# Aliases in this file are bash and zsh compatible # Don't change. The following determines where YADR is installed. yadr=$HOME/.yadr # YADR support alias yav='yadr vim-add-plugin' alias yuv='yadr update-plugins' #FIXME: backwards compatibility. Kill me after Jan 1, 2013 alias yup='yadr update-plugins' alias yip='yadr init-plugins' # PS alias psa="ps aux" alias psg="ps aux | grep " alias psr='ps aux | grep ruby' # Moving around alias cdb='cd -' # Show human friendly numbers and colors alias df='df -h' alias ll='ls -alGh' alias ls='ls -Gh' alias du='du -h -d 2' # show me files matching "ls grep" alias lsg='ll | grep' # Alias Editing alias ae='vim $yadr/zsh/aliases.zsh' #alias edit alias ar='source $yadr/zsh/aliases.zsh' #alias reload # vim using mvim --version > /dev/null 2>&1 MACVIM_INSTALLED=$? if [ $MACVIM_INSTALLED -eq 0 ]; then alias vim="mvim -v" fi # vimrc editing alias ve='vim ~/.vimrc' # zsh profile editing alias ze='vim ~/.zshrc' alias zr='source ~/.zshrc' # Git Aliases alias gs='git status' alias gstsh='git stash' alias gst='git stash' alias gsp='git stash pop' alias gsa='git stash apply' alias gsh='git show' alias gshw='git show' alias gshow='git show' alias gi='vim .gitignore' alias gcm='git ci -m' alias gcim='git ci -m' alias gci='git ci' alias gco='git co' alias gcp='git cp' alias ga='git add -A' alias guns='git unstage' alias gunc='git uncommit' alias gm='git merge' alias gms='git merge --squash' alias gam='git amend --reset-author' alias grv='git remote -v' alias grr='git remote rm' alias grad='git remote add' alias gr='git rebase' alias gra='git rebase --abort' alias ggrc='git rebase --continue' alias gbi='git rebase --interactive' alias gl='git l' alias glg='git l' alias glog='git l' alias co='git co' alias gf='git fetch' alias gfch='git fetch' alias gd='git diff' alias gb='git b' alias gbd='git b -D -w' alias gdc='git diff --cached -w' alias gpub='grb publish' alias gtr='grb track' alias gpl='git pull' alias gplr='git pull --rebase' alias gps='git push' alias gpsh='git push' alias gnb='git nb' # new branch aka checkout -b alias grs='git reset' alias grsh='git reset --hard' alias gcln='git clean' alias gclndf='git clean -df' alias gclndfx='git clean -dfx' alias gsm='git submodule' alias gsmi='git submodule init' alias gsmu='git submodule update' alias gt='git t' alias gbg='git bisect good' alias gbb='git bisect bad' # Common shell functions alias less='less -r' alias tf='tail -f' alias l='less' alias lh='ls -alt | head' # see the last modified files alias screen='TERM=screen screen' alias cl='clear' # Zippin alias gz='tar -zcvf' # Ruby alias c='rails c' # Rails 3 alias co='script/console --irb=pry' # Rails 2 alias ts='thin start' alias ms='mongrel_rails start' alias tfdl='tail -f log/development.log' alias tftl='tail -f log/test.log' # Vim/ctags "mctags = make ctags", using the ruby specific version # to save some time alias mctags=~/.bin/run_tags.rb #'/opt/local/bin/ctags -Rf ./tags *' alias ka9='killall -9' alias k9='kill -9' # Gem install alias sgi='sudo gem install --no-ri --no-rdoc' # TODOS # This uses NValt (NotationalVelocity alt fork) - http://brettterpstra.com/project/nvalt/ # to find the note called 'todo' alias todo='open nvalt://find/todo' # Forward port 80 to 3000 alias portforward='sudo ipfw add 1000 forward,3000 ip from any to any 80 in' alias rdm='rake db:migrate' alias rdmr='rake db:migrate:redo' # Zeus alias zs='zeus server' alias zc='zeus console' # Rspec alias rs='rspec spec' # Sprintly - https://github.com/nextbigsoundinc/Sprintly-GitHub alias sp='sprintly' # spb = sprintly branch - create a branch automatically based on the bug you're working on alias spb="git checkout -b \`sp | tail -2 | grep '#' | sed 's/^ //' | sed 's/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]//g' | sed 's/ /-/g' | cut -d"-" -f1,2,3,4,5\`"