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SpaceVim 中文手册 |
SpaceVim 中文手册
项 目 主 页: https://spacevim.org
Github 地址 : https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim
SpaceVim 是一个社区驱动的模块化 vim/neovim 配置集合,其中包含了多种功能模块,并且针对 neovim 做了功能优化。spacevim 有多种功能模块可供用户选择,针对不同语言选择特定的模块,就可以配置出一个适合特定语言开发的环境。
使用过程中遇到问题或者有什么功能需求可以在 github 提交 issue,这将更容易被关注和修复。我们也欢迎喜欢 vim/neovim 的用户加入我们的 QQ 群,一起讨论 vim 相关的技巧,点击加入Vim/SpaceVim用户群。
微信 | 支付宝 |
![]() |
![]() |
- 安装
- 更新
- 文档
- Manual
- Achievements
- Features
- Language specific mode
- Key Mapping
- Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.
- Modular configuration
- Multiple leader mode
- Unite centric work-flow * Plugin Highlights * Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins
- 快速
Linux 或 Mac 下 SpaceVim的安装非常简单,只需要执行以下命令即可:
curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/install.sh | bash
curl -sLf https://spacevim.org/install.sh | bash -s -- -h
Windows 下 vim 用户只需要将本仓库克隆成用户 HOME 目录下的 vimfiles 即可,打开 CMD 默认的目录默认即为 HOME 目录,只需要执行如下命令即可:
git clone https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git vimfiles
Windows 下 neovim 用户 需要将本仓库克隆成用户 HOME 目录下的 AppData\Local\nvim,想要获取跟多关于 neovim 安装相关的知识,可以访问 neovim 的 wiki, wiki 写的非常详细。打开 CMD 初始目录默认一般即为 HOME 目录,只需要执行如下命令即可:
git clone https://github.com/SpaceVim/SpaceVim.git AppData\Local\nvim
SpaceVim 默认启用了Powerline 字体,默认的的字体文件是:DejaVu Sans Mono, Windows 用户直接下载下来右键安装即可。
Windows 下用户如果不方便编译,可以在qq群文件里面下载相应的dll文件放到vimproc
的lib目录,默认是 ~/.cache/vimfiles/repos/github.com/Shougo/vimproc.vim/lib/
可以通过 :SPUpdate
命令来更新spacevim 以及包含的插件,如果需要更新指定的插件,如:startuptime.vim,只需要执行 :SPUpdate startuptime.vim
,也可以通过 :SPUpdate SpaceVim
来更新 SpaceVim.
四大核心思想: 记忆辅助, 可视化交互, 一致性,社区驱动.
所有快捷键,根据其功能的不同分为不同的组,以相应的按键作为前缀,例如 b
为 buffer 相关快捷键前缀,p
为 project 相关快捷键前缀, s
为 search 相关快捷键前缀,h
为 help 相关快捷键前缀。
相似的功能使用同样的快捷键,这在 SpaceVim 中随处可见。这得益于明确的约定。其他模块的文档都以此为基础。
社区驱动,保证了 bug 修复的速度,以及新特性更新的速度。
- 详细的文档: 在 SpaceVim 通过 :h SpaceVim 来访问 SpaceVim 帮助文档。
- 优雅简洁的界面: 你将会喜欢这样的优雅而实用的界面。
- 确保手指不离开主键盘区域: 使用 Space 作为前缀键,合理组织快捷键,确保手指不离开主键盘区域。
- 快捷键辅助系统: SpaceVim 所有快捷键无需记忆,当输入出现停顿,会实时提示可用按键及其功能。
- 更快的启动时间: 得益于 dein.vim, SpaceVim 中90% 的插件都是按需载入的。
- 更少的肌肉损伤: 频繁使用空格键,取代
等按键,大大减少了手指的肌肉损伤。 - 更易扩展: 依照一些约定,很容易将现有的插件集成到 SpaceVim 中来。
- 完美支持Neovim: 依赖于 Neovim 的 romote 插件以及 异步 API,SpaceVim 运行在 Neovim 下将有更加完美的体验。
SpaceVim 所有的快捷键都不需要去记忆,有强大的快捷键导航系统来提示每一个按键的具体功能,比如 Normal 模式下按下空格键,将出现如下提示:
这一导航提示将所有以空格为前缀的快捷键分组展示,比如 b
是所以 buffer 相关的快捷键, p
是所有工程管理相关的快捷键。在导航模式下按下 <C-h>
按键 | 描述 |
u |
撤销前一按键 |
n |
导航系统下一页 |
p |
导航系统前一页 |
Neovim 运行在 iTerm2 上,采用 SpaceVim,配色为:base16-solarized-dark
展示了一个通用的前端开发界面,用于开发: JavaScript (jQuery), SASS, and PHP buffers.
