" nrrwrgn.vim - Narrow Region plugin for Vim " ------------------------------------------------------------- " Version: 0.29 " Maintainer: Christian Brabandt " Last Change: Mon, 20 Aug 2012 19:34:23 +0200 " " Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3075 " Copyright: (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt " The VIM LICENSE applies to NrrwRgn.vim " (see |copyright|) except use "NrrwRgn.vim" " instead of "Vim". " No warranty, express or implied. " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk! *** *** " GetLatestVimScripts: 3075 29 :AutoInstall: NrrwRgn.vim " " Functions: fun! WarningMsg(msg) "{{{1 let msg = "NarrowRegion: " . a:msg echohl WarningMsg if exists(":unsilent") == 2 unsilent echomsg msg else echomsg msg endif sleep 1 echohl Normal let v:errmsg = msg endfun fun! Init() "{{{1 if !exists("s:opts") " init once let s:opts = [] endif if !exists("s:instn") let s:instn=1 if !exists("g:nrrw_custom_options") || empty(g:nrrw_custom_options) let s:opts=Options('local to buffer') endif else " Prevent accidently overwriting windows with instn_id set " back to an already existing instn_id let s:instn = (s:instn==0 ? 1 : s:instn) while (has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, s:instn)) let s:instn+=1 endw endif let s:nrrw_aucmd = {} if exists("b:nrrw_aucmd_create") let s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] = b:nrrw_aucmd_create endif if exists("b:nrrw_aucmd_close") let s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] = b:nrrw_aucmd_close endif if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines") let s:nrrw_rgn_lines = {} endif let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn] = {} " show some debugging messages let s:nrrw_winname='Narrow_Region' " Customization let s:nrrw_rgn_vert = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_vert") ? g:nrrw_rgn_vert : 0) let s:nrrw_rgn_wdth = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_wdth") ? g:nrrw_rgn_wdth : 20) let s:nrrw_rgn_hl = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_hl") ? g:nrrw_rgn_hl : \ "WildMenu") let s:nrrw_rgn_nohl = (exists("g:nrrw_rgn_nohl") ? g:nrrw_rgn_nohl : 0) let s:debug = (exists("s:debug") ? s:debug : 0) endfun fun! NrwRgnWin() "{{{1 let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) let nrrw_winname = s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn let nrrw_win = bufwinnr('^'.nrrw_winname.'$') if nrrw_win != -1 exe ":noa " . nrrw_win . 'wincmd w' " just in case, a global nomodifiable was set " disable this for the narrowed window setl ma silent %d _ noa wincmd p else if !exists('g:nrrw_topbot_leftright') let g:nrrw_topbot_leftright = 'topleft' endif exe g:nrrw_topbot_leftright s:nrrw_rgn_wdth . \(s:nrrw_rgn_vert?'v':'') . "sp " . nrrw_winname " just in case, a global nomodifiable was set " disable this for the narrowed window setl ma " Just in case silent %d _ " Set up some options like 'bufhidden', 'noswapfile', " 'buftype', 'bufhidden', when enabling Narrowing. call NrrwSettings(1) let nrrw_win = bufwinnr("") endif call SetOptions(local_options) return nrrw_win endfun fun! CleanRegions() "{{{1 let s:nrrw_rgn_line=[] unlet! s:nrrw_rgn_last unlet! s:nrrw_rgn_buf endfun fun! CompareNumbers(a1,a2) "{{{1 return (a:a1+0) == (a:a2+0) ? 0 \ : (a:a1+0) > (a:a2+0) ? 1 \ : -1 endfun fun! ParseList(list) "{{{1 " for a given list of line numbers, return those line numbers " in a format start:end for continous items, else [start, next] let result={} let start=0 let temp=0 let i=1 for item in sort(a:list, "CompareNumbers") if start==0 let start=item elseif temp!=item-1 let result[i]=[start,temp] let start=item let i+=1 endif let temp=item endfor if result[i-1][1] != item let result[i]=[start,item] endif return result endfun fun! WriteNrrwRgn(...) "{{{1 " if argument is given, write narrowed buffer back " else destroy the narrowed window let nrrw_instn = exists("b:nrrw_instn") ? b:nrrw_instn : s:instn if exists("b:orig_buf") && (bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) == -1) && \ !BufInTab(b:orig_buf) && \ !bufexists(b:orig_buf) call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist! Aborting!") return endif if &l:mod && exists("a:1") && a:1 " Write the buffer back to the original buffer setl nomod exe ":WidenRegion" if bufname('') !~# 'Narrow_Region' exe ':noa' . bufwinnr(s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn) . 'wincmd w' endif else call StoreLastNrrwRgn(nrrw_instn) let winnr = bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) " Best guess if bufname('') =~# 'Narrow_Region' && winnr > 0 exe ':noa' . winnr . 