# # Provides for an easier use of gpg-agent. # # Authors: # Florian Walch <florian.walch@gmx.at> # Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com> # neersighted <neersighted@myopera.com> # # Return if requirements are not found. if (( ! $+commands[gpg-agent] )); then return 1 fi # Make sure to use the $GNUPGHOME first. _gpg_env="${GNUPGHOME:-$HOME/.gnupg}/gpg-agent.env" function _gpg-agent-start { local ssh_support zstyle -b ':prezto:module:gpg-agent' ssh-support 'ssh_support' \ || ssh_support='' gpg-agent \ --daemon \ ${ssh_support:+'--enable-ssh-support'} \ --write-env-file "${_gpg_env}" > /dev/null chmod 600 "${_gpg_env}" source "${_gpg_env}" > /dev/null } # Source GPG agent settings, if applicable. if [[ -s "${_gpg_env}" ]]; then source "${_gpg_env}" > /dev/null ps -ef | grep "${SSH_AGENT_PID}" | grep -q 'gpg-agent' || { _gpg-agent-start } else _gpg-agent-start fi export GPG_AGENT_INFO export SSH_AUTH_SOCK export SSH_AGENT_PID export GPG_TTY="$(tty)"