require 'rake' require 'fileutils' require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'bin', 'yadr', 'vundle') desc "Hook our dotfiles into system-standard positions." task :install => [:submodule_init, :submodules] do puts puts "======================================================" puts "Welcome to YADR Installation." puts "======================================================" puts install_homebrew if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") install_rvm_binstubs # this has all the runcoms from this directory. file_operation(Dir.glob('git/*')) if want_to_install?('git configs (color, aliases)') file_operation(Dir.glob('irb/*')) if want_to_install?('irb/pry configs (more colorful)') file_operation(Dir.glob('ruby/*')) if want_to_install?('rubygems config (faster/no docs)') file_operation(Dir.glob('ctags/*')) if want_to_install?('ctags config (better js/ruby support)') file_operation(Dir.glob('tmux/*')) if want_to_install?('tmux config') file_operation(Dir.glob('vimify/*')) if want_to_install?('vimification of command line tools') if want_to_install?('vim configuration (highly recommended)') file_operation(Dir.glob('{vim,vimrc}')) Rake::Task["install_vundle"].execute end Rake::Task["install_prezto"].execute install_fonts if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") install_term_theme if RUBY_PLATFORM.downcase.include?("darwin") success_msg("installed") end task :install_prezto do if want_to_install?('zsh enhancements & prezto') install_prezto end end task :update do Rake::Task["vundle_migration"].execute if needs_migration_to_vundle? Rake::Task["install"].execute #TODO: for now, we do the same as install. But it would be nice #not to clobber zsh files end task :submodule_init do unless ENV["SKIP_SUBMODULES"] run %{ git submodule update --init --recursive } end end desc "Init and update submodules." task :submodules do unless ENV["SKIP_SUBMODULES"] puts "======================================================" puts "Downloading YADR submodules...please wait" puts "======================================================" run %{ cd $HOME/.yadr git submodule foreach 'git fetch origin; git checkout master; git reset --hard origin/master; git submodule update --recursive; git clean -dfx' git clean -dfx } puts end end desc "Performs migration from pathogen to vundle" task :vundle_migration do puts "======================================================" puts "Migrating from pathogen to vundle vim plugin manager. " puts "This will move the old .vim/bundle directory to" puts ".vim/bundle.old and replacing all your vim plugins with" puts "the standard set of plugins. You will then be able to " puts "manage your vim's plugin configuration by editing the " puts "file .vim/vundles.vim" puts "======================================================" Dir.glob(File.join('vim', 'bundle','**')) do |sub_path| run %{git config -f #{File.join('.git', 'config')} --remove-section submodule.#{sub_path}} # `git rm --cached #{sub_path}` FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join('.git', 'modules', sub_path)) end'vim','bundle'), File.join('vim', 'bundle.old')) end desc "Runs Vundle installer in a clean vim environment" task :install_vundle do puts "======================================================" puts "Installing vundle." puts "The installer will now proceed to run BundleInstall." puts "Due to a bug, the installer may report some errors" puts "when installing the plugin 'syntastic'. Fortunately" puts "Syntastic will install and work properly despite the" puts "errors so please just ignore them and let's hope for" puts "an update that fixes the problem!" puts "======================================================" puts "" run %{ cd $HOME/.yadr git clone #{File.join('vim','bundle', 'vundle')} } Vundle::update_vundle end task :default => 'install' private def run(cmd) puts "[Running] #{cmd}" `#{cmd}` unless ENV['DEBUG'] end def install_rvm_binstubs puts "======================================================" puts "Installing RVM Bundler support. Never have to type" puts "bundle exec again! Please use bundle --binstubs and RVM" puts "will automatically use those bins after cd'ing into dir." puts "======================================================" run %{ chmod +x $rvm_path/hooks/after_cd_bundler } puts end def install_homebrew run %{which brew} unless $?.success? puts "======================================================" puts "Installing Homebrew, the OSX package manager...If it's" puts "already installed, this will do nothing." puts "======================================================" run %{ruby -e "$(curl -fsSkL"} end puts puts puts "======================================================" puts "Installing Homebrew packages...There may be some warnings." puts "======================================================" run %{brew install zsh ack ctags git hub tmux reattach-to-user-namespace the_silver_searcher} puts puts end def install_fonts puts "======================================================" puts "Installing patched fonts for Powerline." puts "======================================================" run %{ cp -f $HOME/.yadr/fonts/* $HOME/Library/Fonts } puts end def install_term_theme puts "======================================================" puts "Installing iTerm2 solarized theme." puts "======================================================" run %{ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :'Custom Color Presets':'Solarized Light' dict" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist } run %{ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Merge 'iTerm2/Solarized Light.itermcolors' :'Custom Color Presets':'Solarized Light'" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist } run %{ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Add :'Custom Color Presets':'Solarized Dark' dict" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist } run %{ /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Merge 'iTerm2/Solarized Dark.itermcolors' :'Custom Color Presets':'Solarized Dark'" ~/Library/Preferences/com.googlecode.iterm2.plist } puts "======================================================" puts "To make sure your profile is using the solarized theme" puts "Please check your settings under:" puts "Preferences> Profiles> [your profile]> Colors> Load Preset.." puts "======================================================" end def install_prezto puts puts "Installing Prezto (ZSH Enhancements)..." unless File.exists?(File.join(ENV['ZDOTDIR'] || ENV['HOME'], ".zprezto")) run %{ ln -nfs "$HOME/.yadr/zsh/prezto" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zprezto" } # The prezto runcoms are only going to be installed if zprezto has never been installed file_operation(Dir.glob('zsh/prezto/runcoms/z*'), :copy) end puts puts "Overriding prezto ~/.zpreztorc with YADR's zpreztorc to enable additional modules..." run %{ ln -nfs "$HOME/.yadr/zsh/prezto-override/zpreztorc" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc" } puts puts "Creating directories for your customizations" run %{ mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh.before } run %{ mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh.after } run %{ mkdir -p $HOME/.zsh.prompts } if ENV["SHELL"].include? 'zsh' then puts "Zsh is already configured as your shell of choice. Restart your session to load the new settings" else puts "Setting zsh as your default shell" run %{ chsh -s /bin/zsh } end end def want_to_install? (section) if ENV["ASK"]=="true" puts "Would you like to install configuration files for: #{section}? [y]es, [n]o" STDIN.gets.chomp == 'y' else true end end def file_operation(files, method = :symlink) files.each do |f| file = f.split('/').last source = "#{ENV["PWD"]}/#{f}" target = "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.#{file}" puts "======================#{file}==============================" puts "Source: #{source}" puts "Target: #{target}" if File.exists?(target) && (!File.symlink?(target) || (File.symlink?(target) && File.readlink(target) != source)) puts "[Overwriting] #{target}...leaving original at #{target}.backup..." run %{ mv "$HOME/.#{file}" "$HOME/.#{file}.backup" } end if method == :symlink run %{ ln -nfs "#{source}" "#{target}" } else run %{ cp -f "#{source}" "#{target}" } end # Temporary solution until we find a way to allow customization # This modifies zshrc to load all of yadr's zsh extensions. # Eventually yadr's zsh extensions should be ported to prezto modules. if file == 'zshrc', 'a') do |zshrc| zshrc.puts('for config_file ($HOME/.yadr/zsh/*.zsh) source $config_file') end end puts "==========================================================" puts end end def needs_migration_to_vundle? File.exists? File.join('vim', 'bundle', 'tpope-vim-pathogen') end def list_vim_submodules result=`git submodule -q foreach 'echo $name"||"\`git remote -v | awk "END{print \\\\\$2}"\`'`.select{ |line| line =~ /^vim.bundle/ }.map{ |line| line.split('||') } Hash[*result.flatten] end def success_msg(action) puts "" puts " _ _ _ " puts " | | | | | | " puts " | |___| |_____ __| | ____ " puts " |_____ (____ |/ _ |/ ___) " puts " _____| / ___ ( (_| | | " puts " (_______\_____|\____|_| " puts "" puts "YADR has been #{action}. Please restart your terminal and vim." end