Luiz Gonzaga dos Santos Filho b9a8bb5f7c Fix Ag functions
I believe this is what is intended? It was not working for me like it was...
2014-04-29 18:30:25 -03:00

43 lines
1.2 KiB

function! GetVisual()
let reg_save = getreg('"')
let regtype_save = getregtype('"')
let cb_save = &clipboard
set clipboard&
normal! ""gvy
let selection = getreg('"')
call setreg('"', reg_save, regtype_save)
let &clipboard = cb_save
return selection
"grep the current word using K (mnemonic Kurrent)
nnoremap <silent> K :Ag <cword><CR>
"grep visual selection
vnoremap K :<C-U>execute "Ag " . GetVisual()<CR>
"grep current word up to the next exclamation point using ,K
nnoremap ,K viwf!:<C-U>execute "Ag " . GetVisual()<CR>
"grep for 'def foo'
nnoremap <silent> ,gd :Ag 'def <cword>'<CR>
",gg = Grep! - using Ag the silver searcher
" open up a grep line, with a quote started for the search
nnoremap ,gg :Ag ""<left>
"Grep Current Partial
function! AgCurrentPartial()
let l:fileNameWithoutExtension = expand('%:t:r')
let l:fileNameWithoutUnderscore = substitute(l:fileNameWithoutExtension, '^_','','g')
let l:grepPattern = "render.*[\\\'\\\"].*" . l:fileNameWithoutUnderscore . "[\\\'\\\"]$"
exec 'Ag "' . l:grepPattern . '"'
command! AgCurrentPartial call AgCurrentPartial()
nnoremap ,gcp :AgCurrentPartial<CR>
"Grep for usages of the current file
nnoremap ,gcf :exec "Ag " . expand("%:t:r")<CR>