" FILE: autoload/conque_term.vim {{{ " AUTHOR: Nico Raffo " WEBSITE: http://conque.googlecode.com " MODIFIED: 2011-09-02 " VERSION: 2.3, for Vim 7.0 " LICENSE: " Conque - Vim terminal/console emulator " Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Nico Raffo " " MIT License " " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal " in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights " to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell " copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, " OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN " THE SOFTWARE. " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** GLOBAL INITIALIZATION ******************************************************************************* " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ " load plugin file if it hasn't already been loaded (e.g. conque_term#foo() is used in .vimrc) if !exists('g:ConqueTerm_Loaded') runtime! plugin/conque_term.vim endif " path to conque install directories let s:scriptdir = expand(":h") . '/' let s:scriptdirpy = expand(":h") . '/conque_term/' " global list of terminal instances let s:term_obj = {'idx': 1, 'var': '', 'is_buffer': 1, 'active': 1, 'buffer_name': '', 'command': ''} let g:ConqueTerm_Terminals = {} " global lists of registered functions let s:hooks = { 'after_startup': [], 'buffer_enter': [], 'buffer_leave': [], 'after_keymap': [] } " required for session support if g:ConqueTerm_SessionSupport == 1 set sessionoptions+=globals try sil! let s:saved_terminals = eval(g:ConqueTerm_TerminalsString) catch let s:saved_terminals = {} endtry endif " more session support let g:ConqueTerm_TerminalsString = '' " init terminal counter let g:ConqueTerm_Idx = 0 " we clobber this value later let s:save_updatetime = &updatetime " have we called the init() function yet? let s:initialized = 0 " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** SYSTEM DETECTION ************************************************************************************ " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ " Display various error messages function! conque_term#fail(feature) " {{{ " create a new buffer new setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal nonumber setlocal foldcolumn=0 setlocal wrap setlocal noswapfile " missing vim features if a:feature == 'python' call append('$', 'Conque ERROR: Python interface cannot be loaded') call append('$', '') if !executable("python") call append('$', 'Your version of Vim appears to be installed without the Python interface. In ') call append('$', 'addition, you may need to install Python.') else call append('$', 'Your version of Vim appears to be installed without the Python interface.') endif call append('$', '') if has('unix') == 1 call append('$', "You are using a Unix-like operating system. Most, if not all, of the popular ") call append('$', "Linux package managers have Python-enabled Vim available. For example ") call append('$', "vim-gnome or vim-gtk on Ubuntu will get you everything you need.") call append('$', "") call append('$', "If you are compiling Vim from source, make sure you use the --enable-pythoninterp ") call append('$', "configure option. You will also need to install Python and the Python headers.") call append('$', "") call append('$', "If you are using OS X, MacVim will give you Python support by default.") else call append('$', "You appear to be using Windows. The official Vim 7.3 installer available at ") call append('$', "http://www.vim.org comes with the required Python interfaces. You will also ") call append('$', "need to install Python 2.7 and/or Python 3.1, both available at http://www.python.org") endif elseif a:feature == 'python_exe' call append('$', "Conque ERROR: Can't find Python executable") call append('$', "") call append('$', "Conque needs to know the full path to python.exe on Windows systems. By default, ") call append('$', "Conque will check your system path as well as the most common installation path ") call append('$', "C:\\PythonXX\\python.exe. To fix this error either:") call append('$', "") call append('$', "Set the g:ConqueTerm_PyExe option in your .vimrc. E.g.") call append('$', " let g:ConqueTerm_PyExe = 'C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe'") call append('$', "") call append('$', "Add the directory where you installed python to your system path. This isn't a bad ") call append('$', "idea in general.") elseif a:feature == 'ctypes' call append('$', 'Conque ERROR: Python cannot load the ctypes module') call append('$', "") call append('$', "Conque requires the 'ctypes' python module. This has been a standard module since Python 2.5.") call append('$', "") call append('$', "The recommended fix is to make sure you're using the latest official GVim version 7.3, ") call append('$', "and have at least one of the two compatible versions of Python installed, ") call append('$', "2.7 or 3.1. You can download the GVim 7.3 installer from http://www.vim.org. You ") call append('$', "can download the Python 2.7 or 3.1 installer from http://www.python.org") endif endfunction " }}} " Go through various system checks before attempting to launch conque function! conque_term#dependency_check() " {{{ " don't recheck the second time 'round if s:initialized == 1 return 1 endif " choose a python version let s:py = '' if g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion == 3 let pytest = 'python3' else let pytest = 'python' let g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion = 2 endif " first test the requested version if has(pytest) if pytest == 'python3' let s:py = 'py3' else let s:py = 'py' endif " otherwise use the other version else let py_alternate = 5 - g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion if py_alternate == 3 let pytest = 'python3' else let pytest = 