let g:CommandTMaxHeight = 5 let g:CommandTMatchWindowReverse = 1 " Command-T " Mapped to ,t nmap ,t :CommandT nmap ,T :CommandTBuffer " Idea from : http://www.charlietanksley.net/blog/blog/2011/10/18/vim-navigation-with-lustyexplorer-and-lustyjuggler/ " Open CommandT starting from a particular path, making it much " more likely to find the correct thing first. mnemonic 'jump to [something]' map ,jm :CommandT app/models map ,jc :CommandT app/controllers map ,jv :CommandT app/views map ,jh :CommandT app/helpers map ,jl :CommandT lib map ,jp :CommandT public map ,js :CommandT spec map ,jf :CommandT fast_spec map ,jt :CommandT test map ,jd :CommandT db map ,jC :CommandT config map ,jV :CommandT vendor map ,jF :CommandT factories