图中包含了一个 Neovim 的终端, 一个语法树窗口,一个文件树窗口以及一个 TernJS 定义窗口
想要查阅更多截图,清阅读 issue #415
谁将从 SpaceVim 中获益?
- 初级 Vim 用户.
- 追求优雅界面的 Vim 用户
- 追求更少肌肉损伤的 Vim 用户
- 想要学习一种不一样的编辑文件方式的 Vim 用户
- 追求简单但是可高度配置系统的 Vim 用户
SpaceVim 自身更新
可通过很多种方式来更新 SpaceVim 的核心文件。建议在更新 SpaceVim 之前,更新一下所有的插件。具体内容如下:
注意:默认,这一特性是禁用的,因为自动更新将会增加 SpaceVim 的启动时间,影响用户体验。如果你需要这一特性,可以将如下加入到用户配置文件中:let g:spacevim_automatic_update = 1
启用这一特性后,SpaceVim 将会在每次启动时候检测是否有新版本。更新后需重启 SpaceVim。
使用 :SPUpdate SpaceVim
这一命令,将会打开 SpaceVim 的插件管理器,更新 SpaceVim, 具体进度会在插件管理器 buffer 中展示。
通过 git 进行更新
可通过在 SpaceVim 目录中手动执行 git pull
, SpaceVim 在 windows 下默认目录为 ~/vimfilers
, 但在 Linux 下则可使用如下命令:
git -C ~/.SpaceVim pull
使用 :SPUpdate
这一命令将会更新所有插件,包括 SpaceVim 自身。当然这一命令也支持参数,参数为插件名称,可同时添加多个插件名称作为参数,同时可以使用 Tab 键来补全插件名称。
这里仅仅是大致罗列了下常用的模块,若要了解关于配置模块更加详细的信息,可阅读 SpaceVim's layers page,(强烈建议阅读!)
用户配置保存在 ~/.SpaceVim.d/
初次启动 SpaceVim 时,他将提供选择目录,用户需要选择合适自己的配置模板。此时,SpaceVim 将自动在 HOME
目录生成 ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
将被加入 Vim 的运行时路径 &runtimepath
。详情清阅读 :h rtp.
SpaceVim 同时还支持项目本地配置,配置出世文件为,当前目录下的 .SpaceVim.d/init.vim
文件。同时当前目录下的 .SpaceVim.d/
也将被加入到 Vim 运行时路径。
" Here are some basic customizations, please refer to the ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
" file for all possible options:
let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3
let g:spacevim_max_column = 80
" Change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go.
" By default it is ~/.cache/vimfiles.
let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimfiles'
" set SpaceVim colorscheme
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'jellybeans'
" Set plugin manager, you want to use, default is dein.vim
let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug
" use space as `<Leader>`
let mapleader = "\<space>"
" Set windows shortcut leader [Window], default is `s`
let g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
" Set unite work flow shortcut leader [Unite], default is `f`
let g:spacevim_unite_leader = 'f'
" By default, language specific plugins are not loaded. This can be changed
" with the following, then the plugins for go development will be loaded.
call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#go')
" loaded ui layer
call SpaceVim#layers#load('ui')
" If there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this
" variable to disable them entirely:
let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=[
\ ['junegunn/fzf.vim'],
\ ]
" If you want to add some custom plugins, use these options:
let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
\ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}],
\ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'],
\ ]
" set the guifont
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
更加详细的 SpaceVim 选项可以查阅 :h SpaceVim.
