yan 8ad2a7a7b1 Added Specky for rspec highlighting outside spec/
If you have rspecs anywhere else (say fast_spec/), the
default rails.vim highlighting doesn't affect them. Added
Specky to do this. Specky is not currently enabled in any other
way (we will still use ruby-vim-conque to run tests, but Specky
will do highlighting/file detection).
2012-04-18 09:59:32 -07:00

16 lines
478 B

hi! link txtBold Identifier
hi! link zshVariableDef Identifier
hi! link zshFunction Function
hi! link rubyControl Statement
hi! link rspecGroupMethods rubyControl
hi! link rspecMocks Identifier
hi! link rspecKeywords Identifier
hi! link rubyLocalVariableOrMethod Normal
hi! link rubyStringDelimiter Constant
hi! link rubyString Constant
hi! link rubyAccess Todo
hi! link rubySymbol Identifier
" Enforce the colors set here
au VimEnter * so ~/.vim/plugin/settings/solarized.vim