I can't take credit for all of this. The vim files are a combination of
work by tpope, scrooloose, and many hours of scouring blogs, vimscripts,
and other places for the cream of the crop of vim awesomeness.

 * http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized - a scientifically calibrated color scheme
 * https://github.com/astrails/dotvim
 * https://github.com/carlhuda/janus
 * https://github.com/tpope
 * https://github.com/scrooloose
 * https://github.com/kana
 * https://github.com/sorin-ionescu
 * https://github.com/nelstrom

And everything that's in the modules included in vim/bundle of course.
Please explore these people's work.

### Contributors

Yadr is made possible by many awesome people, too many to list :) But here are a few of the bigger contributors and core committers.

 * Initial Version: @[skwp](https://github.com/skwp)
 * Cleanup, auto installer: @[kylewest](https://github.com/kylewest)
 * Switch from oh-my-zsh to Presto: @[JeanMertz](https://github.com/JeanMertz)
 * Vundle migration: @[duhanebel](https://github.com/duhanebel)