require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/test_helper.rb" # todo class RunningBinariesTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include RunsBinaryFixtures context "when running primary" do ["wordpress -h", "wordpress help"].each do |format| context "and getting help as a '#{format}'" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin(format) } should "have the command name and short description" do unless format == "wordpress -h" # doesn't apply to wordpress -h output_matches /NAME\n\s*wordpress\-help \- get help for a specific command/m end end should "have a local (not default) version string" do output_matches /0\.0\.1 \(c\) 2009 Nate Murray - local/ end should "get a list of subcommands" do output_matches /subcommands/mi end should "have subcommand short descriptions" do output_matches /post\s*create a blog post/ output_matches /categories\s*do something with categories/ output_matches /help\s*get help for a specific command/ output_matches /list\s*list blog postings/ end should "have a usage" do output_matches /SYNOPSIS/i output_matches /wordpress(\-help)? \[/ end should "be able to ask for help about help" end end context "and getting help as subcommand" do # ["wordpress -h", "wordpress help"].each do |format| ["wordpress help"].each do |format| context "'#{format}'" do should "get help on subcommand post" end end end context "with no options" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("wordpress") } should "output the options" do output_matches /Primary Options:/ end should "have the test_primary option" do output_matches /test_primary=>nil/ end end should "be able to require 'primary' and run just fine" end context "when running with an action" do # should be the same for both formats ["wordpress-categories", "wordpress categories"].each do |bin_format| context "#{bin_format}" do context "with action block" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("#{bin_format}") } should "have the parsed action items in the help output" do output_matches /sports news/m end end end end end context "callbacks" do context "on a binary" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("wordpress") } %w(before after).each do |time| should "run the callback #{time}_run}" do assert @stdout.match(/#{time}_run command/) end end end context "on help" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("wordpress -h") } %w(before after).each do |time| should "not run the callback #{time}_run" do assert_nil @stdout.match(/#{time}_run command/) end end end end context "when running the subcommand" do # should be the same for both formats ["wordpress-post", "wordpress post"].each do |bin_format| context "#{bin_format}" do context "with no options" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("#{bin_format}") } should "fail because title is required" do output_matches /Error: option 'title' must be specified.\s*Try --help for help/m end end context "with options" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("#{bin_format} --title='glendale'") } should "be running the subcommand's run block" do output_matches /Subcommand name/ end should "have some default options" do output_matches /version=>false/ output_matches /help=>false/ end should "have some primary options" do output_matches /test_primary=>nil/ end should "have some local options" do output_matches /title=>"glendale"/ output_matches /type=>"html"/ end end context "testing die statements" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin("#{bin_format} --title='glendale' --type=yaml") } should "die on invalid options" do output_matches /argument \-\-type type must be one of \[html\|xhtml\|text\]/ end end end # end bin_format end # end #each end ["wordpress help post", "wordpress post -h"].each do |format| context "when calling '#{format}'" do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin(format) } should "have a description" do output_matches /create a blog post/ end should "have the proper usage line" do output_matches /SYNOPSIS\n\s*wordpress\-post/m output_matches /\[--title\]/ end should "have option flags" do output_matches /\-\-title(.*)<s>/ end should "have primary option flags" do output_matches /\-\-test-primary(.*)<s>/ end should "have default option flags" do output_matches /\-\-verbose/ end should "have trollop default option flags" do output_matches /\-e, \-\-version/ end should "have the correct binary name and short description" do output_matches /NAME\n\s*wordpress\-post \- create a blog post/m end should "have a the primaries version string" do output_matches /0\.0\.1 \(c\) 2009 Nate Murray - local/ end should "have options" do output_matches /Options/i output_matches /\-b, \-\-blog=<s>/ output_matches /short name of the blog to use/ output_matches /-i, \-\-title=<s>/ output_matches /title for the post/ end end end context "when running a bare primary" do ["flickr -h", "flickr help"].each do |format| context format do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin(format) } should "have the name and short description" do unless format == "flickr -h" # hmm output_matches /NAME\n\s*flickr\-help \- get help for a specific command/m end end should "have a local (not default) version string" do output_matches /0\.0\.2 \(c\) #{}/ end end end ["flickr-download -h", "flickr download -h"].each do |format| context format do setup { @stdout, @stderr = bin(format) } should "match on usage" do output_matches /SYNOPSIS\n\s*flickr\-download/m end end end end end