diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index de7fc0d..5406049 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -128,12 +128,15 @@ Some of the vim customizations include: TODO: these customizations will be extracted into a separate keybinding plugin so as not to interfere with standard keybindings * F - instantly Find definition of class (must have exuberant ctags installed) - * B - show Buffer explorer + * B - show buffers (LustyJuggler buffer search), just type to fuzzy match a buffer name * S - Show buffers in LustyJuggler (use asdfjkl home row keys to then select buffer) * T - Tag list (list of methods in a class) + * K - git grep for the Kurrent word under the cursor - * O - Open a GitGrep command line with a quote pretyped (close the quote yourself) - * \mm - show my Marks (set a mark with mX where X is a letter, navigate to mark using 'X). Uppercase marks to mark files, lowercase marks to use within a file. + * ,gg - GitGrep command line with a quote pretyped (close the quote yourself) + * ,gcp - GitGrep Current Partial to find references to the current view partial + + * \mm - set the next available mark (set a mark with mX where X is a letter, navigate to mark using 'X). Uppercase marks to mark files, lowercase marks to use within a file. * Z - jump back and forth between last two buffers * Q - Quit a window (normally Ctrl-w,c) * \Q - Kill a buffer completely (normally :bw) @@ -144,12 +147,14 @@ TODO: these customizations will be extracted into a separate keybinding plugin s * cf - Copy Filename of current file into system (not vi) paste buffer * // - clear the search * ,, or z,, - use EasyMotion - type that and then type one of the highlighted letters. - * Apple-k and Apple-K to type underscores and dashes, since they are so common in code but so far away from home row + * Apple-k and Apple-d to type underscores and dashes, since they are so common in code but so far away from home row * yw - remapped to yaw, meaning yanking a word will yank the entire word no matter where your cursor is * W - write a file (instead of :w, saving you keystrokes for the most common vim operation) * gcc (comment a line) via tComment, and gcp custom alias to comment a paragraph * Cc - (Current command) copies the command under your cursor and executes it in vim. Great for testing single line changes to vimrc. * \ss to run specs, \ll to run a given spec on a line - using my vim-ruby-conque plugin (https://github.com/skwp/vim-ruby-conque) + * ,t - Command-T fuzzy file selector (alternative to PeepOpen) + * ,T - Command-T fuzzy buffer selector (alternative to LustyJuggler) Included vim plugins --- diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc index b9fb476..98ebede 100644 --- a/vimrc +++ b/vimrc @@ -339,6 +339,9 @@ nnoremap dg :diffget " using tComment's built in p mapping nmap gcp p +" AutoTag +" Seems to have problems with some vim files +let g:autotagExcludeSuffixes="tml.xml.text.txt.vim" " LustyJuggler " ======================================== @@ -349,6 +352,7 @@ nmap S \lb let g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning = 1 let g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode = 1 +let g:LustyJugglerShowKeys = 'a' " show a/s/d/f keys " Colors to make LustyJuggler more usable " the Question color in LustyJuggler is mapped to " the currently selected buffer. @@ -409,6 +413,7 @@ inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" let g:CommandTMaxHeight = 5 let g:CommandTMatchWindowReverse = 1 nmap ,t :CommandT +nmap ,T :CommandTBuffer " Some color remaps