'wincmd w' endif if !exists("a:1") " close narrowed buffer call NrrwRgnAuCmd(nrrw_instn) endif endif endfun fun! SaveRestoreRegister(mode) "{{{1 if a:mode let s:savereg = getreg('a') let s:saveregt = getregtype('a') let s:fold = 0 if &fen let s:fold=1 setl nofoldenable let s:fdm = &l:fdm endif else call setreg('a', s:savereg, s:saveregt) if s:fold setl foldenable if exists("s:fdm") let &l:fdm=s:fdm endif endif endif endfun! fun! NrrwRgnAuCmd(instn) "{{{1 " If a:instn==0, then enable auto commands " else disable auto commands for a:instn if !a:instn exe "aug NrrwRgn" . b:nrrw_instn au! au BufWriteCmd nested :call s:WriteNrrwRgn(1) au BufWinLeave,BufWipeout,BufDelete nested \ :call s:WriteNrrwRgn() aug end else exe "aug NrrwRgn" . a:instn au! aug end exe "aug! NrrwRgn" . a:instn if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, a:instn) " narrowed buffer was already cleaned up call s:WarningMsg("Window was already cleaned up. Nothing to do.") return endif " make the original buffer modifiable, if possible let buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf if !getbufvar(buf, '&l:ma') && !getbufvar(buf, 'orig_buf_ro') call setbufvar(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf, '&ma', 1) endif if s:debug echo printf("bufnr: %d a:instn: %d\n", bufnr(''), a:instn) echo "bwipe " s:nrrw_winname . '_' . a:instn endif if (has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'disable') && \ !s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].disable ) || \ !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'disable') call DeleteMatches(a:instn) " bwipe! throws E855 (catching does not work) " but because of 'bufhidden' wipeing will happen anyways "exe "bwipe! " bufnr(s:nrrw_winname . '_' . a:instn) if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'single') && \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].single " If there is only a single window open don't clean up now " because we can't put the narrowed lines back, so do not " clean up now. We need to clean up then later. But how? return endif call CleanUpInstn(a:instn) endif endif endfun fun! CleanUpInstn(instn) "{{{1 if s:instn>=1 && has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, 'a:instn') unlet s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn] let s:instn-=1 endif endfu fun! StoreLastNrrwRgn(instn) "{{{1 " Only store the last region, when the narrowed instance is still valid if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, a:instn) call WarningMsg("Error storing the last Narrowed Window,". \ "it's invalid!") return endif let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [] if !exists("b:orig_buf") let orig_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].orig_buf else let orig_buf = b:orig_buf endif if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'multi') call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], [ orig_buf, \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn]['multi']]) elseif has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn], 'vmode') let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [ getpos("'<"), \ getpos("'>") ] call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].vmode) else " Linewise narrowed region, pretend it was done like a visual " narrowed region let s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'] = [ [ orig_buf, \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].start[1:]], \ [ orig_buf, s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].end[1:]]] call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'], 'V') endif endfu fun! RetVisRegionPos() "{{{1 if v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch590")) return [ getpos("'<"), getpos("'>") ] else return [ getpos("'<")[0:1] + [virtcol("'<"), 0], \ getpos("'>")[0:1] + [virtcol("'>"), 0] ] endif endfun fun! GeneratePattern(startl, endl, mode, ...) "{{{1 if exists("a:1") && a:1 let block = 0 else let block = 1 endif " This is just a best guess, the highlighted block could still be wrong " (a " rectangle has been selected, but the complete lines are " highlighted if a:mode ==# '' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 && block return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . \ 'v\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l' elseif a:mode ==# '' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . \ 'v\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[1]+1) . 'v' elseif a:mode ==# 'v' && a:startl[0] > 0 && a:startl[1] > 0 return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%>' . (a:startl[1]-1) . \ 'v\_.*\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[1]+1) . 'v' elseif a:startl[0] > 0 return '\%>' . (a:startl[0]-1) . 'l\&\%<' . (a:endl[0]+1) . 