# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # #-- # Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Thomas Leitner # # This file is part of kramdown. # # kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . #++ # require 'set' module Kramdown module Converter # Converts a Kramdown::Document to LaTeX. This converter uses ideas from other Markdown-to-LaTeX # converters like Pandoc and Maruku. class Latex < Base # :stopdoc: # Initialize the LaTeX converter with the given Kramdown document +doc+. def initialize(doc) super #TODO: set the footnote counter at the beginning of the document @doc.options[:footnote_nr] @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] = Set.new end def convert(el, opts = {}) send("convert_#{el.type}", el, opts) end def inner(el, opts) result = '' el.children.each do |inner_el| result << send("convert_#{inner_el.type}", inner_el, opts) end result end def convert_root(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_blank(el, opts) "" end def convert_text(el, opts) escape(el.value) end def convert_p(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\n\n" end def convert_codeblock(el, opts) show_whitespace = el.options[:attr] && el.options[:attr]['class'].to_s =~ /\bshow-whitespaces\b/ lang = el.options[:attr] && el.options[:attr]['lang'] if show_whitespace || lang result = "\\lstset{showspaces=%s,showtabs=%s}\n" % (show_whitespace ? ['true', 'true'] : ['false', 'false']) result += "\\lstset{language=#{lang}}\n" if lang result += "\\lstset{basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\footnotesize}\\lstset{columns=fixed,frame=tlbr}\n" "#{result}\\begin{lstlisting}#{attribute_list(el)}\n#{el.value}\n\\end{lstlisting}\n" else "\\begin{verbatim}#{el.value}\\end{verbatim}\n" end end def latex_environment(type, el, text) "\\begin{#{type}}#{attribute_list(el)}\n#{text}\n\\end{#{type}}\n" end def convert_blockquote(el, opts) latex_environment('quote', el, inner(el, opts)) end HEADER_TYPES = { 1 => 'section', 2 => 'subsection', 3 => 'subsubsection', 4 => 'paragraph', 5 => 'subparagraph', 6 => 'subparagraph' } def convert_header(el, opts) type = HEADER_TYPES[el.options[:level]] if ((el.options[:attr] && (id = el.options[:attr]['id'])) || (@doc.options[:auto_ids] && (id = generate_id(el.options[:raw_text])))) && (@doc.options[:toc_depth] <= 0 || el.options[:level] <= @doc.options[:toc_depth]) "\\hypertarget{#{id}}{}\\#{type}{#{inner(el, opts)}}\\label{#{id}}\n\n" else "\\#{type}*{#{inner(el, opts)}}\n\n" end end def convert_hr(el, opts) "\\begin{center}#{attribute_list(el)}\n\\rule{3in}{0.4pt}\n\\end{center}\n" end def convert_ul(el, opts) if !@doc.conversion_infos[:has_toc] && (el.options[:ial][:refs].include?('toc') rescue nil) @doc.conversion_infos[:has_toc] = true '\tableofcontents' else latex_environment(el.type == :ul ? 