" Sparkup " Installation: " Copy the contents of vim/ftplugin/ to your ~/.vim/ftplugin directory. " " $ cp -R vim/ftplugin ~/.vim/ftplugin/ " " Configuration: " g:sparkup (Default: 'sparkup') - " Location of the sparkup executable. You shouldn't need to change this " setting if you used the install option above. " " g:sparkupArgs (Default: '--no-last-newline') - " Additional args passed to sparkup. " " g:sparkupExecuteMapping (Default: '') - " Mapping used to execute sparkup. " " g:sparkupNextMapping (Default: '') - " Mapping used to jump to the next empty tag/attribute. if !exists('g:sparkupExecuteMapping') let g:sparkupExecuteMapping = '' endif if !exists('g:sparkupNextMapping') let g:sparkupNextMapping = '' endif exec 'nmap ' . g:sparkupExecuteMapping . ' :call Sparkup()' exec 'imap ' . g:sparkupExecuteMapping . ' u:call Sparkup()' exec 'nmap ' . g:sparkupNextMapping . ' :call SparkupNext()' exec 'imap ' . g:sparkupNextMapping . ' u:call SparkupNext()' if exists('*s:Sparkup') finish endif function! s:Sparkup() if !exists('s:sparkup') let s:sparkup = exists('g:sparkup') ? g:sparkup : 'sparkup' let s:sparkupArgs = exists('g:sparkupArgs') ? g:sparkupArgs : '--no-last-newline' " check the user's path first. if not found then search relative to " sparkup.vim in the runtimepath. if !executable(s:sparkup) let paths = substitute(escape(&runtimepath, ' '), '\(,\|$\)', '/**\1', 'g') let s:sparkup = findfile('sparkup.py', paths) if !filereadable(s:sparkup) echohl WarningMsg echom 'Warning: could not find sparkup on your path or in your vim runtime path.' echohl None finish endif endif let s:sparkup = '"' . s:sparkup . '"' let s:sparkup .= printf(' %s --indent-spaces=%s', s:sparkupArgs, &shiftwidth) if has('win32') || has('win64') let s:sparkup = 'python ' . s:sparkup endif endif exec '.!' . s:sparkup call s:SparkupNext() endfunction function! s:SparkupNext() " 1: empty tag, 2: empty attribute, 3: empty line let n = search('><\/\|\(""\)\|^\s*$', 'Wp') if n == 3 startinsert! else execute 'normal l' startinsert endif endfunction