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synced 2025-03-22 17:45:42 +08:00
Previously I made a change to try and bind these unbound keys to the main keymap in thoughts that in vicmd or viins mode it would fallback if it wasn't bound in vicmd/viins mode. This turned out not to be the case. Explicitly bind the keys in both viins and vicmd mode as works properly.
392 lines
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392 lines
10 KiB
# Sets key bindings.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if [[ "$TERM" == 'dumb' ]]; then
return 1
# Options
# Beep on error in line editor.
setopt BEEP
# Variables
# Treat these characters as part of a word.
# Use human-friendly identifiers.
zmodload zsh/terminfo
typeset -gA key_info
'Control' '\C-'
'ControlLeft' '\e[1;5D \e[5D \e\e[D \eOd'
'ControlRight' '\e[1;5C \e[5C \e\e[C \eOc'
'Escape' '\e'
'Meta' '\M-'
'Backspace' "^?"
'Delete' "^[[3~"
'F1' "$terminfo[kf1]"
'F2' "$terminfo[kf2]"
'F3' "$terminfo[kf3]"
'F4' "$terminfo[kf4]"
'F5' "$terminfo[kf5]"
'F6' "$terminfo[kf6]"
'F7' "$terminfo[kf7]"
'F8' "$terminfo[kf8]"
'F9' "$terminfo[kf9]"
'F10' "$terminfo[kf10]"
'F11' "$terminfo[kf11]"
'F12' "$terminfo[kf12]"
'Insert' "$terminfo[kich1]"
'Home' "$terminfo[khome]"
'PageUp' "$terminfo[kpp]"
'End' "$terminfo[kend]"
'PageDown' "$terminfo[knp]"
'Up' "$terminfo[kcuu1]"
'Left' "$terminfo[kcub1]"
'Down' "$terminfo[kcud1]"
'Right' "$terminfo[kcuf1]"
'BackTab' "$terminfo[kcbt]"
# Set empty $key_info values to an invalid UTF-8 sequence to induce silent
# bindkey failure.
for key in "${(k)key_info[@]}"; do
if [[ -z "$key_info[$key]" ]]; then
# External Editor
# Allow command line editing in an external editor.
autoload -Uz edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
# Functions
# Runs bindkey but for all of the keymaps. Running it with no arguments will
# print out the mappings for all of the keymaps.
function bindkey-all {
local keymap=''
for keymap in $(bindkey -l); do
[[ "$#" -eq 0 ]] && printf "#### %s\n" "${keymap}" 1>&2
bindkey -M "${keymap}" "$@"
# Exposes information about the Zsh Line Editor via the $editor_info associative
# array.
function editor-info {
# Clean up previous $editor_info.
unset editor_info
typeset -gA editor_info
if [[ "$KEYMAP" == 'vicmd' ]]; then
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:alternate' format 'REPLY'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary' format 'REPLY'
if [[ "$ZLE_STATE" == *overwrite* ]]; then
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:overwrite' format 'REPLY'
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:keymap:primary:insert' format 'REPLY'