'itemize' : 'enumerate', el, inner(el, opts)) end end alias :convert_ol :convert_ul def convert_dl(el, opts) latex_environment('description', el, inner(el, opts)) end def convert_li(el, opts) "\\item #{inner(el, opts).sub(/\n+\Z/, '')}\n" end def convert_dt(el, opts) "\\item[#{inner(el, opts)}] " end def convert_dd(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\n\n" end def convert_html_element(el, opts) if el.value == 'i' "\\emph{#{inner(el, opts)}}" elsif el.value == 'b' "\\emph{#{inner(el, opts)}}" else @doc.warnings << "Can't convert HTML element" '' end end def convert_xml_comment(el, opts) el.value.split(/\n/).map {|l| "% #{l}"}.join("\n") + "\n" end def convert_xml_pi(el, opts) @doc.warnings << "Can't convert XML PI/HTML document type" '' end alias :convert_html_doctype :convert_xml_pi TABLE_ALIGNMENT_CHAR = {:default => 'l', :left => 'l', :center => 'c', :right => 'r'} def convert_table(el, opts) align = el.options[:alignment].map {|a| TABLE_ALIGNMENT_CHAR[a]}.join('|') "\\begin{tabular}{|#{align}|}#{attribute_list(el)}\n\\hline\n#{inner(el, opts)}\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n\n" end def convert_thead(el, opts) "#{inner(el, opts)}\\hline\n" end def convert_tbody(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end def convert_tfoot(el, opts) "\\hline \\hline \n#{inner(el, opts)}" end def convert_tr(el, opts) el.children.map {|c| send("convert_#{c.type}", c, opts)}.join(' & ') + "\\\\\n" end def convert_td(el, opts) inner(el, opts) end alias :convert_th :convert_td def convert_comment(el, opts) el.value.split(/\n/).map {|l| "% #{l}"}.join("\n") + "\n" end def convert_br(el, opts) "\\newline\n" end def convert_a(el, opts) url = el.options[:attr]['href'] if url =~ /^#/ "\\hyperlink{#{url[1..-1]}}{#{inner(el, opts)}}" else "\\href{#{url}}{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end end def convert_img(el, opts) if el.options[:attr]['src'] =~ /^(https?|ftps?):\/\// @doc.warnings << "Cannot include non-local image" '' elsif !el.options[:attr]['src'].empty? @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] << 'graphicx' "\\includegraphics{#{el.options[:attr]['src']}}" else @doc.warnings << "Cannot include image with empty path" '' end end def convert_codespan(el, opts) "{\\tt #{escape(el.value)}}" end def convert_footnote(el, opts) @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] << 'fancyvrb' "\\footnote{#{inner(@doc.parse_infos[:footnotes][el.options[:name]][:content], opts)}}" end def convert_raw(el, opts) escape(el.value) end def convert_em(el, opts) "\\emph{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end def convert_strong(el, opts) "\\textbf{#{inner(el, opts)}}" end # Inspired by Maruku: entity conversion table based on the one from htmltolatex # (http://sourceforge.net/projects/htmltolatex/), with some small adjustments/additions ENTITY_CONV_TABLE = { 913 => ['$A$'], 914 => ['$B$'], 915 => ['$\Gamma$'], 916 => ['$\Delta$'], 917 => ['$E$'], 918 => ['$Z$'], 919 => ['$H$'], 920 => ['$\Theta$'], 921 => ['$I$'], 922 => ['$K$'], 923 => ['$\Lambda$'], 924 => ['$M$'], 925 => ['$N$'], 926 => ['$\Xi$'], 927 => ['$O$'], 928 => ['$\Pi$'], 929 => ['$P$'], 931 => ['$\Sigma$'], 932 => ['$T$'], 933 => ['$Y$'], 934 => ['$\Phi$'], 935 => ['$X$'], 936 => ['$\Psi$'], 937 => ['$\Omega$'], 945 => ['$\alpha$'], 946 => ['$\beta$'], 