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This is the project layout of SpaceVim org:
| Repo name | Description |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- |
| [SpaceVim/SpaceVim](https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim) | SpaceVim main repo |
| [SpaceVim/Ctrlp-extensions](https://github.com/SpaceVim/Ctrlp-extensions) | Ctrlp extensions used in ctrlp layer |
| [SpaceVim/Unite-sources](https://github.com/SpaceVim/Unite-sources) | Unite sources used in unite layer |
| [SpaceVim/Denite-sources](https://github.com/SpaceVim/Denite-sources) | Denite sources used in denite layer |
| [SpaceVim/unite-ctags](https://github.com/SpaceVim/unite-ctags) | A fork of voi/unite-ctags |
| [SpaceVim/gtags.vim](https://github.com/SpaceVim/gtags.vim) | SpaceVim tags layer: gtags.vim |
| [SpaceVim/cscope.vim](https://github.com/SpaceVim/cscope.vim) | A cscope plugin for vim/neovim |
| [SpaceVim/vim-swig](https://github.com/SpaceVim/vim-swig) | Swig vim syntax highlighting |
| [SpaceVim/vim-luacomplete](https://github.com/SpaceVim/vim-luacomplete) | lua complete plugin for vim |
| [SpaceVim/unite-unicode](https://github.com/SpaceVim/unite-unicode) | Unite.vim plugin to insert unicode gyphs |
| [SpaceVim/vim-material](https://github.com/SpaceVim/vim-material) | Vim colorscheme inspired by equinusocio's Material Theme |
| [wsdjeg/vim-lookup](https://github.com/wsdjeg/vim-lookup) | A fork of mhinz/vim-lookup, base on SpaceVim API |
In the main repo, the layout is:
├─ .ci/ build automation
├─ .github/ issue/PR templates
├─ .SpaceVim.d/ project specific configuration
├─ autoload/SpaceVim.vim SpaceVim core file
├─ autoload/SpaceVim/api/ Public APIs
├─ autoload/SpaceVim/layers/ available layers
├─ autoload/SpaceVim/plugins/ buildin plugins
├─ autoload/SpaceVim/mapping/ mapping guide
├─ doc/ help(cn/en)
├─ docs/ website(cn/en)
├─ wiki/ wiki(cn/en)
├─ bin/ executable
└─ test/ tests