" Copyright: Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Stephen Bach " Permission is hereby granted to use and distribute this code, " with or without modifications, provided that this copyright " notice is copied with it. Like anything else that's free, " lusty-juggler.vim is provided *as is* and comes with no " warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. In no " event will the copyright holder be liable for any damages " resulting from the use of this software. " " Name Of File: lusty-juggler.vim " Description: Dynamic Buffer Switcher Vim Plugin " Maintainer: Stephen Bach " Contributors: Juan Frias, Bartosz Leper, Marco Barberis, Vincent Driessen, " Martin Wache, Johannes HolzfuƟ, Adam Rutkowski, Carlo Teubner, " lilydjwg, Leonid Shevtsov, Giuseppe Rota " " Release Date: April 29, 2011 " Version: 1.3 " " Usage: " lj - Opens the buffer juggler. " " You can also use this command: " " ":LustyJuggler" " " (Personally, I map this to ,j) " " When launched, the command bar at bottom is replaced with a " new bar showing the names of currently-opened buffers in " most-recently-used order. " " The buffers are mapped to these keys: " " 1st|2nd|3rd|4th|5th|6th|7th|8th|9th|10th " ---------------------------------------- " a s d f g h j k l ; " 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 " " So if you type "f" or "4", the fourth buffer name will be " highlighted and the bar will shift to center it as necessary " (and show more of the buffer names on the right). " " If you want to switch to that buffer, press "f" or "4" again " or press "". Alternatively, press one of the other " mapped keys to highlight another buffer. " " To display the key with the name of the buffer, add one of " the following lines to your .vimrc: " " let g:LustyJugglerShowKeys = 'a' (for alpha characters) " let g:LustyJugglerShowKeys = 1 (for digits) " " To cancel the juggler, press any of "q", "", "", "", or "". " " LustyJuggler can act very much like window switching. " To enable this mode, add the following line to your .vimrc: " " let g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode = 1 " " Then, given the following mapping: " " noremap :LustyJuggler " " Pressing "" will launch the LustyJuggler with the " previous buffer highlighted. Typing "" again will cycle " to the next buffer (in most-recently used order), and " "" will open the highlighted buffer. For example, the " sequence "" will open the previous buffer, and " "" will open the buffer used just before the " previous buffer, and so on. " " Bonus: This plugin also includes the following command, which will " immediately switch to your previously used buffer: " " ":LustyJugglePrevious" " " This is similar to the ":b#" command, but accounts for the " common situation where the previously used buffer (#) has " been killed and is thus inaccessible. In that case, it will " instead switch to the buffer used before that one (and on down " the line if that buffer has been killed too). " " " Install Details: " " Copy this file into $HOME/.vim/plugin directory so that it will be sourced " on startup automatically. " " Note! This plugin requires Vim be compiled with Ruby interpretation. If you " don't know if your build of Vim has this functionality, you can check by " running "vim --version" from the command line and looking for "+ruby". " Alternatively, just try sourcing this script. " " If your version of Vim does not have "+ruby" but you would still like to " use this plugin, you can fix it. See the "Check for Ruby functionality" " comment below for instructions. " " If you are using the same Vim configuration and plugins for multiple " machines, some of which have Ruby and some of which don't, you may want to " turn off the "Sorry, LustyJuggler requires ruby" warning. You can do so " like this (in .vimrc): " " let g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning = 1 " " " Contributing: " " Patches and suggestions welcome. Note: lusty-juggler.vim is a generated " file; if you'd like to submit a patch, check out the Github development " repository: " " http://github.com/sjbach/lusty " " " GetLatestVimScripts: 2050 1 :AutoInstall: lusty-juggler.vim " " TODO: " - Add TAB recognition back. " - Add option to open buffer immediately when mapping is pressed (but not " release the juggler