" Source the standard indentation file, since we only want to adjust the " default indentation. sou $VIMRUNTIME/indent/html.vim " Set the default indentation to be that of the standard indent file. let b:defaultIndentExpr = &indentexpr " Use IndentAnything setlocal indentexpr=IndentAnything() " Echo info about indentations let b:indent_anything_echo = 1 " " Adjust the default indentation for comments. Set the comments for html to " look like this: " " <!-- " - comment here " --> " setl comments=sr:<!--,m:-,e:--> let b:blockCommentStartRE = '<!--' let b:blockCommentMiddleRE = '-' let b:blockCommentEndRE = '-->' let b:blockCommentMiddleExtra = 3 " Specify the syntax names for html comments and strings let b:blockCommentRE = 'htmlComment' let b:commentRE = b:blockCommentRE let b:stringRE = 'htmlString' let b:singleQuoteStringRE = b:stringRE let b:doubleQuoteStringRE = b:stringRE