'python' endif if has(pytest) echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Python " . g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion . " interface is not installed, using Python " . py_alternate . " instead" | echohl None let g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion = py_alternate if pytest == 'python3' let s:py = 'py3' else let s:py = 'py' endif endif endif " test if we actually found a python version if s:py == '' call conque_term#fail('python') return 0 endif " quick and dirty platform declaration if has('unix') == 1 let s:platform = 'unix' sil exe s:py . " CONQUE_PLATFORM = 'unix'" else let s:platform = 'windows' sil exe s:py . " CONQUE_PLATFORM = 'windows'" endif " if we're using Windows, make sure ctypes is available if s:platform == 'windows' try sil exe s:py . " import ctypes" catch call conque_term#fail('ctypes') return 0 endtry endif " if we're using Windows, make sure we can finde python executable if s:platform == 'windows' && conque_term#find_python_exe() == '' call conque_term#fail('python_exe') return 0 endif " check for global cursorhold/cursormove events let o = '' silent redir => o silent autocmd CursorHoldI,CursorMovedI redir END for line in split(o, "\n") if line =~ '^ ' || line =~ '^--' || line =~ 'matchparen' continue endif if g:ConqueTerm_StartMessages echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Warning: Global CursorHoldI and CursorMovedI autocommands may cause ConqueTerm to run slowly." | echohl None endif endfor " check for compatible mode if &compatible == 1 echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Warning: Conque may not function normally in 'compatible' mode." | echohl None endif " check for fast mode if g:ConqueTerm_FastMode sil exe s:py . " CONQUE_FAST_MODE = True" else sil exe s:py . " CONQUE_FAST_MODE = False" endif " if we're all good, load python files call conque_term#load_python() return 1 endfunction " }}} " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** STARTUP MESSAGES ************************************************************************************ " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ "if g:ConqueTerm_StartMessages " let msg_file = s:scriptdirpy . 'version.vim' " let msg_show = 1 " let msg_ct = 1 " " " we can write to conque_term directory " if filewritable(s:scriptdirpy) == 2 " " if filewritable(msg_file) " " " read current message file " try " silent execute "source " . msg_file " if exists('g:ConqueTerm_MsgCt') && exists('g:ConqueTerm_MsgVer') " if g:ConqueTerm_MsgVer == g:ConqueTerm_Version && g:ConqueTerm_MsgCt > 2 " let msg_show = 0 " else " let msg_ct = g:ConqueTerm_MsgCt + 1 " endif " endif " catch " endtry " endif " " " update message file " if msg_show " let file_contents = ['let g:ConqueTerm_MsgCt = ' . msg_ct, 'let g:ConqueTerm_MsgVer = ' . g:ConqueTerm_Version] " call writefile(file_contents, msg_file) " endif " endif " " " save our final decision " let g:ConqueTerm_StartMessages = msg_show "endif " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** WINDOWS VK CODES ************************************************************************************ " ********************************************************************************************************** " Windows Virtual Key Codes {{{ let s:windows_vk = { \ 'VK_ADD' : 107, \ 'VK_APPS' : 93, \ 'VK_ATTN' : 246, \ 'VK_BACK' : 8, \ 'VK_BROWSER_BACK' : 166, \ 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD' : 167, \ 'VK_CANCEL' : 3, \ 'VK_CAPITAL' : 20, \ 'VK_CLEAR' : 12, \ 'VK_CONTROL' : 17, \ 'VK_CONVERT' : 28, \ 'VK_CRSEL' : 247, \ 'VK_DECIMAL' : 110, \ 'VK_DELETE' : 46, \ 'VK_DIVIDE' : 111, \ 'VK_DOWN' : 40, \ 'VK_DOWN_CTL' : '40;1024', \ 'VK_END' : 35, \ 'VK_EREOF' : 249, \ 'VK_ESCAPE' : 27, \ 'VK_EXECUTE' : 43, \ 'VK_EXSEL' : 248, \ 'VK_F1' : 112, \ 'VK_F10' : 121, \ 'VK_F11' : 122, \ 'VK_F12' : 123, \ 'VK_F13' : 124, \ 'VK_F14' : 125, \ 'VK_F15' : 126, \ 'VK_F16' : 127, \ 'VK_F17' : 128, \ 'VK_F18' : 129, \ 'VK_F19' : 130, \ 'VK_F2' : 113, \ 'VK_F20' : 131, \ 'VK_F21' : 132, \ 'VK_F22' : 133, \ 'VK_F23' : 134, \ 'VK_F24' : 135, \ 'VK_F3' : 114, \ 'VK_F4' : 115, \ 'VK_F5' : 116, \ 'VK_F6' : 117, \ 'VK_F7' : 118, \ 'VK_F8' : 119, \ 'VK_F9' : 120, \ 'VK_FINAL' : 24, \ 'VK_HANGEUL' : 21, \ 'VK_HANGUL' : 21, \ 'VK_HANJA' : 25, \ 'VK_HELP' : 47, \ 'VK_HOME' : 36, \ 'VK_INSERT' : 45, \ 'VK_JUNJA' : 23, \ 'VK_KANA' : 21, \ 'VK_KANJI' : 25, \ 'VK_LBUTTON' : 1, \ 'VK_LCONTROL' : 162, \ 'VK_LEFT' : 37, \ 'VK_LEFT_CTL' : '37;1024', \ 'VK_LMENU' : 164, \ 'VK_LSHIFT' : 160, \ 'VK_LWIN' : 91, \ 'VK_MBUTTON' : 4, \ 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK' : 176, \ 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE' : 179, \ 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK' : 177, \ 'VK_MENU' : 18, \ 'VK_MODECHANGE' : 31, \ 'VK_MULTIPLY' : 106, \ 'VK_NEXT' : 34, \ 'VK_NONAME' : 252, \ 'VK_NONCONVERT' : 29, \ 'VK_NUMLOCK' : 144, \ 'VK_NUMPAD0' : 96, \ 'VK_NUMPAD1' : 97, \ 'VK_NUMPAD2' : 98, \ 'VK_NUMPAD3' : 99, \ 'VK_NUMPAD4' : 100, \ 'VK_NUMPAD5' : 101, \ 'VK_NUMPAD6' : 102, \ 'VK_NUMPAD7' : 103, \ 'VK_NUMPAD8' : 104, \ 'VK_NUMPAD9' : 105, \ 'VK_OEM_CLEAR' : 254, \ 'VK_PA1' : 253, \ 'VK_PAUSE' : 19, \ 'VK_PLAY' : 250, \ 'VK_PRINT' : 42, \ 'VK_PRIOR' : 33, \ 'VK_PROCESSKEY' : 229, \ 'VK_RBUTTON' : 2, \ 'VK_RCONTROL' : 163, \ 'VK_RETURN' : 13, \ 'VK_RIGHT' : 39, \ 'VK_RIGHT_CTL' : '39;1024', \ 'VK_RMENU' : 165, \ 'VK_RSHIFT' : 161, \ 'VK_RWIN' : 92, \ 'VK_SCROLL' : 145, \ 'VK_SELECT' : 41, \ 'VK_SEPARATOR' : 108, \ 'VK_SHIFT' : 16, \ 'VK_SNAPSHOT' : 44, \ 'VK_SPACE' : 32, \ 'VK_SUBTRACT' : 109, \ 'VK_TAB' : 9, \ 'VK_UP' : 38, \ 'VK_UP_CTL' : '38;1024', \ 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN' : 174, \ 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE' : 173, \ 'VK_VOLUME_UP' : 175, \ 'VK_XBUTTON1' : 