until the confirmation press). " - Have the delimiter character settable. " - have colours settable? " Exit quickly when already loaded. if exists("g:loaded_lustyjuggler") finish endif if &compatible echohl ErrorMsg echo "LustyJuggler is not designed to run in &compatible mode;" echo "To use this plugin, first disable vi-compatible mode like so:\n" echo " :set nocompatible\n" echo "Or even better, just create an empty .vimrc file." echohl none finish endif if exists("g:FuzzyFinderMode.TextMate") echohl WarningMsg echo "Warning: LustyJuggler detects the presence of fuzzyfinder_textmate;" echo "that plugin often interacts poorly with other Ruby plugins." echo "If LustyJuggler gives you an error, you can probably fix it by" echo "renaming fuzzyfinder_textmate.vim to zzfuzzyfinder_textmate.vim so" echo "that it is last in the load order." echohl none endif " Check for Ruby functionality. if !has("ruby") if !exists("g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning") || \ g:LustyExplorerSuppressRubyWarning == "0" if !exists("g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning") || \ g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning == "0" echohl ErrorMsg echon "Sorry, LustyJuggler requires ruby. " echon "Here are some tips for adding it:\n" echo "Debian / Ubuntu:" echo " # apt-get install vim-ruby\n" echo "Fedora:" echo " # yum install vim-enhanced\n" echo "Gentoo:" echo " # USE=\"ruby\" emerge vim\n" echo "FreeBSD:" echo " # pkg_add -r vim+ruby\n" echo "Windows:" echo " 1. Download and install Ruby from here:" echo " http://www.ruby-lang.org/" echo " 2. Install a Vim binary with Ruby support:" echo " http://segfault.hasno.info/vim/gvim72.zip\n" echo "Manually (including Cygwin):" echo " 1. Install Ruby." echo " 2. Download the Vim source package (say, vim-7.0.tar.bz2)" echo " 3. Build and install:" echo " # tar -xvjf vim-7.0.tar.bz2" echo " # ./configure --enable-rubyinterp" echo " # make && make install\n" echo "(If you just wish to stifle this message, set the following option:" echo " let g:LustyJugglerSuppressRubyWarning = 1)" echohl none endif endif finish endif let g:loaded_lustyjuggler = "yep" " Commands. command LustyJuggler :call LustyJugglerStart() command LustyJugglePrevious :call LustyJugglePreviousRun() " Deprecated command names. command JugglePrevious :call \ deprecated('JugglePrevious', 'LustyJugglePrevious') function! s:deprecated(old, new) echohl WarningMsg echo ":" . a:old . " is deprecated; use :" . a:new . " instead." echohl none endfunction " Default mappings. nmap lj :LustyJuggler " Vim-to-ruby function calls. function! s:LustyJugglerStart() ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lusty_juggler.run } endfunction function! s:LustyJugglerKeyPressed(code_arg) ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lusty_juggler.key_pressed } endfunction function! s:LustyJugglerCancel() ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lusty_juggler.cleanup } endfunction function! s:LustyJugglePreviousRun() ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lj_buffer_stack.juggle_previous } endfunction " Setup the autocommands that handle buffer MRU ordering. augroup LustyJuggler autocmd! autocmd BufEnter * ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lj_buffer_stack.push } autocmd BufDelete * ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lj_buffer_stack.pop } autocmd BufWipeout * ruby LustyJ::profile() { $lj_buffer_stack.pop } augroup End " Used to work around a flaw in Vim's ruby bindings. let s:maparg_holder = 0 let s:maparg_dict_holder = { } ruby << EOF require 'pathname' $LUSTY_PROFILING = false if $LUSTY_PROFILING require 'rubygems' require 'ruby-prof' end module VIM unless const_defined? "MOST_POSITIVE_INTEGER" MOST_POSITIVE_INTEGER = 2**(32 - 1) - 2 # Vim ints are signed 32-bit. end def self.zero?(var) # In Vim 7.2 and older, VIM::evaluate returns Strings for boolean # expressions; in later versions, Fixnums. case var when String var == "0" when Fixnum var == 0 else LustyJ::assert(false, "unexpected type: #{var.class}") end end def self.nonzero?(var) not zero?(var) end def self.evaluate_bool(var) nonzero? evaluate(var) end def self.exists?