unset REPLY
zle zle-reset-prompt
zle -N editor-info
# Reset the prompt based on the current context and
# the ps-context option.
function zle-reset-prompt {
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' ps-context; then
# If we aren't within one of the specified contexts, then we want to reset
# the prompt with the appropriate editor_info[keymap] if there is one.
if [[ $CONTEXT != (select|cont) ]]; then
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle reset-prompt
zle -R
zle -N zle-reset-prompt
# Updates editor information when the keymap changes.
function zle-keymap-select {
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-keymap-select
# Enables terminal application mode and updates editor information.
function zle-line-init {
# The terminal must be in application mode when ZLE is active for $terminfo
# values to be valid.
if (( $+terminfo[smkx] )); then
# Enable terminal application mode.
echoti smkx
# Update editor information.
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-line-init
# Disables terminal application mode and updates editor information.
function zle-line-finish {
# The terminal must be in application mode when ZLE is active for $terminfo
# values to be valid.
if (( $+terminfo[rmkx] )); then
# Disable terminal application mode.
echoti rmkx
# Update editor information.
zle editor-info
zle -N zle-line-finish
# Toggles emacs overwrite mode and updates editor information.
function overwrite-mode {
zle .overwrite-mode
zle editor-info
zle -N overwrite-mode
# Enters vi insert mode and updates editor information.
function vi-insert {
zle .vi-insert
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-insert
# Moves to the first non-blank character then enters vi insert mode and updates
# editor information.
function vi-insert-bol {
zle .vi-insert-bol
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-insert-bol
# Enters vi replace mode and updates editor information.
function vi-replace {
zle .vi-replace
zle editor-info
zle -N vi-replace
# Expands .... to ../..
function expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path {
if [[ $LBUFFER = *.. ]]; then
zle -N expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
# Displays an indicator when completing.
function expand-or-complete-with-indicator {
local indicator
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor:info:completing' format 'indicator'
print -Pn "$indicator"
zle expand-or-complete
zle redisplay
zle -N expand-or-complete-with-indicator
# Inserts 'sudo ' at the beginning of the line.
function prepend-sudo {
if [[ "$BUFFER" != su(do|)\ * ]]; then
(( CURSOR += 5 ))
zle -N prepend-sudo
# Reset to default key bindings.
bindkey -d
# Emacs Key Bindings
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{B,b} "${(s: :)key_info[ControlLeft]}"
bindkey -M emacs "$key" emacs-backward-word
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{F,f} "${(s: :)key_info[ControlRight]}"
bindkey -M emacs "$key" emacs-forward-word
# Kill to the beginning of the line.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{K,k}
bindkey -M emacs "$key" backward-kill-line
# Redo.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Escape]_" redo
# Search previous character.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]B" vi-find-prev-char
# Match bracket.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]]" vi-match-bracket
# Edit command in an external editor.
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]E" edit-command-line
if (( $+widgets[history-incremental-pattern-search-backward] )); then
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]R" \
bindkey -M emacs "$key_info[Control]S" \
# Vi Key Bindings
# Edit command in an external editor emacs style (v is used for visual mode)
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]E" edit-command-line
# Undo/Redo
bindkey -M vicmd "u" undo
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Control]R" redo
if (( $+widgets[history-incremental-pattern-search-backward] )); then
bindkey -M vicmd "?" history-incremental-pattern-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "/" history-incremental-pattern-search-forward
bindkey -M vicmd "?" history-incremental-search-backward
bindkey -M vicmd "/" history-incremental-search-forward
# Emacs and Vi Key Bindings
# Unbound keys in vicmd and viins mode will cause really odd things to happen
# such as the casing of all the characters you have typed changing or other
# undefined things. In emacs mode they just insert a tilde, but bind these keys
# in the main keymap to a noop op so if there is no keybind in the users mode
# it will fall back and do nothing.
function _prezto-zle-noop { ; }
zle -N _prezto-zle-noop
local -a unbound_keys
for keymap in $unbound_keys; do
bindkey -M viins "${keymap}" _prezto-zle-noop
bindkey -M vicmd "${keymap}" _prezto-zle-noop
# Ctrl + Left and Ctrl + Right bindings to forward/backward word
for keymap in viins vicmd; do
for key in "${(s: :)key_info[ControlLeft]}"
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" vi-backward-word
for key in "${(s: :)key_info[ControlRight]}"
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" vi-forward-word
for keymap in 'emacs' 'viins'; do
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Home]" beginning-of-line
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[End]" end-of-line
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Insert]" overwrite-mode
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Delete]" delete-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Backspace]" backward-delete-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Left]" backward-char
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Right]" forward-char
# Expand history on space.
bindkey -M "$keymap" ' ' magic-space
# Clear screen.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]L" clear-screen
# Expand command name to full path.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{E,e}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" expand-cmd-path
# Duplicate the previous word.
for key in "$key_info[Escape]"{M,m}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" copy-prev-shell-word
# Use a more flexible push-line.
for key in "$key_info[Control]Q" "$key_info[Escape]"{q,Q}
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key" push-line-or-edit
# Bind Shift + Tab to go to the previous menu item.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[BackTab]" reverse-menu-complete
# Complete in the middle of word.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]I" expand-or-complete
# Expand .... to ../..
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion; then
bindkey -M "$keymap" "." expand-dot-to-parent-directory-path
# Display an indicator when completing.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]I" \
# Insert 'sudo ' at the beginning of the line.
bindkey -M "$keymap" "$key_info[Control]X$key_info[Control]S" prepend-sudo
# Delete key deletes character in vimcmd cmd mode instead of weird default functionality
bindkey -M vicmd "$key_info[Delete]" delete-char
# Do not expand .... to ../.. during incremental search.
if zstyle -t ':prezto:module:editor' dot-expansion; then
bindkey -M isearch . self-insert 2> /dev/null
# Layout
# Set the key layout.
zstyle -s ':prezto:module:editor' key-bindings 'key_bindings'
if [[ "$key_bindings" == (emacs|) ]]; then
bindkey -e
elif [[ "$key_bindings" == vi ]]; then
bindkey -v
print "prezto: editor: invalid key bindings: $key_bindings" >&2
unset key{,map,_bindings}