5, \ 'VK_XBUTTON2' : 6, \ 'VK_ZOOM' : 251 \ } " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** ACTUAL CONQUE FUNCTIONS! *************************************************************************** " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ " launch conque function! conque_term#open(...) "{{{ let command = get(a:000, 0, '') let vim_startup_commands = get(a:000, 1, []) let return_to_current = get(a:000, 2, 0) let is_buffer = get(a:000, 3, 1) " dependency check if !conque_term#dependency_check() return 0 endif " switch to buffer if needed if is_buffer && return_to_current let save_sb = &switchbuf sil set switchbuf=usetab let current_buffer = bufname("%") endif " bare minimum validation if s:py == '' echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Conque requires the Python interface to be installed. See :help ConqueTerm for more information." | echohl None return 0 endif if empty(command) echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Invalid usage: no program path given. Use :ConqueTerm YOUR PROGRAM, e.g. :ConqueTerm ipython" | echohl None return 0 else let cmd_args = split(command, '[^\\]\@<=\s') let cmd_args[0] = substitute(cmd_args[0], '\\ ', ' ', 'g') if !executable(cmd_args[0]) echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Not an executable: " . cmd_args[0] | echohl None return 0 endif endif " initialize global identifiers let g:ConqueTerm_Idx += 1 let g:ConqueTerm_Var = 'ConqueTerm_' . g:ConqueTerm_Idx let g:ConqueTerm_BufName = substitute(command, ' ', '\\ ', 'g') . "\\ -\\ " . g:ConqueTerm_Idx " initialize global mappings if needed call conque_term#init() " set Vim buffer window options if is_buffer call conque_term#set_buffer_settings(command, vim_startup_commands) let b:ConqueTerm_Idx = g:ConqueTerm_Idx let b:ConqueTerm_Var = g:ConqueTerm_Var endif " save terminal instance let t_obj = conque_term#create_terminal_object(g:ConqueTerm_Idx, is_buffer, g:ConqueTerm_BufName, command) let g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[g:ConqueTerm_Idx] = t_obj " required for session support let g:ConqueTerm_TerminalsString = string(g:ConqueTerm_Terminals) " open command try let options = {} let options["TERM"] = g:ConqueTerm_TERM let options["CODE_PAGE"] = g:ConqueTerm_CodePage let options["color"] = g:ConqueTerm_Color let options["offset"] = 0 " g:ConqueTerm_StartMessages * 10 if s:platform == 'unix' execute s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . ' = Conque()' execute s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . ".open()" else " find python.exe and communicator let py_exe = conque_term#find_python_exe() let py_vim = s:scriptdirpy . 'conque_sole_communicator.py' execute s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . ' = ConqueSole()' execute s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . ".open()" if g:ConqueTerm_ColorMode == 'conceal' call conque_term#init_conceal_color() endif endif catch echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "An error occurred: " . command | echohl None return 0 endtry " set key mappings and auto commands if is_buffer call conque_term#set_mappings('start') endif " call user defined functions call conque_term#call_hooks('after_startup', t_obj) " switch to buffer if needed if is_buffer && return_to_current sil exe ":sb " . current_buffer sil exe ":set switchbuf=" . save_sb elseif is_buffer startinsert! endif return t_obj endfunction "}}} " open(), but no buffer function! conque_term#subprocess(command) " {{{ let t_obj = conque_term#open(a:command, [], 0, 0) if !exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') call conque_term#on_blur() sil exe s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . '.idle()' endif return t_obj endfunction " }}} " set buffer options function! conque_term#set_buffer_settings(command, vim_startup_commands) "{{{ " optional hooks to execute, e.g. 'split' for h in a:vim_startup_commands sil exe h endfor sil exe 'edit ++enc=utf-8 ' . g:ConqueTerm_BufName " buffer settings setlocal fileencoding=utf-8 " file encoding, even tho there's no file setlocal nopaste " conque won't work in paste mode setlocal buftype=nofile " this buffer is not a file, you can't save it setlocal nonumber " hide line numbers if v:version >= 703 setlocal norelativenumber " hide relative line numbers (VIM >= 7.3) endif setlocal foldcolumn=0 " reasonable left margin setlocal nowrap " default to no wrap (esp with MySQL) setlocal noswapfile " don't bother creating a .swp file setlocal scrolloff=0 " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected setlocal sidescrolloff=0 " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected setlocal sidescroll=1 " don't use buffer lines. it makes the 'clear' command not work as expected setlocal foldmethod=manual " don't fold on {{{}}} and stuff setlocal bufhidden=hide " when buffer is no longer displayed, don't wipe it out setlocal noreadonly " this is not actually a readonly buffer if v:version >= 703 setlocal conceallevel=3 setlocal concealcursor=nic endif if g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused set cpoptions+=I " Don't remove autoindent when moving cursor up and down endif setfiletype conque_term " useful sil exe "setlocal syntax=" . g:ConqueTerm_Syntax " temporary global settings go in here call conque_term#on_focus(1) endfunction " }}} " send normal character key press to terminal function! conque_term#key_press() "{{{ sil exe s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write_buffered_ord(" . char2nr(v:char) . ")" sil let v:char = '' endfunction " }}} " set key mappings and auto commands function! conque_term#set_mappings(action) "{{{ " set action {{{ if a:action == 'toggle' if exists('b:conque_on') && b:conque_on == 1 let l:action = 'stop' echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Terminal is paused" | echohl None else let l:action = 'start' echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Terminal is resumed" | echohl None endif else let l:action = a:action endif " if mappings are being removed, add 'un' let map_modifier = 'nore' if l:action == 'stop' let map_modifier = 'un' endif " }}} " auto commands {{{ if l:action == 'stop' sil exe 'autocmd! ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var else sil exe 'augroup ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var " handle unexpected closing of shell, passes HUP to parent and all child processes sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufDelete call g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[' . b:ConqueTerm_Idx . '].close()' sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufUnload call g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[' . b:ConqueTerm_Idx . '].close()' " check for resized/scrolled buffer when entering buffer sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufEnter ' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.update_window_size()' sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' VimResized ' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.update_window_size()' " set/reset updatetime on entering/exiting buffer sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufEnter call conque_term#on_focus()' sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' BufLeave call conque_term#on_blur()' " reposition cursor when going into insert mode sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' InsertEnter ' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.insert_enter()' " poll for more output sil exe 'autocmd ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ' CursorHoldI ' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.auto_read()' endif " }}} " map ASCII 1-31 {{{ for c in range(1, 31) " if c == 27 || c == 3 continue endif if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_ord(' . c . ')' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif endfor " bonus mapping: send in normal mode to terminal as well for panic interrupts if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_ord(3)' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_ord(3)' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif " leave insert mode if !exists('g:ConqueTerm_EscKey') || g:ConqueTerm_EscKey == '' " use to send to terminal if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_ord(27)' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif else " use to send to terminal if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' . g:ConqueTerm_EscKey . ' ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_ord(27)' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' . g:ConqueTerm_EscKey sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif endif " Map in insert mode if exists('g:ConqueTerm_CWInsert') && g:ConqueTerm_CWInsert == 1 inoremap endif " }}} " map 33 and beyond {{{ if exists('##InsertCharPre') && g:ConqueTerm_InsertCharPre == 1 if l:action == 'start' autocmd InsertCharPre call conque_term#key_press() else autocmd! InsertCharPre endif else for i in range(33, 127) " if i == 124 if l:action == 'start' sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map :" . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write_ord(124)" else sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map " endif continue endif if l:action == 'start' sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map " . nr2char(i) . " :" . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . ".write_ord(" . i . ")" else sil exe "i" . map_modifier . "map " . nr2char(i) endif endfor endif " }}} " Special keys {{{ if l:action == 'start' if s:platform == 'unix' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x08"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u(" "))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x08"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u(" "))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[A"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[B"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[C"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[D"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1bOH"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1bOF"))' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x08"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u(" "))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x08"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u(" "))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_UP . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_DOWN . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_RIGHT . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_LEFT . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk("' . s:windows_vk.VK_UP_CTL . '")' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk("' . s:windows_vk.VK_DOWN_CTL . '")' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk("' . s:windows_vk.VK_RIGHT_CTL . '")' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk("' . s:windows_vk.VK_LEFT_CTL . '")' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_DELETE . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_HOME . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_END . ')' endif else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif " }}} " keys {{{ if g:ConqueTerm_SendFunctionKeys if l:action == 'start' if s:platform == 'unix' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[11~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[12~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("1b[13~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[14~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[15~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[17~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[18~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[19~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[20~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[21~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[23~"))' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write(u("\x1b[24~"))' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F1 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F2 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F3 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F4 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F5 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F6 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F7 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F8 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F9 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F10 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F11 . ')' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_vk(' . s:windows_vk.VK_F12 . ')' endif else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif endif " }}} " various global mappings {{{ " don't overwrite existing mappings if l:action == 'start' if maparg(g:ConqueTerm_SendVisKey, 'v') == '' sil exe 'v' . map_modifier . 'map ' . g:ConqueTerm_SendVisKey . ' :call conque_term#send_selected(visualmode())' endif if maparg(g:ConqueTerm_SendFileKey, 'n') == '' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map ' . g:ConqueTerm_SendFileKey . ' :call conque_term#send_file()' endif endif " }}} " remap paste keys {{{ if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map p :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@@")a' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map P :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@@")a' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map ]p :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@@")a' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map [p :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@@")a' else sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map p' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map P' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map ]p' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map [p' endif if has('gui_running') == 1 if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@+")a' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map :' . s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.write_expr("@+")a' else sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' sil exe 'i' . map_modifier . 'map ' endif endif " }}} " disable other normal mode keys which insert text {{{ if l:action == 'start' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map r :echo "Replace mode disabled in shell."' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map R :echo "Replace mode disabled in shell."' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map c :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map C :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map s :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map S :echo "Change mode disabled in shell."' else sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map r' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map R' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map c' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map C' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map s' sil exe 'n' . map_modifier . 'map S' endif " }}} " set conque as on or off {{{ if l:action == 'start' let b:conque_on = 1 else let b:conque_on = 0 endif " }}} " map command to toggle terminal key mappings {{{ if a:action == 'start' sil exe 'nnoremap ' . g:ConqueTerm_ToggleKey . ' :call conque_term#set_mappings("toggle")' endif " }}} " call user defined functions if l:action == 'start' call conque_term#call_hooks('after_keymap', conque_term#get_instance()) endif endfunction " }}} " Initialize global mappings. Should only be called once per Vim session function! conque_term#init() " {{{ if s:initialized == 1 return endif augroup ConqueTerm " abort any remaining running terminals when Vim exits autocmd ConqueTerm VimLeave * call conque_term#close_all() " read more output when this isn't the current buffer if g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused == 1 autocmd ConqueTerm CursorHold * call conque_term#read_all(0) endif let s:initialized = 1 endfunction " }}} " read from all known conque buffers function! conque_term#read_all(insert_mode) "{{{ for i in range(1, g:ConqueTerm_Idx) try if !g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].active continue endif let output = g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].read(1) if !g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].is_buffer && exists('*g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].callback') call g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].callback(output) endif catch " probably a deleted buffer endtry endfor " restart updatetime if a:insert_mode "call feedkeys("\f\e", "n") let p = getpos('.') if p[1] == 1 sil exe 'call feedkeys("\\", "n")' else sil exe 'call feedkeys("\\", "n")' endif call setpos('.', p) else call feedkeys("f\e", "n") endif endfunction "}}} " close all subprocesses function! conque_term#close_all() "{{{ for i in range(1, g:ConqueTerm_Idx) try call g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[i].close() catch " probably a deleted buffer endtry endfor endfunction "}}} " gets called when user enters conque buffer. " Useful for making temp changes to global config function! conque_term#on_focus(...) " {{{ let startup = get(a:000, 0, 0) " Disable NeoComplCache. It has global