yan 86c5fe1ea6 Added Ctrl-s to open spec for any file you're looking at
Similar to rails.vim's :A and :AV command, except it knows
about fast_spec. Could be expanded in the future to add more
spec paths.
2012-04-25 19:39:31 -07:00

33 lines
1.2 KiB

" Find the related spec for any file you open. Requires
" * Your specs live in spec/ or fast_spec/
" * Your pwd (current dir) is the project root
" * You use the same dir structure in your code and specs so that
" code living at lib/foo/bar.rb has a spec at spec/lib/foo/bar.rb
" This method handles files in fast_spec unlike the :A and :AV functions
" that ship with rails.vim
function! FindSpec()
let s:fullpath = expand("%:p")
let s:filepath = expand("%:h")
let s:fname = expand("%:t")
" Possible names for the spec/test for the file we're looking at
let s:test_names = [substitute(s:fname, ".rb$", "_spec.rb", ""), substitute(s:fname, ".rb$", "_test.rb", "")]
" Possible paths
let s:test_paths = ["spec", "fast_spec", "test"]
for test_name in s:test_names
for path in s:test_paths
let s:filepath_without_app = substitute(s:filepath, "app/", "", "")
let s:spec_path = path . "/" . s:filepath_without_app . "/" . test_name
let s:full_spec_path = substitute(s:fullpath, s:filepath . "/" . s:fname, s:spec_path, "")
if filereadable(s:full_spec_path)
execute ":botright vsp " . s:full_spec_path
nnoremap <C-s> :call FindSpec()<CR>