# FILE: autoload/conque_term/conque_sole_subprocess.py # AUTHOR: Nico Raffo # WEBSITE: http://conque.googlecode.com # MODIFIED: 2011-09-02 # VERSION: 2.3, for Vim 7.0 # LICENSE: # Conque - Vim terminal/console emulator # Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nico Raffo # # MIT License # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. """ ConqueSoleSubprocess Creates a new subprocess with it's own (hidden) console window. Mirrors console window text onto a block of shared memory (mmap), along with text attribute data. Also handles translation of text input into the format Windows console expects. Sample Usage: sh = ConqueSoleSubprocess() sh.open("cmd.exe", "unique_str") shm_in = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(mem_key = "unique_str", mem_type = "input", ...) shm_out = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(mem_key = "unique_str", mem_type = "output", ...) output = shm_out.read(...) shm_in.write("dir\r") output = shm_out.read(...) """ import time import re import os import ctypes from conque_globals import * from conque_win32_util import * from conque_sole_shared_memory import * class ConqueSoleSubprocess(): # subprocess handle and pid handle = None pid = None # input / output handles stdin = None stdout = None # size of console window window_width = 160 window_height = 40 # max lines for the console buffer buffer_width = 160 buffer_height = 100 # keep track of the buffer number at the top of the window top = 0 line_offset = 0 # buffer height is CONQUE_SOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH * output_blocks output_blocks = 1 # cursor position cursor_line = 0 cursor_col = 0 # console data, array of lines data = [] # console attribute data, array of array of int attributes = [] attribute_cache = {} # default attribute default_attribute = 7 # shared memory objects shm_input = None shm_output = None shm_attributes = None shm_stats = None shm_command = None shm_rescroll = None shm_resize = None # are we still a valid process? is_alive = True # running in fast mode fast_mode = 0 # used for periodic execution of screen and memory redrawing screen_redraw_ct = 0 mem_redraw_ct = 0 def open(self, cmd, mem_key, options={}): """ Create subproccess running in hidden console window. """ self.reset = True try: # if we're already attached to a console, then unattach try: ctypes.windll.kernel32.FreeConsole() except: pass # set buffer height self.buffer_height = CONQUE_SOLE_BUFFER_LENGTH if 'LINES' in options and 'COLUMNS' in options: self.window_width = options['COLUMNS'] self.window_height = options['LINES'] self.buffer_width = options['COLUMNS'] # fast mode self.fast_mode = options['FAST_MODE'] # console window options si = STARTUPINFO() # hide window si.dwFlags |= STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE #si.wShowWindow = SW_MINIMIZE # process options flags = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT | CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE # created process info pi = PROCESS_INFORMATION() # create the process! res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.CreateProcessW(None, u(cmd), None, None, 0, flags, None, u('.'), ctypes.byref(si), ctypes.byref(pi)) # process info self.pid = pi.dwProcessId self.handle = pi.hProcess # attach ourselves to the new console # console is not immediately available for i in range(10): time.sleep(0.25) try: res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.AttachConsole(self.pid) break except: pass # get input / output handles self.stdout = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE) self.stdin = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE) # set buffer size size = COORD(self.buffer_width, self.buffer_height) res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(self.stdout, size) # prev set size call needs to process time.sleep(0.2) # set window size self.set_window_size(self.window_width, self.window_height) # set utf-8 code page if 'CODE_PAGE' in options and options['CODE_PAGE'] > 0: if ctypes.windll.kernel32.IsValidCodePage(ctypes.c_uint(options['CODE_PAGE'])): ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCP(ctypes.c_uint(options['CODE_PAGE'])) ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleOutputCP(ctypes.c_uint(options['CODE_PAGE'])) # init shared