### Install the gem ```bash gem install jazz_hands ``` [Jazz hands](https://github.com/nixme/jazz_hands) is a nice bundling of all pry-related gems. ### Use pry * as irb: `pry` * as rails console: `script/console --irb=pry` * as a debugger: `require 'pry'; binding.pry` in your code (or just type `pry!<space>` to make vim do it) ### Pry Customizations: * `clear` command to clear screen * `sql` command to execute something (within a rails console) * `c` (continue) `n` (next) `s` (step) commands for debugging using pry-nav * all objects displayed in readable format (colorized, sorted hash keys) - via awesome_print * a few color modifications to make it more useable * type `help` to see all the commands