When I go to [page_name] When I press "[button]" When I follow "[link]" When I fill in "[field]" with "[value]" When I select "[value]" from "[field]" When I select "[time]" as the date and time When I select "[datetime]" as the "[datetime_label]" date and time When I select "[time]" as the time When I select "[time]" as the "[time_label]" time When I select "[date]" as the date When I select "[date]" as the "[date_label]" date When I check "[field]" When I uncheck "[field]" When I choose "[field]" When I attach the file at "[path]" to "[field]" Then I should see "[text]" Then I should not see "[text]" Then the "[field]" field should contain "[value]" Then the "[field]" field should not contain "[value]" Then the "[label]" checkbox should be checked Then I should be on [page_name]