947 => ['$\gamma$'], 948 => ['$\delta$'], 949 => ['$\epsilon$'], 950 => ['$\zeta$'], 951 => ['$\eta$'], 952 => ['$\theta$'], 953 => ['$\iota$'], 954 => ['$\kappa$'], 955 => ['$\lambda$'], 956 => ['$\mu$'], 957 => ['$\nu$'], 958 => ['$\xi$'], 959 => ['$o$'], 960 => ['$\pi$'], 961 => ['$\rho$'], 963 => ['$\sigma$'], 964 => ['$\tau$'], 965 => ['$\upsilon$'], 966 => ['$\phi$'], 967 => ['$\chi$'], 968 => ['$\psi$'], 969 => ['$\omega$'], 962 => ['$\varsigma$'], 977 => ['$\vartheta$'], 982 => ['$\varpi$'], 8230 => ['\ldots'], 8242 => ['$\prime$'], 8254 => ['-'], 8260 => ['/'], 8472 => ['$\wp$'], 8465 => ['$\Im$'], 8476 => ['$\Re$'], 8501 => ['$\aleph$'], 8226 => ['$\bullet$'], 8482 => ['$^{\rm TM}$'], 8592 => ['$\leftarrow$'], 8594 => ['$\rightarrow$'], 8593 => ['$\uparrow$'], 8595 => ['$\downarrow$'], 8596 => ['$\leftrightarrow$'], 8629 => ['$\hookleftarrow$'], 8657 => ['$\Uparrow$'], 8659 => ['$\Downarrow$'], 8656 => ['$\Leftarrow$'], 8658 => ['$\Rightarrow$'], 8660 => ['$\Leftrightarrow$'], 8704 => ['$\forall$'], 8706 => ['$\partial$'], 8707 => ['$\exists$'], 8709 => ['$\emptyset$'], 8711 => ['$\nabla$'], 8712 => ['$\in$'], 8715 => ['$\ni$'], 8713 => ['$\notin$'], 8721 => ['$\sum$'], 8719 => ['$\prod$'], 8722 => ['$-$'], 8727 => ['$\ast$'], 8730 => ['$\surd$'], 8733 => ['$\propto$'], 8734 => ['$\infty$'], 8736 => ['$\angle$'], 8743 => ['$\wedge$'], 8744 => ['$\vee$'], 8745 => ['$\cup$'], 8746 => ['$\cap$'], 8747 => ['$\int$'], 8756 => ['$\therefore$', 'amssymb'], 8764 => ['$\sim$'], 8776 => ['$\approx$'], 8773 => ['$\cong$'], 8800 => ['$\neq$'], 8801 => ['$\equiv$'], 8804 => ['$\leq$'], 8805 => ['$\geq$'], 8834 => ['$\subset$'], 8835 => ['$\supset$'], 8838 => ['$\subseteq$'], 8839 => ['$\supseteq$'], 8836 => ['$\nsubset$', 'amssymb'], 8853 => ['$\oplus$'], 8855 => ['$\otimes$'], 8869 => ['$\perp$'], 8901 => ['$\cdot$'], 8968 => ['$\rceil$'], 8969 => ['$\lceil$'], 8970 => ['$\lfloor$'], 8971 => ['$\rfloor$'], 9001 => ['$\rangle$'], 9002 => ['$\langle$'], 9674 => ['$\lozenge$', 'amssymb'], 9824 => ['$\spadesuit$'], 9827 => ['$\clubsuit$'], 9829 => ['$\heartsuit$'], 9830 => ['$\diamondsuit$'], 38 => ['\&'], 34 => ['"'], 39 => ['\''], 169 => ['\copyright'], 60 => ['\textless{}'], 62 => ['\textgreater{}'], 338 => ['\OE'], 339 => ['\oe'], 352 => ['\v{S}'], 353 => ['\v{s}'], 376 => ['\"Y'], 710 => ['\textasciicircum'], 732 => ['\textasciitilde'], 8211 => ['--'], 8212 => ['---'], 8216 => ['`'], 8217 => ['\''], 8220 => ['``'], 8221 => ['\'\''], 8224 => ['\dag'], 8225 => ['\ddag'], 8240 => ['\permil', 'wasysym'], 8364 => ['\euro', 'eurosym'], 8249 => ['\guilsinglleft'], 8250 => ['\guilsinglright'], 8218 => ['\quotesinglbase', 'mathcomp'], 8222 => ['\quotedblbase', 'mathcomp'], 402 => ['\textflorin', 'mathcomp'], 381 => ['\v{Z}'], 382 => ['\v{z}'], 160 => ['\nolinebreak'], 161 => ['\textexclamdown'], 163 => ['\pounds'], 164 => ['\currency', 'wasysym'], 165 => ['\textyen', 'textcomp'], 166 => ['\brokenvert', 'wasysym'], 167 => ['\S'], 171 => ['\guillemotleft'], 187 => ['\guillemotright'], 174 => ['\textregistered'], 170 => ['\textordfeminine'], 