Yan's Excellent Dotfiles! ==== To set these up as your own (careful, don't overwrite your bash_profile unintentionally!): git clone git://github.com/skwp/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles ln -s ~/.dotfiles/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile . ~/.bash_profile Lots of things I do every day are done with two or three character mnemonic aliases. Please feel free to edit them: ae # alias edit ar # alias reload To use the vim files: ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vimrc ~/.vimrc ln -s ~/.dotfiles/vim ~/.vim The .vimrc is well commented and broken up by settings. I encourage you to take a look and learn some of my handy aliases, or comment them out if you don't like them, or make your own. Credits === I can't take credit for all of this. The vim files are a combination of work by tpope, scrooloose, and many hours of scouring blogs, vimscripts, and other places for the cream of the crop of vim and bash awesomeness. TODO === I started migrating to tpope's pathogen, but only a few plugins are currently under vim/bundles. For more tips and tricks === Follow my blog: [yan http://yanpritzker.com]