(s) nonzero? evaluate("exists('#{s}')") end def self.has_syntax? nonzero? evaluate('has("syntax")') end def self.has_ext_maparg? # The 'dict' parameter to mapargs() was introduced in Vim 7.3.32 nonzero? evaluate('v:version > 703 || (v:version == 703 && has("patch32"))') end def self.columns evaluate("&columns").to_i end def self.lines evaluate("&lines").to_i end def self.getcwd evaluate("getcwd()") end def self.bufname(i) if evaluate_bool("empty(bufname(#{i}))") "" else evaluate("bufname(#{i})") end end def self.single_quote_escape(s) # Everything in a Vim single-quoted string is literal, except single # quotes. Single quotes are escaped by doubling them. s.gsub("'", "''") end def self.filename_escape(s) # Escape slashes, open square braces, spaces, sharps, double quotes and # percent signs. s.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\').gsub(/[\[ #"%]/, '\\\\\0') end def self.regex_escape(s) s.gsub(/[\]\[.~"^$\\*]/,'\\\\\0') end class Buffer def modified? VIM::nonzero? VIM::evaluate("getbufvar(#{number()}, '&modified')") end def listed? VIM::nonzero? VIM::evaluate("getbufvar(#{number()}, '&buflisted')") end def self.obj_for_bufnr(n) # There's gotta be a better way to do this... (0..VIM::Buffer.count-1).each do |i| obj = VIM::Buffer[i] return obj if obj.number == n end return nil end end # Print with colours def self.pretty_msg(*rest) return if rest.length == 0 return if rest.length % 2 != 0 command "redraw" # see :help echo-redraw i = 0 while i < rest.length do command "echohl #{rest[i]}" command "echon '#{rest[i+1]}'" i += 2 end command 'echohl None' end end # Hack for wide CJK characters. if VIM::exists?("*strwidth") module VIM def self.strwidth(s) # strwidth() is defined in Vim 7.3. evaluate("strwidth('#{single_quote_escape(s)}')").to_i end end else module VIM def self.strwidth(s) s.length end end end # Utility functions. module LustyJ unless const_defined? "MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM" MOST_POSITIVE_FIXNUM = 2**(0.size * 8 -2) -1 end def self.simplify_path(s) s = s.gsub(/\/+/, '/') # Remove redundant '/' characters begin if s[0] == ?~ # Tilde expansion - First expand the ~ part (e.g. '~' or '~steve') # and then append the rest of the path. We can't just call # expand_path() or it'll throw on bad paths. s = File.expand_path(s.sub(/\/.*/,'')) + \ s.sub(/^[^\/]+/,'') end if s == '/' # Special-case root so we don't add superfluous '/' characters, # as this can make Cygwin choke. s elsif ends_with?(s, File::SEPARATOR) File.expand_path(s) + File::SEPARATOR else dirname_expanded = File.expand_path(File.dirname(s)) if dirname_expanded == '/' dirname_expanded + File.basename(s) else dirname_expanded + File::SEPARATOR + File.basename(s) end end rescue ArgumentError s end end def self.longest_common_prefix(paths) prefix = paths[0] paths.each do |path| for i in 0...prefix.length if path.length <= i or prefix[i] != path[i] prefix = prefix[0...i] prefix = prefix[0..(prefix.rindex('/') or -1)] break end end end prefix end def self.ready_for_read?(io) if io.respond_to? :ready? ready? else result = IO.select([io], nil, nil, 0) result && (result.first.first == io) end end def self.ends_with?(s1, s2) tail = s1[-s2.length, s2.length] tail == s2 end def self.starts_with?(s1, s2) head = s1[0, s2.length] head == s2 end def self.option_set?(opt_name) opt_name = "g:LustyExplorer" + opt_name VIM::evaluate_bool("exists('#{opt_name}') && #{opt_name} != '0'") end def self.profile # Profile (if enabled) and provide better # backtraces when there's an error. if $LUSTY_PROFILING if not RubyProf.running? RubyProf.measure_mode = RubyProf::WALL_TIME RubyProf.start else RubyProf.resume end end begin yield rescue Exception => e puts e puts e.backtrace end if $LUSTY_PROFILING and RubyProf.running? RubyProf.pause end end class AssertionError < StandardError ; end def self.assert(condition, message = 'assertion failure') raise AssertionError.new(message) unless condition end def self.d(s) # (Debug print) $stderr.puts s end end module LustyJ class LustyJuggler private @@KEYS = { "a" => 1, "s" => 2, "d" => 3, "f" => 4, "g" => 5, "h" => 6, "j" => 7, "k" => 8, "l" => 9, ";" => 10, "1" => 1, "2" => 2, "3" => 3, "4" => 4, "5" => 5, "6" => 6, "7" => 7, "8" => 8, "9" => 9, "0" => 10 } public def initialize @running = false @last_pressed = nil @name_bar = NameBar.new end def run if $lj_buffer_stack.length <= 1 VIM::pretty_msg("PreProc", "No other buffers") return end # If already