memory self.init_shared_memory(mem_key) # init read buffers self.tc = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(self.buffer_width) self.ac = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(self.buffer_width) return True except: return False def init_shared_memory(self, mem_key): """ Create shared memory objects. """ self.shm_input = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(CONQUE_SOLE_INPUT_SIZE, 'input', mem_key) self.shm_input.create('write') self.shm_input.clear() self.shm_output = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(self.buffer_height * self.buffer_width, 'output', mem_key, True) self.shm_output.create('write') self.shm_output.clear() if not self.fast_mode: buf_info = self.get_buffer_info() self.shm_attributes = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(self.buffer_height * self.buffer_width, 'attributes', mem_key, True, chr(buf_info.wAttributes), encoding='latin-1') self.shm_attributes.create('write') self.shm_attributes.clear() self.shm_stats = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(CONQUE_SOLE_STATS_SIZE, 'stats', mem_key, serialize=True) self.shm_stats.create('write') self.shm_stats.clear() self.shm_command = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(CONQUE_SOLE_COMMANDS_SIZE, 'command', mem_key, serialize=True) self.shm_command.create('write') self.shm_command.clear() self.shm_resize = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(CONQUE_SOLE_RESIZE_SIZE, 'resize', mem_key, serialize=True) self.shm_resize.create('write') self.shm_resize.clear() self.shm_rescroll = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(CONQUE_SOLE_RESCROLL_SIZE, 'rescroll', mem_key, serialize=True) self.shm_rescroll.create('write') self.shm_rescroll.clear() return True def check_commands(self): """ Check for and process commands from Vim. """ cmd = self.shm_command.read() if cmd: # shut it all down if cmd['cmd'] == 'close': # clear command self.shm_command.clear() self.close() return cmd = self.shm_resize.read() if cmd: # clear command self.shm_resize.clear() # resize console if cmd['cmd'] == 'resize': # only change buffer width if it's larger if cmd['data']['width'] > self.buffer_width: self.buffer_width = cmd['data']['width'] # always change console width and height self.window_width = cmd['data']['width'] self.window_height = cmd['data']['height'] # reset the console buf_info = self.get_buffer_info() self.reset_console(buf_info, add_block=False) def read(self): """ Read from windows console and update shared memory blocks. """ # no point really if self.screen_redraw_ct == 0 and not self.is_alive(): stats = {'top_offset': 0, 'default_attribute': 0, 'cursor_x': 0, 'cursor_y': self.cursor_line, 'is_alive': 0} self.shm_stats.write(stats) return # check for commands self.check_commands() # get cursor position buf_info = self.get_buffer_info() curs_line = buf_info.dwCursorPosition.Y curs_col = buf_info.dwCursorPosition.X # set update range if curs_line != self.cursor_line or self.top != buf_info.srWindow.Top or self.screen_redraw_ct == CONQUE_SOLE_SCREEN_REDRAW: self.screen_redraw_ct = 0 read_start = self.top read_end = max([buf_info.srWindow.Bottom + 1, curs_line + 1]) else: read_start = curs_line read_end = curs_line + 1 # vars used in for loop coord = COORD(0, 0) chars_read = ctypes.c_int(0) # read new data for i in range(read_start, read_end): coord.Y = i res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadConsoleOutputCharacterW(self.stdout, ctypes.byref(self.tc), self.buffer_width, coord, ctypes.byref(chars_read)) if not self.fast_mode: ctypes.windll.kernel32.ReadConsoleOutputAttribute(self.stdout, ctypes.byref(self.ac), self.buffer_width, coord, ctypes.byref(chars_read)) t = self.tc.value if not self.fast_mode: a = self.ac.value # add data if i >= len(self.data): for j in range(len(self.data), i + 1): self.data.append('') if not self.fast_mode: self.attributes.append('') self.data[i] = t if not self.fast_mode: self.attributes[i] = a #for i in range(0, len(t)): # write new output to shared memory try: if self.mem_redraw_ct == CONQUE_SOLE_MEM_REDRAW: self.mem_redraw_ct = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.data)): self.shm_output.write(text=self.data[i], start=self.buffer_width * i) if not self.fast_mode: self.shm_attributes.write(text=self.attributes[i], start=self.buffer_width * i) else: for i in range(read_start, read_end): self.shm_output.write(text=self.data[i], start=self.buffer_width * i) if not self.fast_mode: self.shm_attributes.write(text=self.attributes[i], start=self.buffer_width * i) #self.shm_output.write(text=''.join(self.data[read_start:read_end]), start=read_start * self.buffer_width) #self.shm_attributes.write(text=''.join(self.attributes[read_start:read_end]), start=read_start * self.buffer_width) # write cursor position to shared memory stats = {'top_offset': buf_info.srWindow.Top, 'default_attribute': buf_info.wAttributes, 'cursor_x': curs_col, 'cursor_y': curs_line, 'is_alive': 1} self.shm_stats.write(stats) # adjust screen position self.top = buf_info.srWindow.Top self.cursor_line = curs_line # check for reset if curs_line > buf_info.dwSize.Y - 200: self.reset_console(buf_info) except: pass # increment redraw counters self.screen_redraw_ct += 1 self.mem_redraw_ct += 1 return None def reset_console(self, buf_info, add_block=True): """ Extend the height of the current console if the cursor postion gets within 200 lines of the current size. """ # sometimes we just want to change the buffer width, # in which case no need to add another block if add_block: self.output_blocks += 1 # close down old memory self.shm_output.close() self.shm_output = None if not self.fast_mode: self.shm_attributes.close() self.shm_attributes = None # new shared memory key mem_key = 'mk' + str(time.time()) # reallocate memory self.shm_output = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(self.buffer_height * self.buffer_width * self.output_blocks, 'output', mem_key, True) self.shm_output.create('write') self.shm_output.clear() # backfill data if len(self.data[0]) < self.buffer_width: for i in range(0, len(self.data)): self.data[i] = self.data[i] + ' ' * (self.buffer_width - len(self.data[i])) self.shm_output.write(''.join(self.data)) if not self.fast_mode: self.shm_attributes = ConqueSoleSharedMemory(self.buffer_height * self.buffer_width * self.output_blocks, 'attributes', mem_key, True, chr(buf_info.wAttributes), encoding='latin-1') self.shm_attributes.create('write') self.shm_attributes.clear() # backfill attributes if len(self.attributes[0]) < self.buffer_width: for i in range(0, len(self.attributes)): self.attributes[i] = self.attributes[i] + chr(buf_info.wAttributes) * (self.buffer_width - len(self.attributes[i])) if not self.fast_mode: self.shm_attributes.write(''.join(self.attributes)) # notify wrapper of new output block self.shm_rescroll.write({'cmd': 'new_output', 'data': {'blocks': self.output_blocks, 'mem_key': mem_key}}) # set buffer size size = COORD(X=self.buffer_width, Y=self.buffer_height * self.output_blocks) res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleScreenBufferSize(self.stdout, size) # prev set size call needs to process time.sleep(0.2) # set window size self.set_window_size(self.window_width, self.window_height) # init read buffers self.tc = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(self.buffer_width) self.ac = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(self.buffer_width) def write(self): """ Write text to console. This function just parses out special sequences for special key events and passes on the text to the plain or virtual key functions. """ # get input from shared mem text = self.shm_input.read() # nothing to do here if text == u(''): return # clear input queue self.shm_input.clear() # split on VK codes chunks = CONQUE_WIN32_REGEX_VK.split(text) # if len() is one then no vks if len(chunks) == 1: self.write_plain(text) return # loop over chunks and delegate for t in chunks: if t == '': continue if CONQUE_WIN32_REGEX_VK.match(t): self.write_vk(t[2:-2]) else: self.write_plain(t) def write_plain(self, text): """ Write simple text to subprocess. """ li = INPUT_RECORD * len(text) list_input = li() for i in range(0, len(text)): # create keyboard input ke = KEY_EVENT_RECORD() ke.bKeyDown = ctypes.c_byte(1) ke.wRepeatCount = ctypes.c_short(1) cnum = ord(text[i]) ke.wVirtualKeyCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanW(cnum) ke.wVirtualScanCode = ctypes.c_short(ctypes.windll.user32.MapVirtualKeyW(int(cnum), 0)) if cnum > 31: ke.uChar.UnicodeChar = uchr(cnum) elif cnum == 3: