# Modules

Load modules in _`${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc`_. The order matters.

zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule 'environment' 'terminal'

## Archive

Provides functions to list and extract archives.

## Autosuggestions

Integrates zsh-autosuggestions into Prezto.

## Command-Not-Found

Loads the command-not-found tool on macOS or Debian-based distributions.

## Completion

Loads and configures <kbd>TAB</kbd> completion and provides additional
completions from the zsh-completions project.

## Directory

Sets directory options and defines directory aliases.

## DNF

Defines _dnf_ aliases.

## Dpkg

Defines _dpkg_ aliases and functions.

## Editor

Sets key bindings.

## Emacs

Enables Emacs dependency management.

## Environment

Sets general shell options and defines environment variables.

## Fasd

Maintains a frequently used file and directory list for fast access.

## Git

Enhances the Git distributed version control system by providing aliases,
functions and by exposing repository status information to prompts.

## GNU Utility

Provides for the interactive use of GNU utilities on non-GNU systems.

## GPG

Provides for an easier use of GPG by setting up gpg-agent.

## Haskell

Enables local Haskell package installation.

## Helper

Provides helper functions for developing modules.

## History

Sets history options and defines history aliases.

## History Substring Search

Integrates zsh-history-substring-search into Prezto.

## Homebrew

Defines Homebrew aliases.

## MacPorts

Defines MacPorts aliases and adds MacPorts directories to path variables.

## Node.js

Provides utility functions for Node.js and loads npm completion.

## OCaml

Initializes OCaml package management.

## OSX

Defines macOS aliases and functions.

## Pacman

Provides aliases and functions for the Pacman package manager and frontends.

## Perl

Enables local Perl module installation on macOS and defines alises.

## Prompt

Loads prompt themes.

## Python

Enables local Python and local Python package installation.

## Ruby on Rails

Defines Ruby on Rails aliases.

## Rsync

Defines rsync aliases.

## Ruby

Configures Ruby local gem installation, loads version managers, and defines

## GNU Screen

Defines GNU Screen aliases and provides for auto launching it at start-up.

## Spectrum

Provides for easier use of 256 colors and effects.

## SSH

Provides for an easier use of SSH by setting up ssh-agent.

## Syntax Highlighting

Integrates zsh-syntax-highlighting into Prezto.

## Terminal

Sets terminal window and tab titles.

## Tmux

Defines tmux aliases and provides for auto launching it at start-up.

## Utility

Defines general aliases and functions.

## Wake-on-LAN

This module provides a wrapper around the wakeonlan tool.

## Yum

Defines yum aliases.