408 lines
12 KiB
408 lines
12 KiB
import datetime
import time
from typing import Any, Union
import sys
import aiomysql as aiomysql
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request # 导入FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
import uvicorn # uvicorn:主要用于加载和提供应用程序的服务器
from fastapi.responses import RedirectResponse
import os
import yaml
import hashlib
import base64
import hmac
from pydantic import BaseModel
import random
import string
config_file = "config.yaml"
default_doc = False
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
env_name = sys.argv[1]
config_file = f"config.{env_name}.yaml"
if env_name == "dev":
default_doc = True
with open(config_file) as f:
config = yaml.safe_load(f)
sql_host = config['database']['host']
sql_port = int(config['database']['port'])
sql_user = config['database']['user']
sql_password = str(config['database']['password'])
sql_database = config['database']['database']
sign_secret = config['sign']['secret']
host = config['host']['host'] if (config.get('host') and config['host'].get('host')) is not None else None
port = int(config['host']['port']) if (config.get('host') and config['host'].get('port')) is not None else None
env = os.environ
# 创建一个app实例
app = FastAPI() if default_doc or (env.get("docs") is not None and env.get("docs").lower() == "true")\
else FastAPI(openapi_url=None)
# 配置 CORS 中间件
allow_origins=["*"], # 允许所有来源,可以根据需求进行配置
allow_methods=["*"], # 允许所有请求方法
allow_headers=["*"], # 允许所有请求头
async def get_connect():
conn = await aiomysql.connect(
return conn
async def get_sources() -> tuple:
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute('SELECT source FROM surl')
ret = await cursor.fetchall()
return tuple([i[0] for i in ret])
async def get_redirect_url(code: str) -> dict:
conn = await get_connect()
sql = f"SELECT id, source, target, createTime, expireTime FROM surl where source = '{code}';"
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
ret = await cursor.fetchall()
if ret == ():
return {}
url_info = {
"id": ret[0][0],
"source": ret[0][1],
"target": ret[0][2],
"createTime": ret[0][3],
"expireTime": ret[0][4]
return url_info
async def get_is_expired(url_info: dict) -> bool:
if url_info == {}:
return True
expire_time = url_info.get("expireTime")
if expire_time is None or expire_time >= datetime.datetime.now():
return False
sql = f"DELETE FROM surl WHERE id = '{url_info.get('id')}';"
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
await conn.commit()
return True
async def get_is_out_of_date(ts: int) -> bool:
return abs(time.time() - ts) > 300
async def insert_surl(source: str, target: str, expire: Union[int, None] = None) -> None:
sql = f"INSERT INTO surl (`source`, `target`) value('{source}', '{target}')"
if expire:
expire_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expire)
sql = f"INSERT INTO surl (`source`, `target`, `expireTime`) value('{source}', '{target}', '{expire_time}')"
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
await conn.commit()
async def update_target(source: str, target: str, expire: Union[int, None]) -> None:
sql = f"UPDATE surl SET `target` = '{target}' WHERE `source` = '{source}'"
if expire:
expire_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(expire)
sql = f"UPDATE surl SET `target` = '{target}', `expireTIme` = '{expire_time}' WHERE `source` = '{source}'"
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
await conn.commit()
async def delete_surl(source: str) -> None:
sql = f"DELETE FROM surl WHERE `source` = '{source}'"
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
await conn.commit()
async def get_all_surl_by_offset(page: Union[int, None], size: Union[int, None], base_url: Any) -> list:
if not page:
page = 0
if not size:
size = 20
sql = (f"SELECT `source`, `target`, `createTime`, `expireTime` FROM surl "
f"ORDER BY `createTime` LIMIT {size} OFFSET {page * size}")
conn = await get_connect()
async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
await cursor.execute(sql)
ret = await cursor.fetchall()
return [{
"source": i[0],
"target": i[1],
"url": f"{base_url}s/{i[0]}",
"created_time": i[2],
"expire_time": i[3],
} for i in ret]
async def gen_sign(timestamp: Union[str, int]) -> str:
string_to_sign = '{}\n{}'.format(timestamp, sign_secret)
hmac_code = hmac.new(string_to_sign.encode("utf-8"), digestmod=hashlib.sha256).digest()
sign = base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode('utf-8')
