
92 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env zsh
local opts withvals
zmodload zsh/zutil || { <<< 'Requires zparseopts'; false; return }
[ -z $commands[docker] ] && { <<< 'Requires Docker'; false; return }
zparseopts -D -E -M -a opts -A withvals - \
h=hlp -help=h \
i: -image=i \
N: -name=N \
n -dry-run=n \
p -persistant=p \
r -run=r \
-zdotdir: \
if (( $#hlp == 1 )) ; then
${0}: create an ephemeral prezto container using docker
${0} [options] -- [addtl-args]
-h, --help : print this message
-p, --persistant : make a persistant container
-N NAME, --name=NAME : set container name to NAME (default: prezto)
-n, --dry-run : see what command would be run without doing so
-r 'CMD' --run 'CMD' : run 'CMD' on the container (quote CMD)
-i IMG, --image=IMG : create container from image IMG (default hlecuanda/prezto-dev)
-zdotdir=PATH : use dotfiles from local PATH
-zpreztodir : override default prezto to local PATH
${0} -n myruncoms -zdotdir=$HOME
creates an ephemeral container named myruncoms using
dotfiles found in ${HOME}
${0} -n illbeback -p
creates a persistant container named illbeback if such
container exists, then startit and attach to it
${0} -n ivebeenback -r 'apk add python'
spins up the a container named ivebeenback, and runs
the comand 'apk add python'. the container stops when
local image="hlecuanda/prezto-dev"
local name="prezto"
local persistant="--rm"
local zdotdir=""
local zpreztodir=""
local dockercmd='docker run'
local dockerpull=""
for opt in ${(k)withvals}
case $opt in
image="$withvals[-i]" ;;
local dryrun="print --" ;;
name="$withvals[-n]" ;;
persistant="" ;;
zdotdir="-v ${(qq)withvals[-zdotdir]}:/home/prezto/zdotdir -e 'ZDOTDIR=/home/prezto/zdotdir " ;;
zpreztodir="-v ${(qq)withvals[-zpreztodir]}:/home/prezto/zpreztodir -e 'ZPREZTODIR=/home/prezto/zpreztodir " ;;
docker images \
| grep prezto-dev \
&>>! /dev/null || dockerpull="docker pull $image && "
dockercmd="$dryrun $dockerpull $dockercmd $persistant -h $name "
dockercmd="$dockercmd -name $name $zdotdir $zpreztodir $image"
cmd=$(echo $dockercmd | tr -s \ )
# vim: set ft=zsh sw=2 tw=0 fdm=manual et :