172 => ['$\neg$'], 176 => ['$\degree$', 'mathabx'], 177 => ['$\pm$'], 180 => ['\''], 181 => ['$\mu$'], 182 => ['\P'], 183 => ['$\cdot$'], 186 => ['\textordmasculine'], 162 => ['\cent', 'wasysym'], 185 => ['$^1$'], 178 => ['$^2$'], 179 => ['$^3$'], 189 => ['$\frac{1}{2}$'], 188 => ['$\frac{1}{4}$'], 190 => ['$\frac{3}{4}'], 192 => ['\`A'], 193 => ['\\\'A'], 194 => ['\^A'], 195 => ['\~A'], 196 => ['\"A'], 197 => ['\AA'], 198 => ['\AE'], 199 => ['\cC'], 200 => ['\`E'], 201 => ['\\\'E'], 202 => ['\^E'], 203 => ['\"E'], 204 => ['\`I'], 205 => ['\\\'I'], 206 => ['\^I'], 207 => ['\"I'], 208 => ['$\eth$', 'amssymb'], 209 => ['\~N'], 210 => ['\`O'], 211 => ['\\\'O'], 212 => ['\^O'], 213 => ['\~O'], 214 => ['\"O'], 215 => ['$\times$'], 216 => ['\O'], 217 => ['\`U'], 218 => ['\\\'U'], 219 => ['\^U'], 220 => ['\"U'], 221 => ['\\\'Y'], 222 => ['\Thorn', 'wasysym'], 223 => ['\ss'], 224 => ['\`a'], 225 => ['\\\'a'], 226 => ['\^a'], 227 => ['\~a'], 228 => ['\"a'], 229 => ['\aa'], 230 => ['\ae'], 231 => ['\cc'], 232 => ['\`e'], 233 => ['\\\'e'], 234 => ['\^e'], 235 => ['\"e'], 236 => ['\`i'], 237 => ['\\\'i'], 238 => ['\^i'], 239 => ['\"i'], 240 => ['$\eth$'], 241 => ['\~n'], 242 => ['\`o'], 243 => ['\\\'o'], 244 => ['\^o'], 245 => ['\~o'], 246 => ['\"o'], 247 => ['$\divide$'], 248 => ['\o'], 249 => ['\`u'], 250 => ['\\\'u'], 251 => ['\^u'], 252 => ['\"u'], 253 => ['\\\'y'], 254 => ['\thorn', 'wasysym'], 255 => ['\"y'], } ENTITY_CONV_TABLE.each {|k,v| ENTITY_CONV_TABLE[k] = v.unshift(v.shift + '{}')} def convert_entity(el, opts) text, package = ENTITY_CONV_TABLE[el.value.code_point] if text @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] << package if package text else @doc.warnings << "Couldn't find entity in substitution table!" '' end end TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS = { :mdash => '---', :ndash => '--', :hellip => '\ldots{}', :laquo_space => '\guillemotleft{}~', :raquo_space => '~\guillemotright{}', :laquo => '\guillemotleft{}', :raquo => '\guillemotright{}' } def convert_typographic_sym(el, opts) TYPOGRAPHIC_SYMS[el.value] end SMART_QUOTE_SYMS = {:lsquo => '`', :rsquo => '\'', :ldquo => '``', :rdquo => '\'\''} def convert_smart_quote(el, opts) SMART_QUOTE_SYMS[el.value] end def convert_math(el, opts) @doc.conversion_infos[:packages] += %w[amssymb amsmath amsthm amsfonts] if el.options[:category] == :block if el.value =~ /\A\s*\\begin\{/ el.value else latex_environment('displaymath', el, el.value) end else "$#{el.value}$" end end def convert_abbreviation(el, opts) el.value end ESCAPE_MAP = { "^" => "\\^{}", "\\" => "\\textbackslash{}", "~" => "\\ensuremath{\\sim}", "|" => "\\textbar{}", "<" => "\\textless{}", ">" => "\\textgreater{}" }.merge(Hash[*("{}$%&_#".scan(/./).map {|c| [c, "\\#{c}"]}.flatten)]) ESCAPE_RE = Regexp.union(*ESCAPE_MAP.collect {|k,v| k}) def escape(str) str.gsub(ESCAPE_RE) {|m| ESCAPE_MAP[m]} end def attribute_list(el) attrs = (el.options[:attr] || {}).map {|k,v| v.nil? ? '' : " #{k}=\"#{v.to_s}\""}.compact.sort.join('') attrs = " % #{attrs}" if !attrs.empty? attrs end end end end