return sign
async def gen_new_source(length: int) -> str:
letters = string.ascii_letters # 包含所有字母的字符串
return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for _ in range(length))
async def get_is_valid(timestamp: Union[str, int], sign: str) -> bool:
return not await get_is_out_of_date(timestamp) and sign == await gen_sign(timestamp)
async def redirect_target(source: str) -> Any:
url_info = await get_redirect_url(source)
if not await get_is_expired(url_info):
return RedirectResponse(url_info["target"])
return {"code": 404, "msg": "Not Found"}
async def redirect_target(source: str, request: Request) -> dict:
"code": 200,
"msg": "success",
"data": {
"source": 短链接后缀,
"target": 目标链接,
"url": 短链接
"code": 404,
"msg" "Not Found"
url_info = await get_redirect_url(source)
if not await get_is_expired(url_info):
url = f"{request.base_url}s/{source}"
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": {"source": source, "target": url_info["target"], "url": url}}
return {"code": 404, "msg": "Not Found"}
class CreateShortURLRequest(BaseModel):
sign: str
url: str
ts: int
source: Union[int, None] = None
expire_time: Union[int, None] = None
async def create_short_url(params: CreateShortURLRequest, request: Request) -> dict:
"sign": str # 签名,用于验证请求有效性
"url": str # 目标url
"ts": int # 发出请求时的时间戳
"source": str # 自定义后缀(可选)
"expire_time": int # 过期时间戳(可选)
"code": 200,
"msg": success,
"data": {
"source": 随机生成的短链接后缀,
"target": 目标url,
"url": 短链接,
source = params.source
if not source:
source = await gen_new_source(5)
elif source in await get_sources():
return {"code": -1, "msg": "source exists"}
if not await get_is_valid(params.ts, params.sign):
return {"code": 400, "msg": "bad request"}
await insert_surl(source, params.url, params.expire_time)
url = f"{request.base_url}s/{source}"
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": {"source": source, "target": params.url, "url": url}}
class EditShortURLRequest(BaseModel):
sign: str
url: str
ts: int
source: str
expire_at: Union[int, None] = None
async def update_short_url(params: EditShortURLRequest, request: Request) -> dict:
"sign": str # 签名,用于验证请求有效性
"url": str # 目标url
"ts": int # 发出请求时的时间戳
"source": str # 短链接后缀
"expire_at": int # 过期时间戳(可选)
"code": 200,
"msg": success,
"data": {
"source": 短链接后缀,
"target": 目标url,
"url": 短链接,
"expire_time": 过期时间,(如果有expire_time)
"expire_at": 过期时间戳(如果有expire_time)
if not await get_is_valid(params.ts, params.sign) or params.source not in await get_sources():
return {"code": 400, "msg": "bad request"}
await update_target(params.source, params.url, params.expire_at)
url = f"{request.base_url}s/{params.source}"
if params.expire_at:
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": {
"source": params.source,
"target": params.url,
"url": url,
"expire_time": datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(params.expire_at),
"expire_at": params.expire_at
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": {"source": params.source, "target": params.url, "url": url}}
class DeleteShortURLRequest(BaseModel):
sign: str
ts: int
source: str
async def delete_short_url(params: DeleteShortURLRequest) -> dict:
"sign": str # 签名,用于验证请求有效性
"ts": int # 发出请求时的时间戳
"source": str # 短链接后缀
"code": 200,
"msg": success,
if not await get_is_valid(params.ts, params.sign) or params.source not in await get_sources():
return {"code": 400, "msg": "bad request"}
await delete_surl(params.source)
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success"}
class ListShortURLRequest(BaseModel):
sign: str
ts: int
page: Union[int, None] = None
size: Union[int, None] = None
async def list_short_url(params: ListShortURLRequest, request: Request) -> dict:
"sign": str # 签名,用于验证请求有效性
"ts": int # 发出请求时的时间戳
"page": int # 页数(可选),默认第一页
"size": int # 每一页的数量(可选),默认20个
"code": 200,
"msg": success,
"data": {
"source": 短链接后缀,
"target": 目标地址,
"url": 短链接,
"created_time": 创建时间,
"expire_time": 过期时间,
if not await get_is_valid(params.ts, params.sign):
return {"code": 400, "msg": "bad request"}
surl_list = await get_all_surl_by_offset(params.page, params.size, request.base_url)
return {"code": 200, "msg": "success", "data": surl_list}
if __name__ == '__main__':
host = (env.get("HOST") if env.get("HOST") is not None else host) or ""
port = (int(env.get("PORT")) if env.get("PORT") is not None else port) or 8000
uvicorn.run(app='main:app', host=host, port=port, reload=True)