'l' else return '' endif endfun fun! Options(search) "{{{1 let c=[] let buf=bufnr('') try " empty search pattern if empty(a:search) return c endif silent noa sview $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt " for whatever reasons $VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt " does not exist, return empty list if line('$') == 1 return c endif keepj 0 let reg_a=[] call add(reg_a, 'a') call add(reg_a,getreg('a')) call add(reg_a, getregtype('a')) let @a='' exe "silent :g/" . '\v'.escape(a:search, '\\/') . "/-y A" let b=split(@a, "\n") call call('setreg', reg_a) "call setreg('a', reg_a[0], reg_a[1]) call filter(b, 'v:val =~ "^''"') " the following options should be set let filter_opt='\%(modifi\%(ed\|able\)\|readonly\|noswapfile\|' . \ 'buftype\|bufhidden\|foldcolumn\|buflisted\)' call filter(b, 'v:val !~ "^''".filter_opt."''"') for item in b let item=substitute(item, '''', '', 'g') call add(c, split(item, '\s\+')[0]) endfor finally if fnamemodify(bufname(''),':p') == \expand("$VIMRUNTIME/doc/options.txt") bwipe endif exe "noa " bufwinnr(buf) "wincmd w" return c endtry endfun fun! GetOptions(opt) "{{{1 if exists("g:nrrw_custom_options") && !empty(g:nrrw_custom_options) let result = g:nrrw_custom_options else let result={} for item in a:opt try exe "let result[item]=&l:".item catch endtry endfor endif return result endfun fun! SetOptions(opt) "{{{1 if type(a:opt) == type({}) for [option, result] in items(a:opt) exe "let &l:". option " = " string(result) endfor endif setl nomod noro endfun fun! CheckProtected() "{{{1 " Protect the original window, unless the user explicitly defines not to " protect it if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' return endif let b:orig_buf_ro=0 if !&l:ma || &l:ro let b:orig_buf_ro=1 call s:WarningMsg("Buffer is protected, won't be able to write". \ "the changes back!") else " Protect the original buffer, " so you won't accidentally modify those lines, " that might later be overwritten setl noma endif endfun fun! DeleteMatches(instn) "{{{1 " Make sure, we are in the correct buffer if bufname('') =~# 'Narrow_Region' exe ':noa' . bufwinnr(b:orig_buf) . 'wincmd w' endif if exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid") " if you call :NarrowRegion several times, without widening " the previous region, b:matchid might already be defined so " make sure, the previous highlighting is removed. for item in s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid if item > 0 " If the match has been deleted, discard the error exe (s:debug ? "" : "silent!") "call matchdelete(item)" endif endfor let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid=[] endif endfun fun! HideNrrwRgnLines() "{{{1 let cnc = has("Conceal") let cmd='syn match NrrwRgnStart "^# Start NrrwRgn\d\+$" '. \ (cnc ? 'conceal' : '') exe cmd let cmd='syn match NrrwRgnEnd "^# End NrrwRgn\d\+$" '. \ (cnc ? 'conceal' : '') exe cmd syn region NrrwRgn start="^# Start NrrwRgn\z(\d\+\).*$" \ end="^# End NrrwRgn\z1$" fold transparent if cnc setl conceallevel=3 endif setl fdm=syntax endfun fun! ReturnCommentFT() "{{{1 " Vim if &l:ft=="vim" return '"' " Perl, PHP, Ruby, Python, Sh elseif &l:ft=~'^\(perl\|php\|ruby\|python\|sh\)$' return '#' " C, C++ elseif &l:ft=~'^\(c\%(pp\)\?\|java\)' return '/* */' " HTML, XML elseif &l:ft=~'^\(ht\|x\)ml\?$' return '' " LaTex elseif &l:ft=~'^\(la\)tex' return '%' else " Fallback return '#' endif endfun fun! CheckRectangularRegion(reg) "{{{1 " Check whether the region that was pasted into " register a:reg has always the same length " This is needed, to be able to select the correct region " when writing back the changes. let result={} let list=split(a:reg, "\n") call map(list, 'substitute(v:val, ".", "x", "g")') let llen = len(list)/2 call map(list, 'len(v:val)') for item in list if has_key(result, item) let result[item] += 1 else let result[item] = 1 endif endfor for [key, value] in items(result) if value > llen return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfu fun! WidenRegionMulti(content, instn, close) "{{{1 " a:close: if set, the original narrowed buffer will be closed, " so don't renew the highlighting and clean up (later in " nrrwrgn#WidenRegion) if empty(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi) return endif let output= [] let list = [] let [c_s, c_e] = ReturnComments() let lastline = line('$') " We must put the regions back from top to bottom, " otherwise, changing lines in between messes up the list of lines that " still need to put back from the narrowed buffer to the original buffer for key in sort(keys(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi), \ "CompareNumbers") let adjust = line('$') - lastline let range = s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].multi[key] let last = (len(range)==2) ? range[1] : range[0] let first = range[0] let indexs = index(a:content, c_s.' Start NrrwRgn'.key.c_e) + 1 let indexe = index(a:content, c_s.' End NrrwRgn'.key.c_e) - 1 if indexs <= 0 || indexe < -1 call s:WarningMsg("Skipping Region " . key) continue endif " Adjust line numbers. Changing the original buffer, might also " change the regions we have remembered. So we must adjust these " numbers. " This only works, if we put the regions from top to bottom! let first += adjust let last += adjust if last == line('$') && first == 1 let delete_last_line=1 else let delete_last_line=0 endif exe ':silent :' . first . ',' . last . 