2015-10-27 ================== * Support for running zeus commands for rspec (`zl` and `zr`) * Ctrl-x and Ctrl-z to navigate the quickfix list 2014-06-01 ================== * Change Cmd-Space to Ctrl-Space for vim autocomplete so it doesn't conflict with osx spotlight by default, and so there are no additional steps to install. 2014-02-15 ================== * Replace Git Grep with Ag and remove unused plugins * Sneak: hit Space and type two letters to quickly jump somewhere * Added Ctrl-R, reverse history search for :commands * Remove ;; semicolon mapping. Messes with regular semicolon usage (find next char) * Change to Lightline instead of Airline [Fix #418] Jan 5, 2013 ================== * Switch to lightline instead of airline for status bar. Works better in terminal vim and should be faster. * Added investigate.vim (gK for docs) * Fix homebrew installation of macvim with lua enabled, and fix deprecated homebrew install. Dec 17, 2013 ================== * Cleanup of README to make it more palatable, focusing on the primary key bindings * Improved integration with Ag, giving ,ag and ,af aliases * Got rid of conque term, implemented a "send to iTerm" rspec runner (invoke with ,rs ,rl ,ss ,sl) for the rspec and spring/rspec versions. March 29, 2013 ================== * Migrated to Vundle instead of pathogen for easier bundle management * Added Silver Searcher for lightning fast :Gsearch