hooks on CursorHold and CursorMoved :-/ let s:NeoComplCache_WasEnabled = exists(':NeoComplCacheLock') if s:NeoComplCache_WasEnabled == 2 NeoComplCacheLock endif if g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused == 1 autocmd! ConqueTerm CursorHoldI * autocmd! ConqueTerm CursorHold * endif " set poll interval to 50ms set updatetime=50 " resume subprocess fast polling if startup == 0 && exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') sil exe s:py . ' ' . g:ConqueTerm_Var . '.resume()' endif " call user defined functions if startup == 0 call conque_term#call_hooks('buffer_enter', conque_term#get_instance()) endif " if configured, go into insert mode if g:ConqueTerm_InsertOnEnter == 1 startinsert! endif endfunction " }}} " gets called when user exits conque buffer. " Useful for resetting changes to global config function! conque_term#on_blur() " {{{ " re-enable NeoComplCache if needed if exists('s:NeoComplCache_WasEnabled') && exists(':NeoComplCacheUnlock') && s:NeoComplCache_WasEnabled == 2 NeoComplCacheUnlock endif " turn off subprocess fast polling if exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') sil exe s:py . ' ' . b:ConqueTerm_Var . '.idle()' endif " reset poll interval if g:ConqueTerm_ReadUnfocused == 1 set updatetime=1000 autocmd ConqueTerm CursorHoldI * call conque_term#read_all(1) autocmd ConqueTerm CursorHold * call conque_term#read_all(0) elseif exists('s:save_updatetime') exe 'set updatetime=' . s:save_updatetime else set updatetime=2000 endif " call user defined functions call conque_term#call_hooks('buffer_leave', conque_term#get_instance()) endfunction " }}} " bell event (^G) function! conque_term#bell() " {{{ echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "BELL!" | echohl None endfunction " }}} " register function to be called at conque events function! conque_term#register_function(event, function_name) " {{{ if !has_key(s:hooks, a:event) echomsg 'No such event: ' . a:event return endif if !exists('*' . a:function_name) echomsg 'No such function: ' . a:function_name) return endif " register the function call add(s:hooks[a:event], function(a:function_name)) endfunction " }}} " call hooks for an event function! conque_term#call_hooks(event, t_obj) " {{{ for Fu in s:hooks[a:event] call Fu(a:t_obj) endfor endfunction " }}} " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** Windows only functions ****************************************************************************** " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ " find python.exe in windows function! conque_term#find_python_exe() " {{{ " first check configuration for custom value if g:ConqueTerm_PyExe != '' && executable(g:ConqueTerm_PyExe) return g:ConqueTerm_PyExe endif let sys_paths = split($PATH, ';') " get exact python version sil exe ':' . s:py . ' import sys, vim' sil exe ':' . s:py . ' vim.command("let g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion = " + str(sys.version_info[0]) + str(sys.version_info[1]))' " ... and add to path list call add(sys_paths, 'C:\Python' . g:ConqueTerm_PyVersion) call reverse(sys_paths) " check if python.exe is in paths for path in sys_paths let cand = path . '\' . 'python.exe' if executable(cand) return cand endif endfor echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "Unable to find python.exe, see :help ConqueTerm_PythonExe for more information" | echohl None return '' endfunction " }}} " initialize concealed colors function! conque_term#init_conceal_color() " {{{ highlight link ConqueCCBG Normal " foreground colors, low intensity syn region ConqueCCF000 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf000;" end="\eef000;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF00c matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf00c;" end="\eef00c;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF0c0 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf0c0;" end="\eef0c0;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF0cc matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf0cc;" end="\eef0cc;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFc00 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esfc00;" end="\eefc00;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFc0c matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esfc0c;" end="\eefc0c;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFcc0 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esfcc0;" end="\eefcc0;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFccc matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esfccc;" end="\eefccc;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG " foreground colors, high intensity syn region ConqueCCF000 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf000;" end="\eef000;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF00f matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf00f;" end="\eef00f;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF0f0 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf0f0;" end="\eef0f0;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCF0ff matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esf0ff;" end="\eef0ff;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFf00 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esff00;" end="\eeff00;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFf0f matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esff0f;" end="\eeff0f;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFff0 matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esfff0;" end="\eefff0;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG syn region ConqueCCFfff matchgroup=ConqueConceal start="\esffff;" end="\eeffff;" concealends contains=ConqueCCBG " background colors, low intensity syn region ConqueCCB000 