2012-04-04 02:18:43 -07:00

92 lines
3.1 KiB

" You will have to restart vim for this to take effect. In any case
" it is a good idea to read ":he new-filetype" so that you know what
" is going on, and why the above lines work.
" Written originally by Dominic Mitchell, Jan 2006.
" happygiraffe.net
" Modified by Aaron Bieber, May 2007.
" blog.aaronbieber.com
" Modified by Tim Harper, July 2008 - current
" tim.theenchanter.com
" @(#) $Id$
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Textile commands like "h1" are case sensitive, AFAIK.
syn case match
" Textile syntax: <http://textism.com/tools/textile/>
" Inline elements.
syn match txtEmphasis /_[^_]\+_/
syn match txtBold /\*[^*]\+\*/
syn match txtCite /??.\+??/
syn match txtDeleted /-[^-]\+-/
syn match txtInserted /+[^+]\++/
syn match txtSuper /\^[^^]\+\^/
syn match txtSub /\~[^~]\+\~/
syn match txtSpan /%[^%]\+%/
syn match txtFootnoteRef /\[[0-9]\+]/
syn match txtCode /@[^@]\+@/
" Block elements.
syn match txtHeader /^h1\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\. .\+/
syn match txtHeader2 /^h2\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\. .\+/
syn match txtHeader3 /^h[3-6]\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\..\+/
syn match txtFootnoteDef /^fn[0-9]\+\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\./
syn match txtListBullet /\v^\*+ /
syn match txtListBullet2 /\v^(\*\*)+ /
syn match txtListNumber /\v^#+ /
syn match txtListNumber2 /\v^(##)+ /
syn region txtCodeblock start="^bc\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\. " end="^$"
syn region txtBlockquote start="^bq\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\. " end="^$"
syn region txtParagraph start="^bq\(([^)]*)\|{[^}]*}\|\[[^]]*\]\|[<>=()]\)*\. " end="^$"
syn cluster txtBlockElement contains=txtHeader,txtBlockElement,txtFootnoteDef,txtListBullet,txtListNumber
" Everything after the first colon is from RFC 2396, with extra
" backslashes to keep vim happy... Original:
" ^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?
" Revised the pattern to exclude spaces from the URL portion of the
" pattern. Aaron Bieber, 2007.
syn match txtLink /"[^"]\+":\(\([^:\/?# ]\+\):\)\?\(\/\/\([^\/?# ]*\)\)\?\([^?# ]*\)\(?\([^# ]*\)\)\?\(#\([^ ]*\)\)\?/
syn cluster txtInlineElement contains=txtEmphasis,txtBold,txtCite,txtDeleted,txtInserted,txtSuper,txtSub,txtSpan
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_txt_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_txt_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink txtHeader Title
HiLink txtHeader2 Question
HiLink txtHeader3 Statement
HiLink txtBlockquote Comment
HiLink txtCodeblock Identifier
HiLink txtListBullet Operator
HiLink txtListBullet2 Constant
HiLink txtListNumber Operator
HiLink txtListNumber2 Constant
HiLink txtLink String
HiLink txtCode Identifier
hi def txtEmphasis term=underline cterm=underline gui=italic
hi def txtBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
delcommand HiLink
" vim: set ai et sw=4 :