modularized: gitgrep, lustyjuggler, greplace
This commit is contained in:
@ -55,3 +55,12 @@
[submodule "vim/bundle/"]
[submodule "vim/bundle/"]
path = vim/bundle/
path = vim/bundle/
url =
url =
[submodule "vim/bundle/sjbach-lusty"]
path = vim/bundle/sjbach-lusty
url =
[submodule "vim/bundle/tjennings-git-grep-vim"]
path = vim/bundle/tjennings-git-grep-vim
url =
[submodule "vim/bundle/skwp-greplace"]
path = vim/bundle/skwp-greplace
url =
@ -141,9 +141,8 @@ Included vim plugins
* NERDTree - everyone's favorite tree browser
* NERDTree - everyone's favorite tree browser
* NERDTree-tabs - makes NERDTree play nice with MacVim tabs so that it's on every tab
* NERDTree-tabs - makes NERDTree play nice with MacVim tabs so that it's on every tab
* ShowMarks - creates a visual gutter to the left of the number column showing you your marks (saved locations). use \mt to toggle it, \mm to place the next available mark, \mh to delete, \ma to clear all. Use standard vim mark navigation ('X) for mark named X.
* ShowMarks - creates a visual gutter to the left of the number column showing you your marks (saved locations). use \mt to toggle it, \mm to place the next available mark, \mh to delete, \ma to clear all. Use standard vim mark navigation ('X) for mark named X.
* EasyMotion - hit ,, (forward) or z,, (back) and watch the magic happen. just type the letters and jump directly to your target
* EasyMotion - hit ,, (forward) or z,, (back) and watch the magic happen. just type the letters and jump directly to your target - in the provided vimrc the keys are optimized for home and upper row, no pinkies
* BufExplorer - access with 'B' - a big buffer window, good for when you want to search for a buffer
* LustyJuggler/Explorer - hit B, type buf name to match a buffer, or type S and use the home row keys to select a buffer
* LustyJuggler - access with 'S' - a small buffer window at the bottom, each buffer is assigned to a home row key in order
@ -163,6 +162,7 @@ Included vim plugins
* greplace - use :Gsearch to find across many files, replace inside the changes, then :Greplace to do a replace across all matches
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
* ConqueTerm - embedded fully colorful shell inside your vim
* vim-ruby-conque - helpers to run ruby,rspec,rake within ConqueTerm - use \rr (ruby), \ss (rspec), \ll (rspec line), \RR (rake)
* vim-ruby-conque - helpers to run ruby,rspec,rake within ConqueTerm - use \rr (ruby), \ss (rspec), \ll (rspec line), \RR (rake)
* vim-markdown-preview - :Mm to view your as html
* vim-markdown-preview - :Mm to view your as html
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit 6b59f0db14e76d14ce979648f7592abc7d7e0cb4
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit e7fb26ec95ecf97bfe4b99683b95cb37c654460a
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Subproject commit f340ec93f5071238823db6dcd2431c924fee4418
@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
" Vim default schemes
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Blue :colo blue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.DarkBlue :colo darkblue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Default :colo default<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Delek :colo delek<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Desert :colo desert<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.ElfLord :colo elflord<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Evening :colo evening<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Koehler :colo koehler<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Morning :colo morning<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Murphy :colo murphy<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Pablo :colo pablo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.PeachPuff :colo peachpuff<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Ron :colo ron<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Shine :colo shine<CR>
amenu T&hemes.D&efault.Torte :colo torte<CR>
" Recommended Themes
amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.InkPot :colo inkpot<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.MetaCosm :colo metacosm<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.MidNight2 :colo midnight2<CR>
amenu T&hemes.&Recommendations.PS_Warm :let psc_style='warm'<CR>:colo ps_color<CR>
amenu T&hemes.-s1- :
"submenu black
amenu T& :colo brookstream<CR>
amenu T& :colo candy<CR>