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb000;" end="\eeb000;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB00c matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb00c;" end="\eeb00c;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB0c0 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb0c0;" end="\eeb0c0;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB0cc matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb0cc;" end="\eeb0cc;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBc00 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbc00;" end="\eebc00;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBc0c matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbc0c;" end="\eebc0c;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBcc0 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbcc0;" end="\eebcc0;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBccc matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbccc;" end="\eebccc;" concealends " background colors, high intensity syn region ConqueCCB000 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb000;" end="\eeb000;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB00f matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb00f;" end="\eeb00f;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB0f0 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb0f0;" end="\eeb0f0;" concealends syn region ConqueCCB0ff matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esb0ff;" end="\eeb0ff;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBf00 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbf00;" end="\eebf00;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBf0f matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbf0f;" end="\eebf0f;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBff0 matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbff0;" end="\eebff0;" concealends syn region ConqueCCBfff matchgroup=ConqueCCBG start="\esbfff;" end="\eebfff;" concealends """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" "highlight link ConqueCCConceal Error " foreground colors, low intensity highlight ConqueCCF000 guifg=#000000 highlight ConqueCCF00c guifg=#0000cc highlight ConqueCCF0c0 guifg=#00cc00 highlight ConqueCCF0cc guifg=#00cccc highlight ConqueCCFc00 guifg=#cc0000 highlight ConqueCCFc0c guifg=#cc00cc highlight ConqueCCFcc0 guifg=#cccc00 highlight ConqueCCFccc guifg=#cccccc " foreground colors, high intensity highlight ConqueCCF000 guifg=#000000 highlight ConqueCCF00f guifg=#0000ff highlight ConqueCCF0f0 guifg=#00ff00 highlight ConqueCCF0ff guifg=#00ffff highlight ConqueCCFf00 guifg=#ff0000 highlight ConqueCCFf0f guifg=#ff00ff highlight ConqueCCFff0 guifg=#ffff00 highlight ConqueCCFfff guifg=#ffffff " background colors, low intensity highlight ConqueCCB000 guibg=#000000 highlight ConqueCCB00c guibg=#0000cc highlight ConqueCCB0c0 guibg=#00cc00 highlight ConqueCCB0cc guibg=#00cccc highlight ConqueCCBc00 guibg=#cc0000 highlight ConqueCCBc0c guibg=#cc00cc highlight ConqueCCBcc0 guibg=#cccc00 highlight ConqueCCBccc guibg=#cccccc " background colors, high intensity highlight ConqueCCB000 guibg=#000000 highlight ConqueCCB00f guibg=#0000ff highlight ConqueCCB0f0 guibg=#00ff00 highlight ConqueCCB0ff guibg=#00ffff highlight ConqueCCBf00 guibg=#ff0000 highlight ConqueCCBf0f guibg=#ff00ff highlight ConqueCCBff0 guibg=#ffff00 highlight ConqueCCBfff guibg=#ffffff " background colors, low intensity highlight link ConqueCCB000 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB00c ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB0c0 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB0cc ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBc00 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBc0c ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBcc0 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBccc ConqueCCBG " background colors, high intensity highlight link ConqueCCB000 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB00f ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB0f0 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCB0ff ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBf00 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBf0f ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBff0 ConqueCCBG highlight link ConqueCCBfff ConqueCCBG endfunction " }}} " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** Add-on features ************************************************************************************* " ********************************************************************************************************** " {{{ " send selected text from another buffer function! conque_term#send_selected(type) "{{{ " get most recent/relevant terminal let term = conque_term#get_instance() " shove visual text into @@ register let reg_save = @@ sil exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>y" let @@ = substitute(@@, '^[\r\n]*', '', '') let @@ = substitute(@@, '[\r\n]*$', '', '') " go to terminal buffer call term.focus() " execute yanked text call term.write(@@) " reset original values let @@ = reg_save " scroll buffer left startinsert! normal! 