# # Defines general aliases. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # setopt CORRECT # Correct commands. # The 'ls' Family if zstyle -t ':omz:alias:ls' color; then if [[ -f "$HOME/.dir_colors" ]] && (( $+commands[dircolors] )); then eval $(dircolors "$HOME/.dir_colors") alias ls='ls -hF --group-directories-first --color=auto' else export CLICOLOR=1 export LSCOLORS="exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad" alias ls='ls -G -F' fi fi alias l='ls -1A' # Show files in one column. alias ll='ls -lh' # Show human readable. alias la='ls -lhA' # Show hidden files. alias lx='ls -lhXB' # Sort by extension. alias lk='ls -lhSr' # Sort by size, biggest last. alias lc='ls -lhtcr' # Sort by and show change time, most recent last. alias lu='ls -lhtur' # Sort by and show access time, most recent last. alias lt='ls -lhtr' # Sort by date, most recent last. alias lm='ls -lha | more' # Pipe through 'more'. alias lr='ls -lhR' # Recursive ls. alias sl='ls' # I often screw this up. # General alias _='sudo' alias b="$BROWSER" alias cd='nocorrect cd' alias cp='nocorrect cp -i' alias df='df -kh' alias du='du -kh' alias e="$EDITOR" alias find='noglob find' alias fc='noglob fc' alias gcc='nocorrect gcc' alias history='noglob history' alias ln='nocorrect ln -i' alias locate='noglob locate' alias man='nocorrect man' alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir -p' alias mv='nocorrect mv -i' alias p="$PAGER" alias po='popd' alias pu='pushd' alias rake='noglob rake' alias rm='nocorrect rm -i' alias scp='nocorrect scp' alias type='type -a' # Mac OS X if [[ "$OSTYPE" != darwin* ]]; then alias open='xdg-open' alias get='wget --continue --progress=bar' if (( $+commands[xclip] )); then alias pbcopy='xclip -selection clipboard -in' alias pbpaste='xclip -selection clipboard -out' fi if (( $+commands[xsel] )); then alias pbcopy='xsel --clipboard --input' alias pbpaste='xsel --clipboard --output' fi else alias get='curl --continue-at - --location --progress-bar --remote-name' fi alias o='open' alias pbc='pbcopy' alias pbp='pbpaste' # Top if (( $+commands[htop] )); then alias top=htop else alias topm='top -o vsize' alias topc='top -o cpu' fi # Diff/Make if zstyle -t ':omz:alias:diff' color; then function diff() { if (( $+commands[colordiff] )); then "$commands[diff]" --unified "$@" | colordiff --difftype diffu elif (( $+commands[git] )); then git --no-pager diff --color=auto --no-ext-diff --no-index "$@" else "$commands[diff]" --unified "$@" fi } function wdiff() { if (( $+commands[wdiff] )); then "$commands[wdiff]" \ --avoid-wraps \ --start-delete="$(print -n $FG[red])" \ --end-delete="$(print -n $FG[none])" \ --start-insert="$(print -n $FG[green])" \ --end-insert="$(print -n $FG[none])" \ "$@" \ | sed 's/^\(@@\( [+-][[:digit:]]*,[[:digit:]]*\)\{2\} @@\)$/;5;6m\10m/g' elif (( $+commands[git] )); then git --no-pager diff --color=auto --no-ext-diff --no-index --color-words "$@" else print "zsh: command not found: $0" >&2 fi } if (( $+commands[colormake] )); then alias make='colormake' compdef colormake=make fi fi # Miscellaneous (( $+commands[ack] )) && alias afind='nocorrect ack' (( $+commands[ebuild] )) && alias ebuild='nocorrect ebuild' (( $+commands[gist] )) && alias gist='nocorrect gist' (( $+commands[heroku] )) && alias heroku='nocorrect heroku' (( $+commands[mysql] )) && alias mysql='nocorrect mysql'