ctypes.windll.kernel32.GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(0, self.pid) ke.uChar.UnicodeChar = uchr(cnum) ke.wVirtualKeyCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanW(cnum + 96) ke.dwControlKeyState |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED else: ke.uChar.UnicodeChar = uchr(cnum) if cnum in CONQUE_WINDOWS_VK_INV: ke.wVirtualKeyCode = cnum else: ke.wVirtualKeyCode = ctypes.windll.user32.VkKeyScanW(cnum + 96) ke.dwControlKeyState |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED kc = INPUT_RECORD(KEY_EVENT) kc.Event.KeyEvent = ke list_input[i] = kc # write input array events_written = ctypes.c_int() res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleInputW(self.stdin, list_input, len(text), ctypes.byref(events_written)) def write_vk(self, vk_code): """ Write special characters to console subprocess. """ code = None ctrl_pressed = False # this could be made more generic when more attributes # other than ctrl_pressed are available vk_attributes = vk_code.split(';') for attr in vk_attributes: if attr == CONQUE_VK_ATTR_CTRL_PRESSED: ctrl_pressed = True else: code = attr li = INPUT_RECORD * 1 # create keyboard input ke = KEY_EVENT_RECORD() ke.uChar.UnicodeChar = uchr(0) ke.wVirtualKeyCode = ctypes.c_short(int(code)) ke.wVirtualScanCode = ctypes.c_short(ctypes.windll.user32.MapVirtualKeyW(int(code), 0)) ke.bKeyDown = ctypes.c_byte(1) ke.wRepeatCount = ctypes.c_short(1) # set enhanced key mode for arrow keys if code in CONQUE_WINDOWS_VK_ENHANCED: ke.dwControlKeyState |= ENHANCED_KEY if ctrl_pressed: ke.dwControlKeyState |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED kc = INPUT_RECORD(KEY_EVENT) kc.Event.KeyEvent = ke list_input = li(kc) # write input array events_written = ctypes.c_int() res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WriteConsoleInputW(self.stdin, list_input, 1, ctypes.byref(events_written)) def close(self): """ Close all running subproccesses """ # record status self.is_alive = False try: stats = {'top_offset': 0, 'default_attribute': 0, 'cursor_x': 0, 'cursor_y': self.cursor_line, 'is_alive': 0} self.shm_stats.write(stats) except: pass pid_list = (ctypes.c_int * 10)() num = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleProcessList(pid_list, 10) current_pid = os.getpid() # kill subprocess pids for pid in pid_list[0:num]: if not pid: break # kill current pid last if pid == current_pid: continue try: self.close_pid(pid) except: pass # kill this process try: self.close_pid(current_pid) except: pass def close_pid(self, pid): """ Terminate a single process. """ handle = ctypes.windll.kernel32.OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, 0, pid) ctypes.windll.kernel32.TerminateProcess(handle, -1) ctypes.windll.kernel32.CloseHandle(handle) def is_alive(self): """ Check process health. """ status = ctypes.windll.kernel32.WaitForSingleObject(self.handle, 1) if status == 0: self.is_alive = False return self.is_alive def get_screen_text(self): """ Return screen data as string. """ return "\n".join(self.data) def set_window_size(self, width, height): """ Change Windows console size. """ # get current window size object window_size = SMALL_RECT(0, 0, 0, 0) # buffer info has maximum window size data buf_info = self.get_buffer_info() # set top left corner window_size.Top = 0 window_size.Left = 0 # set bottom right corner if buf_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X < width: window_size.Right = buf_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.X - 1 else: window_size.Right = width - 1 if buf_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y < height: window_size.Bottom = buf_info.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y - 1 else: window_size.Bottom = height - 1 # set the window size! res = ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetConsoleWindowInfo(self.stdout, ctypes.c_bool(True), ctypes.byref(window_size)) # reread buffer info to get final console max lines buf_info = self.get_buffer_info() self.window_width = buf_info.srWindow.Right + 1 self.window_height = buf_info.srWindow.Bottom + 1 def get_buffer_info(self): """ Retrieve commonly-used buffer information. """ buf_info = CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO() ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.stdout, ctypes.byref(buf_info)) return buf_info