc = b:ragtag_omni
- unlet b:ragtag_omni
- endif
- if exists("b:ragtag_isk")
- let &l:isk = b:ragtag_isk
- unlet b:ragtag_isk
- endif
- return ""
-function! s:subtype()
- let top = getline(1)."\n".getline(2)
- if (top =~ '' && &ft !~? 'html') || &ft =~? '^\%(xml\|xsd\|xslt\)$'
- return "xml"
- elseif top =~? '\'
- return 'xhtml'
- elseif top =~ '[^<]\'
- return "html"
- elseif &ft == "xhtml" || &ft == "eruby"
- return "xhtml"
- elseif exists("b:loaded_ragtag")
- return "html"
- else
- return ""
- endif
-function! s:closetagback()
- if s:subtype() == "html"
- return ">\"
- else
- return " />\\\"
- endif
-function! s:closetag()
- if s:subtype() == "html"
- return ">"
- else
- return " />"
- endif
-function! s:charset()
- let enc = &fileencoding
- if enc == ""
- let enc = &encoding
- endif
- if enc == "latin1"
- return "ISO-8859-1"
- elseif enc == ""
- return "US-ASCII"
- else
- return enc
- endif
-function! s:tagextras()
- if s:subtype() == "xml"
- return ""
- elseif @" == 'html' && s:subtype() == 'xhtml'
- let lang = "en"
- if exists("$LANG") && $LANG =~ '^..'
- let lang = strpart($LANG,0,2)
- endif
- return ' xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" lang="'.lang.'" xml:lang="'.lang.'"'
- elseif @" == 'style'
- return ' type="text/css"'
- elseif @" == 'script'
- return ' type="text/javascript"'
- elseif @" == 'table'
- return ' cellspacing="0"'
- else
- return ""
- endif
-inoremap urlspace =getinput()=~?'\%([?&]\&\)[%a-z0-9._~+-]*=[%a-z0-9._~+-]*$'?'+':'%20'
-function! s:urltab(htmlesc)
- let line = s:getinput()
- let g:line = line
- if line =~ '[^ <>"'."'".']\@"'."'".']\@ ragtagBSUrl
- inoremap %0A
- imap