'd _' call append((first-1), a:content[indexs : indexe]) " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly let last = first + len(a:content[indexs : indexe]) - 1 if last > line('$') let last = line('$') endif if !a:close " original narrowed buffer is going to be closed " so don't renew the matches call AddMatches(GeneratePattern([first, 0 ], \ [last, 0], 'V'), a:instn) endif if delete_last_line silent! $d _ endif endfor endfun fun! AddMatches(pattern, instn) "{{{1 if !s:nrrw_rgn_nohl || empty(a:pattern) if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid") let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid=[] endif call add(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].matchid, \matchadd(s:nrrw_rgn_hl, a:pattern)) endif endfun fun! BufInTab(bufnr) "{{{1 for tab in range(1,tabpagenr('$')) if !empty(filter(tabpagebuflist(tab), 'v:val == a:bufnr')) return tab endif endfor return 0 endfun fun! JumpToBufinTab(tab,buf) "{{{1 if a:tab exe "noa tabn" a:tab endif exe ':noa ' . bufwinnr(a:buf) . 'wincmd w' endfun fun! RecalculateLineNumbers(instn, adjust) "{{{1 " This only matters, if the original window isn't protected if !exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") || g:nrrw_rgn_protect !~# 'n' return endif for instn in filter(keys(s:nrrw_rgn_lines), 'v:val != a:instn') " Skip narrowed instances, when they are before " the region, we are currently putting back if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] <= \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[a:instn].start[1] " Skip this instn continue else let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] += a:adjust let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] += a:adjust if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] < 1 let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] = 1 endif if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] < 1 let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = 1 endif call DeleteMatches(instn) call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], \'V'), instn) endif endfor endfun fun! NrrwSettings(on) "{{{1 if a:on setl noswapfile buftype=acwrite bufhidden=wipe foldcolumn=0 setl nobuflisted else setl swapfile buftype= bufhidden= buflisted endif endfun fun! SetupBufLocalCommands(visual, close) "{{{1 exe 'com! -buffer -bang WidenRegion :call nrrwrgn#WidenRegion('. a:visual. \ ', 0, '. a:close. ')' com! -buffer NRSyncOnWrite :call nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(1) com! -buffer NRNoSyncOnWrite :call nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(0) endfun fun! ReturnComments() "{{{1 let cmt = ReturnCommentFT() let c_s = split(cmt)[0] let c_e = (len(split(cmt)) == 1 ? "" : " " . split(cmt)[1]) return [c_s, c_e] endfun fun! nrrwrgn#NrrwRgnDoPrepare(...) "{{{1 let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_line") call WarningMsg("You need to first select the lines to". \ " narrow using :NRP!") return endif if empty(s:nrrw_rgn_line) call WarningMsg("No lines selected from :NRP, aborting!") return endif if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_buf") let s:nrrw_rgn_buf = ParseList(s:nrrw_rgn_line) endif let o_lz = &lz let s:o_s = @/ set lz let orig_buf=bufnr('') " initialize Variables call Init() call CheckProtected() let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start = [] let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end = [] let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].multi = s:nrrw_rgn_buf let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf call DeleteMatches(s:instn) let nr=0 let lines=[] let buffer=[] let keys = keys(s:nrrw_rgn_buf) call sort(keys,"CompareNumbers") "for [ nr,lines] in items(s:nrrw_rgn_buf) let [c_s, c_e] = ReturnComments() for nr in keys let lines = s:nrrw_rgn_buf[nr] let start = lines[0] let end = len(lines)==2 ? lines[1] : lines[0] call AddMatches(GeneratePattern([start,0], [end,0], 'V'), \s:instn) call add(buffer, c_s.' Start NrrwRgn'.nr.c_e) let buffer = buffer + \ getline(start,end) + \ [c_s.' End NrrwRgn'.nr.c_e, ''] endfor let win=NrwRgnWin() exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' let b:orig_buf = orig_buf call setline(1, buffer) setl nomod let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn call SetupBufLocalCommands(0, bang) call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) call CleanRegions() call HideNrrwRgnLines() " restore settings let &lz = o_lz endfun fun! nrrwrgn#NrrwRgn(...) range "{{{1 let o_lz = &lz let s:o_s = @/ set lz let orig_buf=bufnr('') let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) " initialize Variables call Init() call CheckProtected() let first = a:firstline let last = a:lastline " If first line is in a closed fold, " include complete fold in Narrowed window if first == last && foldclosed(first) != -1 let first = foldclosed(first) let last = foldclosedend(last) endif let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start = [ 0, first, 0, 0 ] let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end = [ 0, last , 0, 0 ] let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf let a=getline( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1]) call DeleteMatches(s:instn) if bang try let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) " enew fails, when no new unnamed buffer can be edited enew exe 'f' s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn call SetOptions(local_options) call NrrwSettings(1) " succeeded to create a single window let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].single = 1 catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ " catch error E37 " Fall back and use a new window " Set the highlighting call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], \'V'), s:instn) let win=NrwRgnWin() exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' endtry else " Set the highlighting call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], \'V'), s:instn) let win=NrwRgnWin() exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' endif let b:orig_buf = orig_buf call setline(1, a) setl nomod let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn call SetupBufLocalCommands(0, bang) call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "create") exe s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] endif if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "close") let b:nrrw_aucmd_close = s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] endif " restore settings let &lz = o_lz endfun fun! nrrwrgn#Prepare() "{{{1 let ltime = localtime() if (!exists("s:nrrw_rgn_last") || s:nrrw_rgn_last + 10 < ltime) let s:nrrw_rgn_last = ltime let s:nrrw_rgn_line = [] endif if !exists("s:nrrw_rgn_line") | let s:nrrw_rgn_line=[] | endif call add(s:nrrw_rgn_line, line('.')) endfun fun! nrrwrgn#WidenRegion(vmode, force, close) "{{{1 " a:close: original narrowed window is going to be closed " so, clean up, don't renew highlighting, etc. let nrw_buf = bufnr('') let orig_buf = b:orig_buf let orig_tab = tabpagenr() let instn = b:nrrw_instn " Execute autocommands if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "close") exe s:nrrw_aucmd["close"] endif let cont = getline(1,'$') let tab=BufInTab(orig_buf) if tab != tabpagenr() && tab > 0 exe "tabn" tab endif let orig_win = bufwinnr(orig_buf) " Should be in the right tab now! if (orig_win == -1) if bufexists(orig_buf) exe orig_buf "b!" else call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist!". \ " Aborting!") return endif else exe ':noa' . orig_win . 'wincmd w' endif call SaveRestoreRegister(1) let wsv=winsaveview() call DeleteMatches(instn) if exists("b:orig_buf_ro") && b:orig_buf_ro && !a:force call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer protected. Can't write changes!") call JumpToBufinTab(orig_tab, nrw_buf) return endif if !&l:ma && !( exists("b:orig_buf_ro") && b:orig_buf_ro) setl ma endif " This is needed to adjust all other narrowed regions " in case we have several narrowed regions within the same buffer if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' let adjust_line_numbers = len(cont) - 1 - ( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1]) endif " Make sure the narrowed buffer is still valid (happens, when 2 split " window of the narrowed buffer is opened. if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, instn) call WarningMsg("Error writing changes back,". \ "Narrowed Window invalid!") return endif " Now copy the content back into the original buffer " 1) Check: Multiselection if has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn], 'multi') call WidenRegionMulti(cont, instn, a:close) " 2) Visual Selection elseif a:vmode "charwise, linewise or blockwise selection call setreg('a', join(cont, "\n") . "\n", \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode) if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode == 'v' && \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] + 1 == len(cont) + 1 " in characterwise selection, remove trailing \n call setreg('a', substitute(@a, '\n$', '', ''), \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode) endif if v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch590")) " settable '< and '> marks let _v = [] " store actual values let _v = [getpos("'<"), getpos("'>"), [visualmode(1)]] " set the mode for the gv command exe "norm! ". s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode."\" call setpos("'<", s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start) call setpos("'>", s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end) exe 'norm! gv"aP' if !empty(_v[2][0]) && (_v[2][0] != visualmode()) exe 'norm!' _v[2][0]. "\" call setpos("'<", _v[0]) call setpos("'>", _v[1]) endif else exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[2] . '|' exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].blockmode exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[2] . '|' else keepj norm! $ endif " overwrite the visually selected region with the contents from " the narrowed buffer norm! "aP endif " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly let [ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start, \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end ] = RetVisRegionPos() " make sure the visual selected lines did not add a new linebreak, " this messes up the characterwise selected regions and removes lines " on further writings if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] \ + 1 > len(cont) && s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode == 'v' let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] - 1 let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[2] = virtcol('$') endif " also, renew the highlighted region if !a:close call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].vmode), \ instn) endif " 3) :NR started selection else " linewise selection because we started the NarrowRegion with the " command NarrowRegion(0) " " if the endposition of the narrowed buffer is also the last line of " the buffer, the append will add an extra newline that needs to be " cleared. if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1]==line('$') && \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] == 1 let delete_last_line=1 else let delete_last_line=0 endif exe ':silent :'.s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1].',' \.s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1].'d _' call append((s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1]-1),cont) " Recalculate the start and end positions of the narrowed window " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly " so subsequent calls will adjust the region accordingly let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1] + len(cont) -1 if s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] > line('$') let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1] = line('$') endif if !a:close call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn].end[1:2], \'V'), \instn) endif if delete_last_line silent! $d _ endif endif " Recalculate start- and endline numbers for all other Narrowed Windows. " This matters, if you narrow different regions of the same file and " write your changes back. if exists("g:nrrw_rgn_protect") && g:nrrw_rgn_protect =~? 'n' call RecalculateLineNumbers(instn, adjust_line_numbers) endif if a:close && !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines[instn], 'single') " For narrowed windows that have been created using !, " don't clean up yet, or else we loose all data and can't write " it back later. " (e.g. :NR! createas a new single window, do :sp " and you can only write one of the windows back, the other will " become invalid, if CleanUp is executed) call CleanUpInstn(instn) endif call SaveRestoreRegister(0) let @/=s:o_s call winrestview(wsv) " jump back to narrowed window call JumpToBufinTab(orig_tab, nrw_buf) setl nomod if a:force " execute auto command bw endif endfun fun! nrrwrgn#VisualNrrwRgn(mode, ...) "{{{1 " bang: open the narrowed buffer in the current window and don't open a " new split window if empty(a:mode) " in case, visual mode wasn't entered, visualmode() " returns an empty string and in that case, we finish " here call WarningMsg("There was no region visually selected!") return endif " This beeps, when called from command mode " e.g. by using :NRV, so using :sil! " else exiting visual mode exe "sil! norm! \" let bang = (a:0 > 0 && !empty(a:1)) " stop visualmode let o_lz = &lz let s:o_s = @/ set lz call Init() let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode=a:mode " Protect the original buffer, " so you won't accidentally modify those lines, " that will later be overwritten let orig_buf=bufnr('') call SaveRestoreRegister(1) call CheckProtected() let [ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start, \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end ] = RetVisRegionPos() call DeleteMatches(s:instn) norm! gv"ay if len(split(@a, "\n", 1)) != \ (s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1] - \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1] + 