2011-11-17 16:00:49 -06:00

284 lines
8.7 KiB
Executable File

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Thomas Leitner <t_leitner@gmx.at>
# This file is part of kramdown.
# kramdown is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
module Kramdown
# This module defines all options that are used by parsers and/or converters as well as providing
# methods to deal with the options.
module Options
# Helper class introducing a boolean type for specifying boolean values (+true+ and +false+) as
# option types.
class Boolean
# Return +true+ if +other+ is either +true+ or +false+
def self.===(other)
FalseClass === other || TrueClass === other
# ----------------------------
# :section: Option definitions
# This sections informs describes the methods that can be used on the Options module.
# ----------------------------
# Contains the definition of an option.
Definition = Struct.new(:name, :type, :default, :desc)
# Allowed option types.
ALLOWED_TYPES = [String, Integer, Float, Symbol, Boolean, Array, Object]
@options = {}
# Define a new option called +name+ (a Symbol) with the given +type+ (String, Integer, Float,
# Symbol, Boolean, Array, Object), default value +default+ and the description +desc+.
# The type 'Object' should only be used if none of the other types suffices because such an
# option will be opaque and cannot be used, for example, by CLI command!
def self.define(name, type, default, desc)
raise ArgumentError, "Option name #{name} is already used" if @options.has_key?(name)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid option type #{type} specified" if !ALLOWED_TYPES.include?(type)
raise ArgumentError, "Invalid type for default value" if !(type === default) && !default.nil?
@options[name] = Definition.new(name, type, default, desc)
# Return all option definitions.
def self.definitions
# Return +true+ if an option called +name+ is defined.
def self.defined?(name)
# Return a Hash with the default values for all options.
def self.defaults
temp = {}
@options.each {|n, o| temp[o.name] = o.default}
# Merge the #defaults Hash with the *parsed* options from the given Hash, i.e. only valid option
# names are considered and their value is run through the #parse method.
def self.merge(hash)
temp = defaults
hash.each do |k,v|
next unless @options.has_key?(k)
temp[k] = parse(k, v)
# Parse the given value +data+ as if it was a value for the option +name+ and return the parsed
# value with the correct type.
# If +data+ already has the correct type, it is just returned. Otherwise it is converted to a
# String and then to the correct type.
def self.parse(name, data)
raise ArgumentError, "No option named #{name} defined" if !@options.has_key?(name)
return data if @options[name].type === data
data = data.to_s
if @options[name].type == String
elsif @options[name].type == Integer
elsif @options[name].type == Float
elsif @options[name].type == Symbol
(data.strip.empty? ? nil : data.to_sym)
elsif @options[name].type == Boolean
data.downcase.strip != 'false' && !data.empty?
elsif @options[name].type == Array
# ----------------------------
# :section: Option Definitions
# This sections contains all option definitions that are used by the included
# parsers/converters.
# ----------------------------
define(:template, String, '', <<EOF)
The name of an ERB template file that should be used to wrap the output
This is used to wrap the output in an environment so that the output can
be used as a stand-alone document. For example, an HTML template would
provide the needed header and body tags so that the whole output is a
valid HTML file. If no template is specified, the output will be just
the converted text.
When resolving the template file, the given template name is used first.
If such a file is not found, the converter extension is appended. If the
file still cannot be found, the templates name is interpreted as a
template name that is provided by kramdown (without the converter
kramdown provides a default template named 'default' for each converter.
Default: ''
Used by: all converters
define(:auto_ids, Boolean, true, <<EOF)
Use automatic header ID generation
If this option is `true`, ID values for all headers are automatically
generated if no ID is explicitly specified.
Default: true
Used by: HTML/Latex converter
define(:auto_id_prefix, String, '', <<EOF)
Prefix used for automatically generated heaer IDs
This option can be used to set a prefix for the automatically generated
header IDs so that there is no conflict when rendering multiple kramdown
documents into one output file separately. The prefix should only
contain characters that are valid in an ID!
Default: ''
Used by: HTML/Latex converter
define(:parse_block_html, Boolean, false, <<EOF)
Process kramdown syntax in block HTML tags
If this option is `true`, the kramdown parser processes the content of
block HTML tags as text containing block level elements. Since this is
not wanted normally, the default is `false`. It is normally better to
selectively enable kramdown processing via the markdown attribute.
Default: false
Used by: kramdown parser
define(:parse_span_html, Boolean, true, <<EOF)
Process kramdown syntax in span HTML tags
If this option is `true`, the kramdown parser processes the content of
span HTML tags as text containing span level elements.
Default: true
Used by: kramdown parser
define(:html_to_native, Boolean, false, <<EOF)
Convert HTML elements to native elements
If this option is `true`, the parser converts HTML elements to native
elements. For example, when parsing `<em>hallo</em>` the emphasis tag
would normally be converted to an `:html` element with tag type `:em`.
If `html_to_native` is `true`, then the emphasis would be converted to a
native `:em` element.
This is useful for converters that cannot deal with HTML elements.
Default: false
Used by: kramdown parser
define(:footnote_nr, Integer, 1, <<EOF)
The number of the first footnote
This option can be used to specify the number that is used for the first
Default: 1
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_wrap, Symbol, :div, <<EOF)
Defines how the highlighted code should be wrapped
The possible values are :span, :div or nil.
Default: :div
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_line_numbers, Symbol, :inline, <<EOF)
Defines how and if line numbers should be shown
The possible values are :table, :inline, :list or nil. If this option is
nil, no line numbers are shown.
Default: :inline
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_line_number_start, Integer, 1, <<EOF)
The start value for the line numbers
Default: 1
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_tab_width, Integer, 8, <<EOF)
The tab width used in highlighted code
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_bold_every, Integer, 10, <<EOF)
Defines how often a line number should be made bold
Default: 10
Used by: HTML converter
define(:coderay_css, Symbol, :style, <<EOF)
Defines how the highlighted code gets styled
Possible values are :class (CSS classes are applied to the code
elements, one must supply the needed CSS file) or :style (default CSS
styles are directly applied to the code elements).
Default: style
Used by: HTML converter
define(:numeric_entities, Boolean, false, <<EOF)
Defines whether entities are output using names or numeric values
Default: false
Used by: HTML converter, kramdown converter
define(:toc_depth, Integer, 0, <<EOF)
Defines the maximum level of headers which will be used to generate the table of
contents. For instance, with a value of 2, toc entries will be generated for h1
and h2 headers but not for h3, h4, etc. A value of 0 uses all header levels.
Default: 0
Used by: HTML/Latex converter