This commit is contained in:
Fpointzero 2024-12-26 23:22:32 -06:00 committed by GitHub
commit 06537fb0f1
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GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194

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@ -56,6 +56,48 @@ version is **4.3.11**.
ln -s "$rcfile" "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.${rcfile:t}"
If you use windows, please use this command (save as `example.bat` and run it).
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
REM Define Homedir (If use zsh --login to use zsh please set HomeDir as the absolute path of /home/xxxx in your Windows (like C:\MSYS2\home\xxxx))
set "HomeDir=%USERPROFILE%"
set "sourceDir=%HomeDir%\.zprezto\runcoms"
set "linkDir=%HomeDir%"
echo "sourceDir = %sourceDir%"
echo "linkDir = %linkDir%"
REM Create Config Linking
if not exist "%linkDir%" mkdir "%linkDir%"
for /R "%sourceDir%" %%F in (*) do (
set "fileName=%%~nxF"
REM echo "filename=!fileName!"
REM echo "F=%%F"
REM pause
if /I not "!fileName!"=="" (
mklink "%linkDir%\.!fileName!" "%%F"
REM Define
set PROMPT_DIR="%HomeDir%\.zprezto\modules\prompt"
set array[0]="%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\async"
set array[1]="%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_agnoster_setup"
set array[2]="%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_powerlevel10k_setup"
set array[3]="%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_powerline_setup"
set array[4]="%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_pure_setup"
REM Del Prompt External Functions
for /l %%i in (0,1,4) do (
echo "!array[%%i]!"
del /f !array[%%i]!
REM Make Linking For External Functions
mklink "%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\async" "%PROMPT_DIR%\external\async\async.zsh"
mklink "%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_agnoster_setup" "%PROMPT_DIR%\external\agnoster\agnoster.zsh-theme"
mklink "%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_powerlevel10k_setup" "%PROMPT_DIR%\external\powerlevel10k\powerlevel10k.zsh-theme"
mklink "%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_powerline_setup" "%PROMPT_DIR%\external\powerline\prompt_powerline_setup"
mklink "%PROMPT_DIR%\functions\prompt_pure_setup" "%PROMPT_DIR%\external\pure\pure.zsh"
**Note:** If you already have any of the given configuration files, `ln` in
the above operation will cause an error. In simple cases, you can load