2020-09-19 22:28:25 +08:00
abbr.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
ag.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
ale.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
autotag.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
camelcasemotion.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
ctrlp.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
easy-grep.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
easymotion.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
gh-markdown.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
go.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
gotofile.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
grep.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
gundo.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
iterm-rspec.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
js.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
lightline.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
markdown.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
NERDtree.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
next-textobject.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
open-changed-files.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
outerblock.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
path.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
python-mode.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
python.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
quickfix-search.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
rails.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00 structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
ripgrep.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
rspec.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
search.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
showmarks.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
smart_jump_to_tag.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
sneak.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
surround.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
syntastic.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
tagbar.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
tComment.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
tidy.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
ultisnips.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
unimpaired.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-fugitive.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-gitgutter.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-indent-guides.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-multiple-cursors.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-session.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vim-tmux-navigator.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
vimrc_after.vim more vim structure work1 2020-09-19 22:28:25 +08:00
yadr-appearance.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yadr-guioptions.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yadr-sudo-write.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yadr-whitespace-killer.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yadr-window-killer.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yadr-wrapping.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yankstack.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00
yapf.vim structure 2020-09-19 21:40:14 +08:00

This directory contains settings for various vim plugins and vim itself.

Plugin Settings

Each plugin's overrides/settings should be put in a separate file named {plugin-name}.vim.

Vim Settings

General vim overrides/settings should be put in a separate file named yadr-{descriptive-name}.vim.