# # Initializes Prezto. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # # Version Check # # Check for the minimum supported version. min_zsh_version='4.3.11' if ! autoload -Uz is-at-least || ! is-at-least "$min_zsh_version"; then printf "prezto: old shell detected, minimum required: %s\n" "$min_zsh_version" >&2 return 1 fi unset min_zsh_version # zprezto convenience updater # The function is surrounded by ( ) instead of { } so it starts in a subshell # and won't affect the environment of the calling shell function zprezto-update { ( function cannot-fast-forward { local STATUS="$1" [[ -n "${STATUS}" ]] && printf "%s\n" "${STATUS}" printf "Unable to fast-forward the changes. You can fix this by " printf "running\ncd '%s' and then\n'git pull' " "${ZPREZTODIR}" printf "to manually pull and possibly merge in changes\n" } cd -q -- "${ZPREZTODIR}" || return 7 local orig_branch="$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | cut -d '/' -f 3)" if [[ "$orig_branch" == "master" ]]; then git fetch || return "$?" local UPSTREAM=$(git rev-parse '@{u}') local LOCAL=$(git rev-parse HEAD) local REMOTE=$(git rev-parse "$UPSTREAM") local BASE=$(git merge-base HEAD "$UPSTREAM") if [[ $LOCAL == $REMOTE ]]; then printf "There are no updates.\n" return 0 elif [[ $LOCAL == $BASE ]]; then printf "There is an update available. Trying to pull.\n\n" if git pull --ff-only; then printf "Syncing submodules\n" git submodule update --init --recursive return $? else cannot-fast-forward return 1 fi elif [[ $REMOTE == $BASE ]]; then cannot-fast-forward "Commits in master that aren't in upstream." return 1 else cannot-fast-forward "Upstream and local have diverged." return 1 fi else printf "zprezto install at '%s' is not on the master branch " "${ZPREZTODIR}" printf "(you're on '%s')\nUnable to automatically update.\n" "${orig_branch}" return 1 fi return 1 ) } # # Module Loader # # Loads Prezto modules. function pmodload { local -a pmodules local -a pmodule_dirs local -a locations local pmodule local pmodule_location local pfunction_glob='^([_.]*|prompt_*_setup|README*|*~)(-.N:t)' # Load in any additional directories and warn if they don't exist zstyle -a ':prezto:load' pmodule-dirs 'user_pmodule_dirs' for user_dir in "$user_pmodule_dirs[@]"; do if [[ ! -d "$user_dir" ]]; then echo "$0: Missing user module dir: $user_dir" fi done pmodule_dirs=("$ZPREZTODIR/modules" "$ZPREZTODIR/contrib" "$user_pmodule_dirs[@]") # $argv is overridden in the anonymous function. pmodules=("$argv[@]") # Load Prezto modules. for pmodule in "$pmodules[@]"; do if zstyle -t ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'yes' 'no'; then continue else locations=(${pmodule_dirs:+${^pmodule_dirs}/$pmodule(-/FN)}) if (( ${#locations} > 1 )); then if ! zstyle -t ':prezto:load' pmodule-allow-overrides 'yes'; then print "$0: conflicting module locations: $locations" continue fi elif (( ${#locations} < 1 )); then print "$0: no such module: $pmodule" continue fi # Grab the full path to this module pmodule_location=${locations[-1]} # Add functions to $fpath. fpath=(${pmodule_location}/functions(-/FN) $fpath) function { local pfunction # Extended globbing is needed for listing autoloadable function directories. setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS EXTENDED_GLOB # Load Prezto functions. for pfunction in ${pmodule_location}/functions/$~pfunction_glob; do autoload -Uz "$pfunction" done } if [[ -s "${pmodule_location}/init.zsh" ]]; then source "${pmodule_location}/init.zsh" elif [[ -s "${pmodule_location}/${pmodule}.plugin.zsh" ]]; then source "${pmodule_location}/${pmodule}.plugin.zsh" fi if (( $? == 0 )); then zstyle ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'yes' else # Remove the $fpath entry. fpath[(r)${pmodule_location}/functions]=() function { local pfunction # Extended globbing is needed for listing autoloadable function # directories. setopt LOCAL_OPTIONS EXTENDED_GLOB # Unload Prezto functions. for pfunction in ${pmodule_location}/functions/$~pfunction_glob; do unfunction "$pfunction" done } zstyle ":prezto:module:$pmodule" loaded 'no' fi fi done } # # Prezto Initialization # # This finds the directory prezto is installed to so plugin managers don't need # to rely on dirty hacks to force prezto into a directory. Additionally, it # needs to be done here because inside the pmodload function ${0:h} evaluates to # the current directory of the shell rather than the prezto dir. ZPREZTODIR=${0:h} # Source the Prezto configuration file. if [[ -s "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc" ]]; then source "${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zpreztorc" fi # Disable color and theme in dumb terminals. if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'no' zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'off' fi # Load Zsh modules. zstyle -a ':prezto:load' zmodule 'zmodules' for zmodule ("$zmodules[@]") zmodload "zsh/${(z)zmodule}" unset zmodule{s,} # Load more specific 'run-help' function from $fpath. (( $+aliases[run-help] )) && unalias run-help && autoload -Uz run-help # Autoload Zsh functions. zstyle -a ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zfunctions' for zfunction ("$zfunctions[@]") autoload -Uz "$zfunction" unset zfunction{s,} # Load Prezto modules. zstyle -a ':prezto:load' pmodule 'pmodules' pmodload "$pmodules[@]" unset pmodules