Kaspar Vollenweider f4ca9ebfc9 feat(helper): add os-type helper functions
Add the following functions:

- is-darwin
- is-linux
- is-bsd
- is-cygwin

And apply them everywhere I found code doing that what these functions do.
2020-03-19 11:49:11 -07:00

57 lines
1.2 KiB

# Defines Homebrew aliases.
# Authors:
# Sorin Ionescu <sorin.ionescu@gmail.com>
# Return if requirements are not found.
if ! is-darwin || ! is-linux; then
return 1
# Variables
# Load standard Homebrew shellenv into the shell session.
# Load 'HOMEBREW_' prefixed variables only. Avoid loading 'PATH' related
# variables as they are already handled in standard zsh configuration.
if (( $+commands[brew] )); then
eval "${(@M)${(f)"$(brew shellenv 2> /dev/null)"}:#export HOMEBREW*}"
# Aliases
# Homebrew
alias brewc='brew cleanup'
alias brewi='brew install'
alias brewL='brew leaves'
alias brewl='brew list'
alias brewo='brew outdated'
alias brews='brew search'
alias brewu='brew upgrade'
alias brewx='brew uninstall'
# Homebrew Cask
alias cask='brew cask'
alias caskc='hb_deprecated brew cask cleanup'
alias caskC='hb_deprecated brew cask cleanup'
alias caski='brew cask install'
alias caskl='brew cask list'
alias casko='brew cask outdated'
alias casks='hb_deprecated brew cask search'
alias caskx='brew cask uninstall'
function hb_deprecated {
local cmd="${@[3]}"
local cmd_args="${@:4}"
printf "'brew cask %s' has been deprecated, " "${cmd}"
printf "using 'brew %s' instead\n" "${cmd}"
command brew "${cmd}" "${=cmd_args}"