NAMESPACE=default RUNNING_POD="" LEFT_ARGS="" KCONTEXT="" function getpod { RAN=true function usage () { echo "Usage : $0 [options] [--] Options: -K kubectl context -R not randomly select pod -n NAMESPACE -p PROJECT -h Display this message" } while getopts ":hvK:Rp:" opt do case $opt in R) RAN=false ;; h) usage; return 0 ;; n) NAMESPACE=$OPTARG ;; p) PROJECT=$OPTARG ;; K) KCONTEXT=$OPTARG ;; *) echo -e "\n Option does not exist: $OPTARG\n" usage; return 1 ;; esac done shift $(($OPTIND-1)) RUNNING_POD_INDEX=-1 while true; do echo "kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods | grep $PROJECT" ALL_PODS=$(kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get pods | grep "$PROJECT") echo $fg[green]"All Pods:"$reset_color echo $ALL_PODS if [[ ${#ALL_PODS[@]} == 0 ]]; then echo $fg[red]"Pod not found for $PROJECT"$reset_color break fi RUNNING_PODS=($(echo $ALL_PODS | egrep "$PROJECT.* ?[1-9]/[0-9]? *Running" | awk '{print $1}')) if [[ `echo $ALL_PODS | wc -l` != ${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} ]]; then sleep 2 echo $fg[red]'Pods are not ready, wait...'$reset_color continue fi if [[ ${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} == 0 ]]; then echo "Pod not found for $PROJECT" break fi if [[ $RAN == 'true' ]];then RUNNING_POD_INDEX=`shuf -i 1-${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} -n 1` break fi if [ ${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} -eq 1 ];then RUNNING_POD_INDEX=1 break elif [ ${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} -gt 1 ];then echo $fg[green]'Running Pods:'$reset_color INDEX=1 for i in $RUNNING_PODS;do echo "[$INDEX] $i" let INDEX=${INDEX}+1 done echo $fg[green]'Select option of pod to execute:'$reset_color while true;do read RUNNING_POD_INDEX if [[ $RUNNING_POD_INDEX -gt 0 && $RUNNING_POD_INDEX -le ${#RUNNING_PODS[@]} ]];then break else echo 'invalid option...' fi done break fi done RUNNING_POD=$RUNNING_PODS[$RUNNING_POD_INDEX] LEFT_ARGS=$@ } function kexec { getpod $@ if [[ $RUNNING_POD != "" ]]; then echo "kubectl -it -n $NAMESPACE exec $RUNNING_POD -- /bin/sh -c $LEFT_ARGS" kubectl -it -n $NAMESPACE exec $RUNNING_POD -- /bin/sh -c $LEFT_ARGS fi } function klogs { finalopts=() while [[ $@ != "" ]] do case $1 in --context=*) KCONTEXT="${i#*=}" shift ;; -p) PROJECT="$2" shift; shift ;; -i) INSTANCE="$2" shift; shift ;; *) finalopts+=($1) shift ;; esac done if [[ "$PROJECT" != "" ]]; then kubectl logs -f deployment/$PROJECT --all-containers=true --since=5s --pod-running-timeout=2s $finalopts elif [[ "$INSTANCE" != "" ]]; then while true; do kubectl logs -f --max-log-requests=10 -l$INSTANCE 1>&0 echo "Waiting..." sleep 2 done fi } function k_delete_evicted { k delete pod `k get pods | grep Evicted | awk '{print $1}'` } function k_get_instance { k get pods -o jsonpath="{.items[*].metadata.labels['app\.kubernetes\.io\/instance']}" | tr " " "\n" | uniq } function kubectl() { DEBUG=false finalopts=() while [[ $@ != "" ]] do case $1 in --context=*) KCONTEXT="${i#*=}" shift ;; --debug) DEBUG=true shift ;; --) finalopts+=("$@") break ;; *) finalopts+=($1) shift ;; esac done [[ $DEBUG == "true" ]] && echo "kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/${KCONTEXT}_config $finalopts" echo "kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/${KCONTEXT}_config $finalopts" command kubectl --kubeconfig=$HOME/.kube/${KCONTEXT}_config $finalopts }