# # Sets Prezto options. # # Authors: # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # # # General # # Set case-sensitivity for completion, history lookup, etc. zstyle ':prezto:*:*' case-sensitive 'no' # Color output (auto set to 'no' on dumb terminals). zstyle ':prezto:*:*' color 'yes' # Set the Zsh modules to load (man zshmodules). # zstyle ':prezto:load' zmodule 'attr' 'stat' # Set the Zsh functions to load (man zshcontrib). # zstyle ':prezto:load' zfunction 'zargs' 'zmv' # Set the Prezto modules to load (browse modules). # The order matters. zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule \ 'environment' \ 'terminal' \ 'editor' \ 'history' \ 'directory' \ 'spectrum' \ 'utility' \ 'completion' \ 'prompt' # # Editor # # Set the key mapping style to 'emacs' or 'vi'. zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' keymap 'emacs' # Auto convert .... to ../.. # zstyle ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion 'yes' # # Git # # Ignore submodules when they are 'dirty', 'untracked', 'all', or 'none'. # zstyle ':prezto:module:git:ignore' submodule 'all' # # GNU Utility # # Set the command prefix on non-GNU systems. # zstyle ':prezto:module:gnu-utility' prefix 'g' # # Pacman # # Set the Pacman frontend. # zstyle ':prezto:module:pacman' frontend 'yaourt' # # Prompt # # Set the prompt theme to load. # Setting it to 'random' loads a random theme. # Auto set to 'off' on dumb terminals. zstyle ':prezto:module:prompt' theme 'sorin' # # Screen # # Auto start a session when Zsh is launched. # zstyle ':prezto:module:screen' auto-start 'yes' # # GPG-Agent # # Enable SSH-Agent protocol emulation. # zstyle ':prezto:module:gpg-agent' ssh-support 'yes' # # SSH-Agent # # Enable ssh-agent forwarding. # zstyle ':prezto:module:ssh-agent' forwarding 'yes' # Set ssh-agent identities to load. # zstyle ':prezto:module:ssh-agent' identities 'id_rsa' 'id_rsa2' 'id_github' # # Syntax Highlighting # # Set syntax highlighters. # By default main, brackets, and cursor are enabled. # zstyle ':prezto:module:syntax-highlighting' highlighters \ # 'main' \ # 'brackets' \ # 'pattern' \ # 'cursor' \ # 'root' # # Terminal # # Auto set the tab and window titles. zstyle ':prezto:module:terminal' auto-title 'yes' # # Tmux # # Auto start a session when Zsh is launched. # zstyle ':prezto:module:tmux' auto-start 'yes'