function secure_source () { if [ -e $1 ]; then source $1 fi } function contains() { local n=$# local value=${!n} for ((i=1;i < $#;i++)) { if [ "${!i}" == "${value}" ]; then echo "y" return 0 fi } echo "n" return 1 } function getIP () { echo $(grep $1 ~/.ssh/config -A 1 | tail -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3) } function getServerName () { echo $(grep $1 ~/.ssh/config -B 1 | head -1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 3) } function ssh_exec_by_file () { ssh -t $1 "bash -s" -- < $2 } function ss_connect () { (killall sslocal 2>&1) >/dev/null IP=$(getIP $1) SERVER_PORT=${2:-443} METHOD=${4:-'aes-256-cfb'} if [ "$3" != "" ]; then SERVER_PASS=$3 else SERVER_PASS=$SS_PASS fi cat > /tmp/config.json << EOT { "server" : "$IP", "server_port": $SERVER_PORT, "local_port": 1080, "password" : "$SERVER_PASS", "timeout": 600, "method" : "$METHOD" } EOT shadowsocks-local -c /tmp/config.json } #A=("one" "two" "three four") #if [ $(contains "${A[@]}" "one") == "y" ]; then #echo "contains one" #fi #if [ $(contains "${A[@]}" "three") == "y" ]; then #echo "contains three" #fi function cp_container() { sourceName=$1 targetName=$2 cp $sourceName $targetName -r cd $targetName mv ${sourceName}.scss ${targetName}.scss mv ${sourceName}.js ${targetName}.js cd .. } function sync(){ server=$1 branch=$2 if [ "$branch" = "" ]; then branch=master fi git checkout $branch git add .; gca! --no-edit; gpu $branch --force; ssh $server "cd /root/No.497-H5-yuejian; git checkout -f $branch; git fetch upstream $branch; git reset upstream/$branch --hard;" } function test_proxy() { curl } function set_proxy() { export all_proxy= # export https_proxy=socks5:// # export http_proxy=socks5:// } function set_ss_proxy() { export https_proxy=socks5:// export http_proxy=socks5:// } function unset_proxy() { unset all_proxy } function install_jsctags { npm install jsctags -g # # gsed -i '51i tags: [],' ./node_modules/jsctags/jsctags/ctags/index.js } function post { curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d $1 $2 } function git-set-remote { git remote rm origin git remote rm upstream git remote add origin $1 git remote add upstream $1 } function search_installed_packages { dpkg --get-selections | grep $1 } function delete_packages { sudo apt remove `_search_installed_packages $1 | cut -f 1 | tr "\n" " "` } function gem_source_to_taobao { gem source -r gem source -a } function set_anonymous { git filter-branch --env-filter ' if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME" = "ralletstellar" ]; then \ export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Anonymous" GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL=""; \ fi ' } function genAndroidKeystore { keytool -genkey -v -keystore /tmp/.keystore -alias rallets -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000 } function delete_except_latest { total=`ll | wc -l` num_to_delete=$((total-$1)) ls -t | tail -n $num_to_delete | xargs rm } function strip_color() { sed "s,$(printf '\033')\\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z],,g" } function docker_rm_all() { docker rm -f `docker ps --no-trunc -aq` } function recursive_replace { if [ "$#" -ne 3 ]; then echo "recursive_replace \"FILE_PATTERN\" BEFORE AFTER" return fi print "Filename's regex pattern is: $1" print "String to be replaced: $2" print "String replaced to: $3" find -iregex $1 -type f -exec sed -i "s/$2/$3/g" {} + } function git-change-module-remote() { git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.$1.url $2 git config --file=.gitmodules submodule.$1.branch $3 git submodule sync git submodule update --init --recursive --remote } function replace() { ag -l -G $1 | xargs sed -ri.bak -e "s/$2/$3/g" } function markdown-preview() { cat $1 | instant-markdown-d > /dev/null 2>&1 } function swap() { if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: swap file1 file2" else local TMPFILE=$(mktemp) mv "$1" $TMPFILE mv "$2" "$1" mv $TMPFILE "$2" fi }