[prompt_sorin] Use ✘ and show return value for non-0 rtrns (#1460)

If you do not want it to show the return code, you can set:
`zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' show-return-val false`
This commit is contained in:
Samantha McVey 2017-09-06 11:14:35 -07:00 committed by Kaleb Elwert
parent 808d9d3579
commit 2cfd366ba6

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@ -129,10 +129,15 @@ function prompt_sorin_setup {
zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format \ zstyle ':prezto:module:git:info:keys' format \
'status' '%b %p %c:%s%A%B%S%a%d%m%r%U%u' 'status' '%b %p %c:%s%A%B%S%a%d%m%r%U%u'
# Set up non-zero return value display
local show_return="✘ "
# Default is to show the return value
if zstyle -T ':prezto:module:prompt' show-return-val; then
show_return+='%? '
# Set python-info format # Set python-info format
zstyle ':prezto:module:python:info:virtualenv' format '%f%F{3}(%v)%F{7} ' zstyle ':prezto:module:python:info:virtualenv' format '%f%F{3}(%v)%F{7} '
# Get the async worker set up # Get the async worker set up
async_start_worker async_sorin_git -n async_start_worker async_sorin_git -n
async_register_callback async_sorin_git prompt_sorin_git_info async_register_callback async_sorin_git prompt_sorin_git_info
@ -143,7 +148,9 @@ function prompt_sorin_setup {
# Define prompts. # Define prompts.
PROMPT='${SSH_TTY:+"%F{9}%n%f%F{7}@%f%F{3}%m%f "}%F{4}${_prompt_sorin_pwd}%(!. %B%F{1}#%f%b.)${editor_info[keymap]} ' PROMPT='${SSH_TTY:+"%F{9}%n%f%F{7}@%f%F{3}%m%f "}%F{4}${_prompt_sorin_pwd}%(!. %B%F{1}#%f%b.)${editor_info[keymap]} '
RPROMPT='$python_info[virtualenv]${editor_info[overwrite]}%(?:: %F{1}⏎%f)${VIM:+" %B%F{6}V%f%b"}${_prompt_sorin_git}' RPROMPT='$python_info[virtualenv]${editor_info[overwrite]}%(?:: %F{1}'
RPROMPT+='%f)${VIM:+" %B%F{6}V%f%b"}${_prompt_sorin_git}'
SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{1}%R%f to %F{2}%r%f [nyae]? ' SPROMPT='zsh: correct %F{1}%R%f to %F{2}%r%f [nyae]? '
} }