running, highlight next buffer if @running and LustyJuggler::alt_tab_mode_active? @last_pressed = (@last_pressed % $lj_buffer_stack.length) + 1; print_buffer_list(@last_pressed) return end return if @running @running = true # Need to zero the timeout length or pressing 'g' will hang. @ruler = VIM::evaluate_bool("&ruler") @showcmd = VIM::evaluate_bool("&showcmd") @showmode = VIM::evaluate_bool("&showmode") @timeoutlen = VIM::evaluate("&timeoutlen") VIM::set_option 'timeoutlen=0' VIM::set_option 'noruler' VIM::set_option 'noshowcmd' VIM::set_option 'noshowmode' @key_mappings_map = Hash.new { |hash, k| hash[k] = [] } # Selection keys. @@KEYS.keys.each do |c| map_key(c, ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('#{c}')") end # Can't use '' as an argument to :call func for some reason. map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('ENTER')") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('TAB')") # Split opener keys map_key("v", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('v')") map_key("b", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('b')") # Left and Right keys map_key("OD", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('Left')") map_key("OC", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('Right')") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('Left')") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerKeyPressed('Right')") # Cancel keys. map_key("i", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("q", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") map_key("", ":call LustyJugglerCancel()") @last_pressed = 2 if LustyJuggler::alt_tab_mode_active? print_buffer_list(@last_pressed) end def key_pressed() c = VIM::evaluate("a:code_arg") if @last_pressed.nil? and c == 'ENTER' cleanup() elsif @last_pressed and (@@KEYS[c] == @last_pressed or c == 'ENTER') choose(@last_pressed) cleanup() elsif @last_pressed and %w(v b).include?(c) c=='v' ? vsplit(@last_pressed) : hsplit(@last_pressed) cleanup() elsif c == 'Left' @last_pressed = (@last_pressed.nil?) ? 0 : (@last_pressed) @last_pressed = (@last_pressed - 1) < 1 ? $lj_buffer_stack.length : (@last_pressed - 1) print_buffer_list(@last_pressed) elsif c == 'Right' @last_pressed = (@last_pressed.nil?) ? 0 : (@last_pressed) @last_pressed = (@last_pressed + 1) > $lj_buffer_stack.length ? 1 : (@last_pressed + 1) print_buffer_list(@last_pressed) else @last_pressed = @@KEYS[c] print_buffer_list(@last_pressed) end end # Restore settings, mostly. def cleanup @last_pressed = nil VIM::set_option "timeoutlen=#{@timeoutlen}" VIM::set_option "ruler" if @ruler VIM::set_option "showcmd" if @showcmd VIM::set_option "showmode" if @showmode @@KEYS.keys.each do |c| unmap_key(c) end unmap_key("") unmap_key("") unmap_key("v") unmap_key("b") unmap_key("i") unmap_key("q") unmap_key("") unmap_key("") unmap_key("") unmap_key("") unmap_key("") unmap_key("OC") unmap_key("OD") unmap_key("") unmap_key("") @running = false VIM::message '' VIM::command 'redraw' # Prevents "Press ENTER to continue" message. end private def self.alt_tab_mode_active? return (VIM::exists?("g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode") and VIM::evaluate("g:LustyJugglerAltTabMode").to_i != 0) end def print_buffer_list(highlighted_entry = nil) # If the user pressed a key higher than the number of open buffers, # highlight the highest (see also BufferStack.num_at_pos()). @name_bar.selected_buffer = \ if highlighted_entry # Correct for zero-based array. [highlighted_entry, $lj_buffer_stack.length].min - 1 else nil end @name_bar.print end def choose(i) buf = $lj_buffer_stack.num_at_pos(i) VIM::command "b #{buf}" end def vsplit(i) buf = $lj_buffer_stack.num_at_pos(i) VIM::command "vert sb #{buf}" end def hsplit(i) buf = $lj_buffer_stack.num_at_pos(i) VIM::command "sb #{buf}" end def map_key(key, action) ['n','s','x','o','i','c','l'].each do |mode| VIM::command "let s:maparg_holder = maparg('#{key}', '#{mode}')" if VIM::evaluate_bool("s:maparg_holder != ''") orig_rhs = VIM::evaluate("s:maparg_holder") if VIM::has_ext_maparg? VIM::command "let s:maparg_dict_holder = maparg('#{key}', '#{mode}', 0, 1)" nore = VIM::evaluate_bool("s:maparg_dict_holder['noremap']") ? 