# # A theme based on steeef theme # * RVM/Rbenv info shown on the right # * Git branch info on the left # * Single line prompt # # Authors: # Steve Losh # Bart Trojanowski # Brian Carper # steeef # Sorin Ionescu # Yan Pritzker function prompt_skwp_precmd { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS # Get Git repository information. if [[ $DISABLE_GIT_INFO == 1 ]]; then git-info off elif [[ $+functions[git-info] ]]; then git-info on git-info fi } function prompt_skwp_setup { setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS unsetopt XTRACE KSH_ARRAYS prompt_opts=(cr percent sp subst) autoload -Uz add-zsh-hook add-zsh-hook precmd prompt_skwp_precmd # Use extended color pallete if available. if [[ $TERM = *256color* || $TERM = *rxvt* ]]; then __PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS=( "%F{81}" # turquoise "%F{166}" # orange "%F{135}" # purple "%F{161}" # hotpink "%F{118}" # limegreen ) else __PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS=( "%F{cyan}" "%F{yellow}" "%F{magenta}" "%F{red}" "%F{green}" ) fi # git zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:branch' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[1]}%b%f" zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:added' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}●%f" zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:deleted' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[2]}●%f" zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:modified' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[4]}●%f" zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:untracked' format "${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[3]}●%f" zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format 'prompt' '(%b%d%a%m%u)' PROMPT="${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[3]}%n%f ${__PROMPT_SKWP_COLORS[5]}%~%f "'$git_info[prompt]'"$ " [[ "$KCONTEXT" != "" ]] && PROMPT="%F{blue}$KCONTEXT💡 $PROMPT" RPROMPT='%F{blue}' } alias disable_git_info='DISABLE_GIT_INFO=1' alias enable_git_info='DISABLE_GIT_INFO=0' function set_k8s_context { set_k8s_context_core $* prompt_skwp_setup } prompt_skwp_setup