amenu T& :colo colorer<CR>
amenu T& :colo dante<CR>
amenu T& :colo darkocean<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_blue<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_cyan<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_green<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_orange<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_purple<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_red<CR>
amenu T& :colo dw_yellow<CR>
amenu T& :colo elflord<CR>
amenu T& :colo fnaqevan<CR>
amenu T& :colo golden<CR>
amenu T&*inkpot :colo inkpot<CR>
amenu T& :colo koehler<CR>
amenu T& :colo less<CR>
amenu T& :colo manxome<CR>
amenu T& :colo matrix<CR>
amenu T& :colo metacosm<CR>
amenu T&*motus :colo motus<CR>
amenu T& :colo murphy<CR>
amenu T& :colo neverness<CR>
amenu T& :colo nightwish<CR>
amenu T& :colo oceanblack<CR>
amenu T& :colo pablo<CR>
amenu T&*ps_color :colo ps_color<CR>
amenu T& :colo relaxedgreen<CR>
amenu T& :colo ron<CR>
amenu T& :colo tango<CR>
amenu T&*torte :colo torte<CR>
amenu T& :colo vibrantink<CR>
amenu T&*vividchalk :colo vividchalk<CR>
"submenu blue
amenu T& :colo astronaut<CR>
amenu T& :colo asu1dark<CR>
amenu T& :colo blue<CR>
amenu T& :colo bluegreen<CR>
amenu T& :colo borland<CR>
amenu T& :colo breeze<CR>
amenu T& :colo darkblue<CR>
amenu T& :colo darkblue2<CR>
amenu T& :colo denim<CR>
amenu T& :colo desertedocean<CR>
amenu T& :colo dusk<CR>
amenu T& :colo hhazure<CR>
amenu T& :colo midnight<CR>
amenu T& :colo midnight2<CR>
amenu T& :colo navajo-night<CR>
amenu T& :colo oceandeep<CR>
amenu T& :colo sea<CR>
amenu T& :colo softblue<CR>
"submenu cyan
amenu T&hemes.cyan.darkslategray :colo darkslategray<CR>
amenu T&hemes.cyan.marklar :colo marklar<CR>
"submenu darkgrey
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.candycode :colo candycode<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.darktango :colo darktango<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhspring :colo hhspring<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhteal :colo hhteal<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.hhviolet :colo hhviolet<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.lettuce :colo lettuce<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.night :colo night<CR>
amenu T&hemes.darkgrey.rdark :colo rdark<CR>
"submenu green
amenu T&*tabula :colo tabula<CR>
"submenu grey
amenu T&hemes.grey.biogoo :colo biogoo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.camo :colo camo<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.*dawn :colo dawn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.desert :colo desert<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.desertEx :colo desertEx<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.evening :colo evening<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.fog :colo fog<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.freya :colo freya<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.neon :colo neon<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.slate :colo slate<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.umber-green :colo umber-green<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.xemacs :colo xemacs<CR>
amenu T&hemes.grey.*zenburn :colo zenburn<CR>
"submenu magenta
amenu T&hemes.magenta.lilac :colo lilac<CR>
"submenu offwhite
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.autumn :colo autumn<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.autumnleaf :colo autumnleaf<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.*baycomb :colo baycomb<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.fine_blue :colo fine_blue<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.fruit :colo fruit<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.habiLight :colo habiLight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.ironman :colo ironman<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.morning :colo morning<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.nuvola :colo nuvola<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.oceanlight :colo oceanlight<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.pyte :colo pyte<CR>
amenu T&hemes.offwhite.simpleandfriendly :colo simpleandfriendly<CR>
"submenu red
amenu T& :colo ChocolateLiquor<CR>
amenu T& :colo hhpink<CR>
amenu T&*navajo :colo navajo<CR>
amenu T& :colo peachpuff<CR>
amenu T& :colo tomatosoup<CR>
"submenu unknown