'nore' : '' silent = VIM::evaluate_bool("s:maparg_dict_holder['silent']") ? ' ' : '' expr = VIM::evaluate_bool("s:maparg_dict_holder['expr']") ? ' ' : '' buffer = VIM::evaluate_bool("s:maparg_dict_holder['buffer']") ? ' ' : '' restore_cmd = "#{mode}#{nore}map#{silent}#{expr}#{buffer} #{key} #{orig_rhs}" else nore = LustyJ::starts_with?(orig_rhs, '') ? '' : 'nore' restore_cmd = "#{mode}#{nore}map #{key} #{orig_rhs}" end @key_mappings_map[key] << [ mode, restore_cmd ] end VIM::command "#{mode}noremap #{key} #{action}" end end def unmap_key(key) #first, unmap lusty_juggler's maps ['n','s','x','o','i','c','l'].each do |mode| VIM::command "#{mode}unmap #{key}" end if @key_mappings_map.has_key?(key) @key_mappings_map[key].each do |a| mode, restore_cmd = *a # for mappings that have on the rhs \|, the \ is somehow stripped restore_cmd.gsub!("|", "\\|") VIM::command restore_cmd end end end end end # An item (delimiter/separator or buffer name) on the NameBar. module LustyJ class BarItem def initialize(str, color) @str = str @color = color end def length @str.length end def pretty_print_input [@color, @str] end def [](*rest) return BarItem.new(@str[*rest], @color) end def self.full_length(array) if array array.inject(0) { |sum, el| sum + el.length } else 0 end end end class BufferItem < BarItem def initialize(str, highlighted) @str = str @highlighted = highlighted destructure() end def [](*rest) return BufferItem.new(@str[*rest], @highlighted) end def pretty_print_input @array end private @@BUFFER_COLOR = "PreProc" #@@BUFFER_COLOR = "None" @@DIR_COLOR = "Directory" @@SLASH_COLOR = "Function" @@HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = "Question" # Breakdown the string to colourize each part. def destructure if @highlighted buf_color = @@HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR dir_color = @@HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR slash_color = @@HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR else buf_color = @@BUFFER_COLOR dir_color = @@DIR_COLOR slash_color = @@SLASH_COLOR end pieces = @str.split(File::SEPARATOR, -1) @array = [] @array << dir_color @array << pieces.shift pieces.each { |piece| @array << slash_color @array << File::SEPARATOR @array << dir_color @array << piece } # Last piece is the actual name. @array[-2] = buf_color end end class SeparatorItem < BarItem public def initialize super(@@TEXT, @@COLOR) end private @@TEXT = "|" #@@COLOR = "NonText" @@COLOR = "None" end class LeftContinuerItem < BarItem public def initialize super(@@TEXT, @@COLOR) end def self.length @@TEXT.length end private @@TEXT = "<" @@COLOR = "NonText" end class RightContinuerItem < BarItem public def initialize super(@@TEXT, @@COLOR) end def self.length @@TEXT.length end private @@TEXT = ">" @@COLOR = "NonText" end end # A one-line display of the open buffers, appearing in the command display. module LustyJ class NameBar public def initialize @selected_buffer = nil end attr_writer :selected_buffer def print items = create_items() selected_item = \ if @selected_buffer # Account for the separators we've added. [@selected_buffer * 2, (items.length - 1)].min end clipped = clip(items, selected_item) NameBar.do_pretty_print(clipped) end private @@LETTERS = ["a", "s", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", ";"] def create_items names = $lj_buffer_stack.names(10) items = names.inject([]) { |array, name| key = if VIM::exists?("g:LustyJugglerShowKeys") case VIM::evaluate("g:LustyJugglerShowKeys").to_s when /[[:alpha:]]/ @@LETTERS[array.size / 2] + ":" when /[[:digit:]]/ "#{((array.size / 2) + 1) % 10}:" else "" end else "" end array << BufferItem.new("#{key}#{name}", (@selected_buffer and \ name == names[@selected_buffer])) array << SeparatorItem.new } items.pop # Remove last separator. return items end # Clip the given array of items to the available display width. def clip(items, selected) # This function is pretty hard to follow... # Note: Vim gives the annoying "Press ENTER to continue" message if we # use the full width. columns = VIM::columns() - 1 if BarItem.full_length(items) <= columns return items end selected = 0 if selected.nil? half_displayable_len = columns / 2 # The selected buffer is excluded since it's basically split between # the sides. left_len = BarItem.full_length items[0, selected - 1] right_len = BarItem.full_length items[selected + 1, items.length - 1] right_justify = (left_len > half_displayable_len) and \ (right_len < half_displayable_len) selected_str_half_len = (items[selected].length / 2) + \ (items[selected].length % 2 == 0 ? 