* IndexedSearch - when you do searches will show you "Match 2 of 4" in the status line * delimitMate - automatically closes quotes * SearchComplete - tab completion in the / search window * syntastic - automatic syntax checking when you save the file * repeat - adds `.` (repeat command) support for complex commands like surround.vim. i.e. if you perform a surround and hit `.`, it will Just Work (vim by default will only repeat the last piece of the complex command) * endwise - automatically closes blocks (if/end) * autotag - automatically creates tags for fast sourcecode browsing. use `,f` over a symbol name to go to its definition * matchit - helps with matching brackets, improves other plugins * AnsiEsc - inteprets ansi color codes inside log files. great for looking at Rails logs * solarized - a color scheme scientifically calibrated for awesomeness (including skwp mods for ShowMarks) * Airline - Improved status bar. Requires patched fonts (installed from fonts/ directory) YADR provides solarized enhancements that make it even better. If you're using another theme, you can disable them with this line in `~/.vimrc.before`: let g:yadr_disable_solarized_enhancements=1