amenu T& :colo bw<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.calmar256-light :colo calmar256-light<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.chela_light :colo chela_light<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.colorscheme_template :colo colorscheme_template<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.default :colo default<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.desert256 :colo desert256<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.impact :colo impact<CR>
amenu T&hemes.unknown.psql :colo psql<CR>
amenu T& :colo vc<CR>
"submenu white
amenu T&hemes.white.delek :colo delek<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.eclipse :colo eclipse<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.martin_krischik :colo martin_krischik<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.*moria :colo moria<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.print_bw :colo print_bw<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.shine :colo shine<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.*sienna :colo sienna<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.tolerable :colo tolerable<CR>
amenu T&hemes.white.zellner :colo zellner<CR>
"submenu yellow
amenu T&hemes.yellow.PapayaWhip :colo PapayaWhip<CR>
amenu T&hemes.yellow.buttercream :colo buttercream<CR>
amenu T&hemes.yellow.hhorange :colo hhorange<CR>
amenu T&hemes.yellow.olive :colo olive<CR>
amenu T&hemes.yellow.professional :colo professional<CR>
amenu T&hemes.yellow.robinhood :colo robinhood<CR>
@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
let g:gitgrepprg="git\\ grep\\ -n"
function! GitGrep(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! grep " . a:args
botright copen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! GitGrepAdd(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! grepadd " . a:args
botright copen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! LGitGrep(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! lgrep " . a:args
botright lopen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
function! LGitGrepAdd(args)
let grepprg_bak=&grepprg
exec "set grepprg=" . g:gitgrepprg
execute "silent! lgrepadd " . a:args
botright lopen
let &grepprg=grepprg_bak
exec "redraw!"
command! -nargs=* -complete=file GitGrep call GitGrep(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file GitGrepAdd call GitGrepAdd(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file LGitGrep call LGitGrep(<q-args>)
command! -nargs=* -complete=file LGitGrepAdd call LGitGrepAdd(<q-args>)
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -230,11 +230,6 @@ set viminfo='100,f1
" this uses ctags. the standard way to get this is Ctrl-]
" this uses ctags. the standard way to get this is Ctrl-]
nnoremap <silent> F <C-]>
nnoremap <silent> F <C-]>
"open buf explorer with B
map B <Leader>bv
let g:bufExplorerShowRelativePath=1 " Show relative paths.
let g:bufExplorerDefaultHelp=0
"toggle between last two buffers with Z (normally ctrl-shift-6)
"toggle between last two buffers with Z (normally ctrl-shift-6)
nnoremap <silent> Z <C-^>
nnoremap <silent> Z <C-^>
@ -368,11 +363,11 @@ nmap <silent> gcp <c-_>p
" LustyJuggler
" LustyJuggler
" ========================================
" ========================================
" User LustyJuggler buffer switcher by hitting S
" better triggers for buffer switching
" and then using the homerow keys to select the file
" B to use the juggler, S to search the buffers
" double tap the home row key to go to the file or hit
nmap <silent> B \lj
" once to just select it in the juggler
nmap <silent> S \lb
nmap <silent> S \lj
let g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning = 1
let g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning = 1
let g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode = 1
let g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode = 1
" Colors to make LustyJuggler more usable
" Colors to make LustyJuggler more usable
@ -398,7 +393,7 @@ hi! EasyMotionTarget guifg=yellow
" but it'll all be isolated to one area of the keyboard
" but it'll all be isolated to one area of the keyboard
call EasyMotion#InitOptions({
call EasyMotion#InitOptions({
\ 'leader_key' : '<Leader><Leader>'
\ 'leader_key' : '<Leader><Leader>'
\ , 'keys' : 'asdfwejkliogh'
\ , 'keys' : 'fjdkslewio'
\ , 'do_shade' : 1
\ , 'do_shade' : 1
\ , 'do_mapping' : 1
\ , 'do_mapping' : 1
\ , 'grouping' : 1
\ , 'grouping' : 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user