0zH endfunction "}}} function! conque_term#send_file() "{{{ let file_lines = readfile(expand('%:p')) if type(file_lines) == 3 && len(file_lines) > 0 let term = conque_term#get_instance() call term.focus() for line in file_lines call term.writeln(line) endfor else echomsg 'Could not read file: ' . expand('%:p') endif endfunction "}}} function! conque_term#exec_file() "{{{ let current_file = expand('%:p') if !executable(current_file) echomsg "Could not run " . current_file . ". Not an executable." return endif exe ':ConqueTermSplit ' . current_file endfunction "}}} " called on SessionLoadPost event function! conque_term#resume_session() " {{{ if g:ConqueTerm_SessionSupport == 1 " make sure terminals exist if !exists('s:saved_terminals') || type(s:saved_terminals) != 4 return endif " rebuild terminals for idx in keys(s:saved_terminals) " don't recreate inactive terminals if s:saved_terminals[idx].active == 0 continue endif " check we're in the right buffer let bufname = substitute(s:saved_terminals[idx].buffer_name, '\', '', 'g') if bufname != bufname("%") continue endif " reopen command call conque_term#open(s:saved_terminals[idx].command) return endfor endif endfunction " }}} " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** "API" functions ************************************************************************************* " ********************************************************************************************************** " See doc/conque_term.txt for full documentation {{{ " Write to a conque terminal buffer function! s:term_obj.write(...) dict " {{{ let text = get(a:000, 0, '') let jump_to_buffer = get(a:000, 1, 0) " if we're not in terminal buffer, pass flag to not position the cursor sil exe s:py . ' ' . self.var . '.write_expr("text", False, False)' " move cursor to conque buffer if jump_to_buffer call self.focus() endif endfunction " }}} " same as write() but adds a newline function! s:term_obj.writeln(...) dict " {{{ let text = get(a:000, 0, '') let jump_to_buffer = get(a:000, 1, 0) call self.write(text . "\r", jump_to_buffer) endfunction " }}} " move cursor to terminal buffer function! s:term_obj.focus() dict " {{{ let save_sb = &switchbuf sil set switchbuf=usetab exe 'sb ' . self.buffer_name sil exe ":set switchbuf=" . save_sb startinsert! endfunction " }}} " read from terminal buffer and return string function! s:term_obj.read(...) dict " {{{ let read_time = get(a:000, 0, 1) let update_buffer = get(a:000, 1, self.is_buffer) if update_buffer let up_py = 'True' else let up_py = 'False' endif " figure out if we're in the buffer we're updating if exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') && b:ConqueTerm_Var == self.var let in_buffer = 1 else let in_buffer = 0 endif let output = '' " read! sil exec s:py . " conque_tmp = " . self.var . ".read(timeout = " . read_time . ", set_cursor = False, return_output = True, update_buffer = " . up_py . ")" " ftw! try let pycode = "\nif conque_tmp:\n conque_tmp = re.sub('\\\\\\\\', '\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\', conque_tmp)\n conque_tmp = re.sub('\"', '\\\\\\\\\"', conque_tmp)\n vim.command('let output = \"' + conque_tmp + '\"')\n" sil exec s:py . pycode catch " d'oh endtry return output endfunction " }}} " set output callback function! s:term_obj.set_callback(callback_func) dict " {{{ let g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[self.idx].callback = function(a:callback_func) endfunction " }}} " close subprocess with ABORT signal function! s:term_obj.close() dict " {{{ " kill process try sil exe s:py . ' ' . self.var . '.abort()' catch " probably already dead endtry " delete buffer if option is set try if self.is_buffer call conque_term#set_mappings('stop') if exists('g:ConqueTerm_CloseOnEnd') && g:ConqueTerm_CloseOnEnd sil exe 'bwipeout! ' . self.buffer_name stopinsert! endif endif catch endtry " mark ourselves as inactive let self.active = 0 " rebuild session options let g:ConqueTerm_TerminalsString = string(g:ConqueTerm_Terminals) endfunction " }}} " create a new terminal object function! conque_term#create_terminal_object(...) " {{{ " find conque buffer to update let buf_num = get(a:000, 0, 0) if buf_num > 0 let pvar = 'ConqueTerm_' . buf_num elseif exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') let pvar = b:ConqueTerm_Var let buf_num = b:ConqueTerm_Idx else let pvar = g:ConqueTerm_Var let buf_num = g:ConqueTerm_Idx endif " is ther a buffer? let is_buffer = get(a:000, 1, 1) " the buffer name let bname = get(a:000, 2, '') " the command let command = get(a:000, 3, '') " parse out the program name (not perfect) let arg_split = split(command, '[^\\]\@<=\s') let arg_split[0] = substitute(arg_split[0], '\\ ', ' ', 'g') let slash_split = split(arg_split[0], '[/\\]') let prg_name = substitute(slash_split[-1], '\(.*\)\..*', '\1', '') let l:t_obj = copy(s:term_obj) let l:t_obj.is_buffer = is_buffer let l:t_obj.idx = buf_num let l:t_obj.buffer_name = bname let l:t_obj.var = pvar let l:t_obj.command = command let l:t_obj.program_name = prg_name return l:t_obj endfunction " }}} " get an existing terminal instance function! conque_term#get_instance(...) " {{{ " find conque buffer to update let buf_num = get(a:000, 0, 0) if exists('g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[buf_num]') elseif exists('b:ConqueTerm_Var') let buf_num = b:ConqueTerm_Idx else let buf_num = g:ConqueTerm_Idx endif return g:ConqueTerm_Terminals[buf_num] endfunction " }}} " }}} " ********************************************************************************************************** " **** PYTHON ********************************************************************************************** " ********************************************************************************************************** function! conque_term#load_python() " {{{ exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_globals.py" exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque.py" if s:platform == 'windows' exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_win32_util.py" exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_sole_shared_memory.py" exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_sole.py" exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_sole_wrapper.py" else exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_screen.py" exec s:py . "file " . s:scriptdirpy . "conque_subprocess.py" endif endfunction " }}} " vim:foldmethod=marker