- New feature: Instant Prompt.
- Zsh starts instantly even if zshrc loads dozens of plugins.
- Must be explicitly enabled via `p10k configure`.
- New prompt segment: azure.
- New styles: Pure and Rainbow.
- 6 times faster loading (independent of instant prompt).
`brew cleanup --force` produces the following error message: `Error: invalid option: --force`. I can't seem to find any record of this being a valid option for the cleanup command, so either it was deprecated in the stone age or it was a simple mistake. However, there is a `--force` option available for `brew uninstall`, but that's a dicey thing to alias.
Module `directory` used to set AUTO_NAME_DIRS. This was changed in
73e94b84 but README.md hasn't been updated. This looks like an
accidental omission that this commit fixes.
- New prompt segment: terraform.
- Configuration wizard:
- Offer to install Meslo Nerd Font (only on iTerm2 and Termux).
- Offer to enable `time` prompt segment.
- New style options: round separators, heads and tails.
- Reduce the minimum required terminal width to 55 columns.
- Several bug fixes. Most notable:
- Fix network interface and ip parsing on Linux and WSL.
- Disregard auto_name_dirs if it's set.
- Several bug fixes. Most notable:
- Don't hide command execution time on reset-prompt.
- Support prezto with zsh 5.1.
- Don't hide nvm prompt when there is no nvm command.
- New prompt: ranger.
- Add an option to hide rust version when outside of rust project tree.
- Add an option to show rvm gemset.
A dozen bug fixes. Most important:
- rbenv and a few other segments didn't work if IFS was set
to something unusual.
- vcs segment couldn't properly apply subsegment style if
color overrides used mnemonic names.
- the check for .p10k.zsh already being sourced was too strict.
This is a new variable that will need to be set on all new prompts and
is not backwards compatible with custom prompts that are not prezto
managed, but use prezto's editor-info functionality. Updated the
README.md with additional information for themes.
For normal usage this change should be a NOOP. However it enables the
use case where the user might want to predefine what session gets
connected to when the shell is launched. Running `zsh` will still net
you a connection to the last used tmux session or a new one named
"zprezto" if none exists. However `env tmux_session=myname zsh` will
connect you specifically to a session called 'myname' including creating
it if it doesn't exist.
This is particularly useful in window managers where a key binding might
open a terminal with a predefined session or even show a list of current
sessions and open a new terminal connected to that session.
The default session name may still be set using zstyle as documented.
Just use brace expansion only (and not a mix of brace expansion and
path expansion) to expand `sed` match for more variants of 'pip*' (pip,
pip2, pip3, pip2.7, pip3.7 etc.) in `compctl` assignment
We now allow multiple paths (files/directories) to be archived in
one shot. Validation of the target path(s) is now delegated to the
actual archive helper.
In homebrewed environment, avoid using `brew --prefix nvm` which is
ruby based and is super slow. Instead, rely on homebrew standard
behavior wherein all installed packages are available in canonical
path $(brew --prefix)/opt/<package> (for nvm it would obviously be
`$(brew --prefix)/opt/nvm`).
NB: `$(brew --prefix)` (without additional argument) is a simple shell
shortcut and doesn't have the same performance impact.