1) " remove trailing "\n" let @a=substitute(@a, '\n$', '', '') endif if a:mode == '' && CheckRectangularRegion(@a) " Rectangular selection let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode = 1 else " Non-Rectangular selection let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode = 0 endif if bang try let local_options = GetOptions(s:opts) " enew fails, when no new unnamed buffer can be edited enew exe 'f' s:nrrw_winname . '_' . s:instn call SetOptions(local_options) call NrrwSettings(1) " succeeded to create a single window let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].single = 1 catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E37/ " catch error E37 " Fall back and use a new window " Set the highlighting call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode, \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode), \s:instn) let win=NrwRgnWin() exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' endtry else call AddMatches(GeneratePattern( \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].start[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].end[1:2], \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].vmode, \s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].blockmode), \s:instn) let win=NrwRgnWin() exe ':noa ' win 'wincmd w' endif let b:orig_buf = orig_buf let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[s:instn].orig_buf = orig_buf silent put a let b:nrrw_instn = s:instn silent 0d _ setl nomod call SetupBufLocalCommands(1,bang) " Setup autocommands call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) " Execute autocommands if has_key(s:nrrw_aucmd, "create") exe s:nrrw_aucmd["create"] endif call SaveRestoreRegister(0) " restore settings let &lz = o_lz endfun fun! nrrwrgn#UnifiedDiff() "{{{1 let save_winposview=winsaveview() let orig_win = winnr() " close previous opened Narrowed buffers silent! windo | if bufname('')=~'^Narrow_Region' && \ &diff |diffoff|q!|endif " minimize Window " this is disabled, because this might be useful, to see everything "exe "vert resize -999999" "setl winfixwidth " move to current start of chunk of unified diff if search('^@@', 'bcW') > 0 call search('^@@', 'bc') else call search('^@@', 'c') endif let curpos=getpos('.') for i in range(2) if search('^@@', 'nW') > 0 .+,/@@/-NR else " Last chunk in file .+,$NR endif " Split vertically wincmd H if i==0 silent! g/^-/d _ else silent! g/^+/d _ endif diffthis 0 exe ":noa wincmd p" call setpos('.', curpos) endfor call winrestview(save_winposview) endfun fun! nrrwrgn#ToggleSyncWrite(enable) "{{{1 let s:nrrw_rgn_lines[b:nrrw_instn].disable = !a:enable " Enable syncing of bufers if a:enable " Enable Narrow settings and autocommands call NrrwSettings(1) call NrrwRgnAuCmd(0) setl modified else " Disable Narrow settings and autocommands call NrrwSettings(0) " b:nrrw_instn should always be available call NrrwRgnAuCmd(b:nrrw_instn) endif endfun fun! nrrwrgn#LastNrrwRgn(bang) "{{{1 let bang = !empty(a:bang) if !has_key(s:nrrw_rgn_lines, 'last') call WarningMsg("There is no last region to re-select") return endif let orig_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][0] + 0 let tab = BufInTab(orig_buf) if tab != tabpagenr() && tab > 0 exe "tabn" tab endif let orig_win = bufwinnr(orig_buf) " Should be in the right tab now! if (orig_win == -1) call s:WarningMsg("Original buffer does no longer exist! Aborting!") return endif if orig_win != winnr() exe "noa" orig_win "wincmd w" endif if len(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last']) == 1 " Multi Narrowed let s:nrrw_rgn_buf = s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][1] call nrrwrgn#NrrwRgnDoPrepare('') else exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][1] exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][0][2] . '|' exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][2] exe "keepj" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][1] if col(s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][2]) == col('$') && \ s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][2] == '' " Best guess exe "keepj $" else exe "keepj norm!" s:nrrw_rgn_lines['last'][1][2] . '|' endif " Call VisualNrrwRgn() call nrrwrgn#VisualNrrwRgn(visualmode(), bang) endif endfu " Debugging options "{{{1 fun! nrrwrgn#Debug(enable) "{{{1 if (a:enable) let s:debug=1 fun! NrrwRgnDebug() "{{{2 "sil! unlet s:instn com! NI :call WarningMsg("Instance: ".s:instn) com! NJ :call WarningMsg("Data: ".string(s:nrrw_rgn_lines)) com! -nargs=1 NOutput :if exists("s:".)|redraw!| \ :exe 'echo s:'.|else| \ echo "s:".. " does not exist!"|endif endfun call NrrwRgnDebug() else let s:debug=0 delf NrrwRgnDebug delc NI delc NJ delc NOutput endif endfun " Modeline {{{1 " vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdl=0