0 : 1) if right_justify # Right justify the bar. first_layout = self.method :layout_right second_layout = self.method :layout_left first_adjustment = selected_str_half_len second_adjustment = -selected_str_half_len else # Left justify (sort-of more likely). first_layout = self.method :layout_left second_layout = self.method :layout_right first_adjustment = -selected_str_half_len second_adjustment = selected_str_half_len end # Layout the first side. allocation = half_displayable_len + first_adjustment first_side, remainder = first_layout.call(items, selected, allocation) # Then layout the second side, also grabbing any unused space. allocation = half_displayable_len + \ second_adjustment + \ remainder second_side, remainder = second_layout.call(items, selected, allocation) if right_justify second_side + first_side else first_side + second_side end end # Clip the given array of items to the given space, counting downwards. def layout_left(items, selected, space) trimmed = [] i = selected - 1 while i >= 0 m = items[i] if space > m.length trimmed << m space -= m.length elsif space > 0 trimmed << m[m.length - (space - LeftContinuerItem.length), \ space - LeftContinuerItem.length] trimmed << LeftContinuerItem.new space = 0 else break end i -= 1 end return trimmed.reverse, space end # Clip the given array of items to the given space, counting upwards. def layout_right(items, selected, space) trimmed = [] i = selected while i < items.length m = items[i] if space > m.length trimmed << m space -= m.length elsif space > 0 trimmed << m[0, space - RightContinuerItem.length] trimmed << RightContinuerItem.new space = 0 else break end i += 1 end return trimmed, space end def NameBar.do_pretty_print(items) args = items.inject([]) { |array, item| array = array + item.pretty_print_input } VIM::pretty_msg *args end end end # Maintain MRU ordering. module LustyJ class BufferStack public def initialize @stack = [] (0..VIM::Buffer.count-1).each do |i| @stack << VIM::Buffer[i].number end end # Switch to the previous buffer (the one you were using before the # current one). This is basically a smarter replacement for :b#, # accounting for the situation where your previous buffer no longer # exists. def juggle_previous buf = num_at_pos(2) VIM::command "b #{buf}" end def names(n = :all) # Get the last n buffer names by MRU. Show only as much of # the name as necessary to differentiate between buffers of # the same name. cull! names = @stack.collect { |i| VIM::bufname(i) }.reverse if n != :all names = names[0,n] end shorten_paths(names) end def numbers(n = :all) # Get the last n buffer numbers by MRU. cull! numbers = @stack.reverse if n == :all numbers else numbers[0,n] end end def num_at_pos(i) cull! return @stack[-i] ? @stack[-i] : @stack.first end def length cull! return @stack.length end def push @stack.delete $curbuf.number @stack << $curbuf.number end def pop number = VIM::evaluate('bufnr(expand(""))') @stack.delete number end private def cull! # Remove empty and unlisted buffers. @stack.delete_if { |x| not (VIM::evaluate_bool("bufexists(#{x})") and VIM::evaluate_bool("getbufvar(#{x}, '&buflisted')")) } end # NOTE: very similar to Entry::compute_buffer_entries() def shorten_paths(buffer_names) # Shorten each buffer name by removing all path elements which are not # needed to differentiate a given name from other names. This usually # results in only the basename shown, but if several buffers of the # same basename are opened, there will be more. # Group the buffers by common basename common_base = Hash.new { |hash, k| hash[k] = [] } buffer_names.each do |name| basename = Pathname.new(name).basename.to_s common_base[basename] << name end # Determine the longest common prefix for each basename group. basename_to_prefix = {} common_base.each do |k, names| if names.length > 1 basename_to_prefix[k] = LustyJ::longest_common_prefix(names) end end # Shorten each buffer_name by removing the prefix. buffer_names.map { |name| base = Pathname.new(name).basename.to_s prefix = basename_to_prefix[base] prefix ? name[prefix.length..-1] \ : base } end end end $lusty_juggler = LustyJ::LustyJuggler.new $lj_buffer_stack = LustyJ::BufferStack.new EOF " vim: set sts=2 sw=2: