diff --git a/modules/alias/init.zsh b/modules/alias/init.zsh index c16bfaa9..6c25f12d 100644 --- a/modules/alias/init.zsh +++ b/modules/alias/init.zsh @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ if zstyle -t ':omz:alias:diff' color; then if (( $+commands[colormake] )); then alias make='colormake' - compdef colormake=make + compdef colormake=make 2> /dev/null fi fi diff --git a/modules/git/alias.zsh b/modules/git/alias.zsh index 9984c777..0f46a72a 100644 --- a/modules/git/alias.zsh +++ b/modules/git/alias.zsh @@ -7,108 +7,108 @@ # Git alias g='git' -compdef g=git +compdef g=git 2> /dev/null # Branch (b) alias gb='git branch' -compdef _git gb=git-branch +compdef _git gb=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbc='git checkout -b' -compdef _git gbc=git-checkout +compdef _git gbc=git-checkout 2> /dev/null alias gbl='git branch -v' -compdef _git gbl=git-branch +compdef _git gbl=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbL='git branch -av' -compdef _git gbL=git-branch +compdef _git gbL=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbx='git branch -d' -compdef _git gbx=git-branch +compdef _git gbx=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbX='git branch -D' -compdef _git gbX=git-branch +compdef _git gbX=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbm='git branch -m' -compdef _git gbm=git-branch +compdef _git gbm=git-branch 2> /dev/null alias gbM='git branch -M' -compdef _git gbM=git-branch +compdef _git gbM=git-branch 2> /dev/null # Commit (c) alias gc='git commit' -compdef _git gc=git-commit +compdef _git gc=git-commit 2> /dev/null alias gca='git commit --all' -compdef _git gca=git-commit +compdef _git gca=git-commit 2> /dev/null alias gcm='git commit --message' -compdef _git gcm=git-commit +compdef _git gcm=git-commit 2> /dev/null alias gco='git checkout' -compdef _git gco=git-checkout +compdef _git gco=git-checkout 2> /dev/null alias gcO='git checkout HEAD --' -compdef _git gcO=git-checkout +compdef _git gcO=git-checkout 2> /dev/null alias gcf='git commit --amend --reuse-message HEAD' -compdef _git gcf=git-commit +compdef _git gcf=git-commit 2> /dev/null alias gcp='git cherry-pick --ff' -compdef _git gcp=git-cherry-pick +compdef _git gcp=git-cherry-pick 2> /dev/null alias gcP='git cherry-pick --no-commit' -compdef _git gcP=git-cherry-pick +compdef _git gcP=git-cherry-pick 2> /dev/null alias gcr='git revert' -compdef _git gcr=git-revert +compdef _git gcr=git-revert 2> /dev/null alias gcR='git reset "HEAD^"' -compdef _git gcR=git-reset +compdef _git gcR=git-reset 2> /dev/null alias gcs='git show' -compdef _git gcs=git-show +compdef _git gcs=git-show 2> /dev/null alias gcv='git fsck | awk '\''/dangling commit/ {print $3}'\'' | git show --format="SHA1: %C(green)%h%C(reset) %f" --stdin | awk '\''/SHA1/ {sub("SHA1: ", ""); print}'\''' # Data (d) alias gd='git ls-files' -compdef _git gd=git-ls-files +compdef _git gd=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdc='git ls-files --cached' -compdef _git gdc=git-ls-files +compdef _git gdc=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdx='git ls-files --deleted' -compdef _git gdx=git-ls-files +compdef _git gdx=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdm='git ls-files --modified' -compdef _git gdm=git-ls-files +compdef _git gdm=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdu='git ls-files --other --exclude-standard' -compdef _git gdu=git-ls-files +compdef _git gdu=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdk='git ls-files --killed' -compdef _git gdk=git-ls-files +compdef _git gdk=git-ls-files 2> /dev/null alias gdi='git status --porcelain --short --ignored | sed -n "s/^!! //p"' # Fetch (f) alias gf='git fetch' -compdef _git gf=git-fetch +compdef _git gf=git-fetch 2> /dev/null alias gfc='git clone' -compdef _git gfc=git-clone +compdef _git gfc=git-clone 2> /dev/null alias gfm='git pull' -compdef _git gfm=git-pull +compdef _git gfm=git-pull 2> /dev/null alias gfr='git pull --rebase' -compdef _git gfr=git-pull +compdef _git gfr=git-pull 2> /dev/null # Index (i) alias gia='git add' -compdef _git gia=git-add +compdef _git gia=git-add 2> /dev/null alias giA='git add --patch' -compdef _git giA=git-add +compdef _git giA=git-add 2> /dev/null alias giu='git add --update' -compdef _git giu=git-add +compdef _git giu=git-add 2> /dev/null alias gid='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached' -compdef _git gid=git-diff +compdef _git gid=git-diff 2> /dev/null alias giD='git diff --no-ext-diff --cached --word-diff' -compdef _git giD=git-diff +compdef _git giD=git-diff 2> /dev/null alias gir='git reset --mixed' -compdef _git gir=git-reset +compdef _git gir=git-reset 2> /dev/null alias giR='git reset --keep' -compdef _git giR=git-reset +compdef _git giR=git-reset 2> /dev/null alias gix='git rm -r --cached' -compdef _git gix=git-rm +compdef _git gix=git-rm 2> /dev/null alias giX='git rm -rf --cached' -compdef _git giX=git-rm +compdef _git giX=git-rm 2> /dev/null alias gig='git grep --cached' -compdef _git gig=git-grep +compdef _git gig=git-grep 2> /dev/null # Konflict (k) alias gkl='git status | sed -n "s/^.*both [a-z]*ed: *//p"' alias gka='git add $(gkl)' -compdef _git gka=git-add +compdef _git gka=git-add 2> /dev/null alias gke='git mergetool $(gkl)' alias gko='git checkout --ours --' -compdef _git gko=git-checkout +compdef _git gko=git-checkout 2> /dev/null alias gkO='gko $(gkl)' alias gkt='git checkout --theirs --' -compdef _git gkt=git-checkout +compdef _git gkt=git-checkout 2> /dev/null alias gkT='gkt $(gkl)' # Log (l) @@ -117,138 +117,138 @@ git_log_format_oneline='--pretty=format:%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%n' git_log_format_brief='--pretty=format:%C(green)%h%C(reset) %s%n%C(blue)(%ar by %an)%C(red)%d%C(reset)%n' alias gl='git log --topo-order ${git_log_format_medium}' -compdef _git gl=git-log +compdef _git gl=git-log 2> /dev/null alias gls='git log --topo-order --stat ${git_log_format_medium}' -compdef _git gls=git-log +compdef _git gls=git-log 2> /dev/null alias gld='git log --topo-order --stat --patch --full-diff ${git_log_format_medium}' -compdef _git gld=git-log +compdef _git gld=git-log 2> /dev/null alias glo='git log --topo-order ${git_log_format_oneline}' -compdef _git glo=git-log +compdef _git glo=git-log 2> /dev/null alias glg='git log --topo-order --all --graph ${git_log_format_oneline}' -compdef _git glg=git-log +compdef _git glg=git-log 2> /dev/null alias glb='git log --topo-order ${git_log_format_brief}' -compdef _git glb=git-log +compdef _git glb=git-log 2> /dev/null alias glc='git shortlog --summary --numbered' -compdef _git glc=git-shortlog +compdef _git glc=git-shortlog 2> /dev/null # Merge (m) alias gm='git merge' -compdef _git gm=git-merge +compdef _git gm=git-merge 2> /dev/null alias gmC='git merge --no-commit' -compdef _git gmC=git-merge +compdef _git gmC=git-merge 2> /dev/null alias gmF='git merge --no-ff' -compdef _git gmF=git-merge +compdef _git gmF=git-merge 2> /dev/null alias gma='git merge --abort' -compdef _git gma=git-merge +compdef _git gma=git-merge 2> /dev/null alias gmt='git mergetool' -compdef _git gmt=git-mergetool +compdef _git gmt=git-mergetool 2> /dev/null # Push (p) alias gp='git push' -compdef _git gp=git-push +compdef _git gp=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpf='git push --force' -compdef _git gpf=git-push +compdef _git gpf=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpa='git push --all' -compdef _git gpa=git-push +compdef _git gpa=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpA='git push --all && git push --tags' -compdef _git gpA=git-push +compdef _git gpA=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpt='git push --tags' -compdef _git gpt=git-push +compdef _git gpt=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpc='git push --set-upstream origin "$(git-current-branch)"' -compdef _git gpc=git-push +compdef _git gpc=git-push 2> /dev/null alias gpp='git pull origin "$(git-current-branch)" && git push origin "$(git-branch)"' # Rebase (r) alias gr='git rebase' -compdef _git gr=git-rebase +compdef _git gr=git-rebase 2> /dev/null alias gra='git rebase --abort' -compdef _git gra=git-rebase +compdef _git gra=git-rebase 2> /dev/null alias grc='git rebase --continue' -compdef _git grc=git-rebase +compdef _git grc=git-rebase 2> /dev/null alias gri='git rebase --interactive' -compdef _git gri=git-rebase +compdef _git gri=git-rebase 2> /dev/null alias grs='git rebase --skip' -compdef _git grs=git-rebase +compdef _git grs=git-rebase 2> /dev/null # Remote (R) alias gR='git remote' -compdef _git gh=git-remote +compdef _git gh=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRl='git remote --verbose' -compdef _git gRl=git-remote +compdef _git gRl=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRa='git remote add' -compdef _git gRa=git-remote +compdef _git gRa=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRx='git remote rm' -compdef _git gRx=git-remote +compdef _git gRx=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRm='git remote rename' -compdef _git gRm=git-remote +compdef _git gRm=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRu='git remote update' -compdef _git gRu=git-remote +compdef _git gRu=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRc='git remote prune' -compdef _git gRc=git-remote +compdef _git gRc=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRs='git remote show' -compdef _git gRs=git-remote +compdef _git gRs=git-remote 2> /dev/null alias gRb='git-hub' -compdef _git-hub gRb=git-hub +compdef _git-hub gRb=git-hub 2> /dev/null # Stash (s) alias gs='git stash' -compdef _git gs=git-stash +compdef _git gs=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsa='git stash apply' -compdef _git gsa=git-stash +compdef _git gsa=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsc='git stash clear' -compdef _git gsc=git-stash +compdef _git gsc=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsx='git stash drop' -compdef _git gsx=git-stash +compdef _git gsx=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsl='git stash list' -compdef _git gsl=git-stash +compdef _git gsl=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsL='git stash show --patch --stat' -compdef _git gsL=git-stash +compdef _git gsL=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsp='git stash pop' -compdef _git gsp=git-stash +compdef _git gsp=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gss='git stash save --include-untracked' -compdef _git gss=git-stash +compdef _git gss=git-stash 2> /dev/null alias gsS='git stash save --patch --no-keep-index' -compdef _git gsS=git-stash +compdef _git gsS=git-stash 2> /dev/null # Submodule (S) alias gS='git submodule' -compdef _git gS=git-submodule +compdef _git gS=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSa='git submodule add' -compdef _git gSa=git-submodule +compdef _git gSa=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSf='git submodule foreach' -compdef _git gSf=git-submodule +compdef _git gSf=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSi='git submodule init' -compdef _git gSi=git-submodule +compdef _git gSi=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSl='git submodule status' -compdef _git gSl=git-submodule +compdef _git gSl=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSs='git submodule sync' -compdef _git gSs=git-submodule +compdef _git gSs=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSu='git submodule update' -compdef _git gSu=git-submodule +compdef _git gSu=git-submodule 2> /dev/null alias gSU='git submodule update --init --recursive' -compdef _git gSU=git-submdoule +compdef _git gSU=git-submdoule 2> /dev/null # Working Copy (w) alias gws='git status --short' -compdef _git gws=git-status +compdef _git gws=git-status 2> /dev/null alias gwS='git status' -compdef _git gwS=git-status +compdef _git gwS=git-status 2> /dev/null alias gwd='git diff --no-ext-diff' -compdef _git gwd=git-diff +compdef _git gwd=git-diff 2> /dev/null alias gwD='git diff --no-ext-diff --word-diff' -compdef _git gwD=git-diff +compdef _git gwD=git-diff 2> /dev/null alias gwr='git reset --soft' -compdef _git gwr=git-reset +compdef _git gwr=git-reset 2> /dev/null alias gwR='git reset --hard' -compdef _git gwR=git-reset +compdef _git gwR=git-reset 2> /dev/null alias gwc='git clean -n' -compdef _git gwc=git-clean +compdef _git gwc=git-clean 2> /dev/null alias gwC='git clean -f' -compdef _git gwC=git-clean +compdef _git gwC=git-clean 2> /dev/null alias gwx='git rm -r' -compdef _git gwx=git-rm +compdef _git gwx=git-rm 2> /dev/null alias gwX='git rm -rf' -compdef _git gwX=git-rm +compdef _git gwX=git-rm 2> /dev/null alias gwg='git grep' -compdef _git gwg=git-grep +compdef _git gwg=git-grep 2> /dev/null diff --git a/modules/rsync/init.zsh b/modules/rsync/init.zsh index caf705a9..95b9ad92 100644 --- a/modules/rsync/init.zsh +++ b/modules/rsync/init.zsh @@ -15,13 +15,13 @@ if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]] && grep -q 'file-flags' <(rsync --help 2>&1); then fi alias rsync-copy="${rsync_cmd}" -compdef _rsync rsync-copy=rsync +compdef _rsync rsync-copy=rsync 2> /dev/null alias rsync-move="${rsync_cmd} --remove-source-files" -compdef _rsync rsync-move=rsync +compdef _rsync rsync-move=rsync 2> /dev/null alias rsync-update="${rsync_cmd} --update" -compdef _rsync rsync-upate=rsync +compdef _rsync rsync-upate=rsync 2> /dev/null alias rsync-synchronize="${rsync_cmd} --update --delete" -compdef _rsync rsync-synchronize=rsync +compdef _rsync rsync-synchronize=rsync 2> /dev/null unset rsync_cmd diff --git a/modules/utility/init.zsh b/modules/utility/init.zsh index bf0cde60..ffe36750 100644 --- a/modules/utility/init.zsh +++ b/modules/utility/init.zsh @@ -17,25 +17,25 @@ alias http-serve='python -m SimpleHTTPServer' function mkdcd { [[ -n "$1" ]] && mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1" } -compdef _mkdir mkdcd +compdef _mkdir mkdcd 2> /dev/null # Changes to a directory and lists its contents. function cdll { builtin cd "$1" && ll } -compdef _cd cdll +compdef _cd cdll 2> /dev/null # Pushes an entry onto the directory stack and lists its contents. function pushdll { builtin pushd "$1" && ll } -compdef _cd pushdll +compdef _cd pushdll 2> /dev/null # Pops an entry off the directory stack and lists its contents. function popdll { builtin popd "$1" && ll } -compdef _cd popdll +compdef _cd popdll 2> /dev/null # Prints columns 1 2 3 ... n. function slit { @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function slit { function pmine { ps "$@" -U "$USER" -o pid,%cpu,%mem,command } -compdef _ps pmine +compdef _ps pmine 2> /dev/null # Finds files and executes a command on them. function find-exec {