SpaceVim 根据需要定义了很多临时快捷键,这将避免需要重复某些操作时,过多按下 SPC
SpaceVim 集成了多种使用UI插件,如常用的文件树、语法树等插件,配色主题默认采用的是 gruvbox。
SpaceVim 默认的颜色主题采用的是 gruvbox。这一主题有深色和浅色两种。关于这一主题一些详细的配置可以阅读 :h gruvbox.
如果需要修改 SpaceVim 的主题,可以在 ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
中修改 g:g:spacevim_colorscheme
。例如,使用 vim-one with dark colorscheme
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'one'
let g:spacevim_colorscheme_bg = 'dark'
快捷键 | 描述 |
SPC T n | 切换至下一个随机主题 |
SPC T s | 通过 Unite 选择主题 |
可以在主题模块中查看 SpaceVim 支持的所有主题。
SpaceVim 在终端下默认使用了真色,因此使用之前需要确认下你的终端是否支持真色,可以阅读 Colours in terminal 了解根多关于真色的信息。
在 SpaceVim 中默认的字体是 DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline. 如果你也喜欢这一字体,建议将这一字体安装到系统中。如果需要修改 SpaceVim 的字体,可以在用户配置文件中修改 g:spacevim_guifont
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
大多数界面元素可以通过快捷键来隐藏或者显示(这一组快捷键以 t
和 T
快捷键 | 描述 |
SPC t 8 |
高亮所有超过80列的字符 |
SPC t f |
高亮临界列,默认是第80列 |
SPC t h h |
高亮当前行 |
SPC t h i |
高亮代码对齐线 |
SPC t h c |
高亮光标所在列 |
SPC t h s |
启用/禁用语法高亮 |
SPC t i |
切换显示当前对齐(TODO) |
SPC t n |
显示/隐藏行号 |
SPC t b |
切换背景色 |
SPC t t |
打开 Tab 管理器 |
SPC T ~ |
显示/隐藏 buffer 结尾空行行首的 ~ |
切换全屏(TODO) |
SPC T f |
显示/隐藏 Vim 边框(GUI) |
SPC T m |
显示/隐藏菜单栏 |
SPC T t |
显示/隐藏工具栏 |
状态栏 & 标签栏
- 展示 buffer 或者 Tab 的序列号
- 展示当前模式
- 展示 git 相关信息
- 展示语法检查信息
- 展示 trailing line 的行号
- 展示当前 SpaceVim 已启用的功能
- 展示文件信息
- 展示搜索结果序号
快捷键 | 描述 |
SPC [1-9] |
跳至制定序号的窗口 |
The core#statusline
layer provide a heavily customized powerline with the following capabilities:, It is inspired by spacemacs's mode-line.
- show the window number
- color code for current state
- show the number of search results
- toggle syntax checking info
- toggle battery info
- toggle minor mode lighters
Reminder of the color codes for the states:
Mode | Color |
Normal | Grey |
Insert | Blus |
Visual | Orange |
Replace | Aqua |
all the colors based on the current colorscheme
Some elements can be dynamically toggled:
Key Binding | Description |
SPC t m b |
toggle the battery status (need to install acpi) |
SPC t m c |
toggle the org task clock (available in org layer) |
SPC t m m |
toggle the minor mode lighters |
SPC t m M |
toggle the major mode |
SPC t m n |
toggle the cat! (if colors layer is declared in your dotfile) |
SPC t m p |
toggle the cursor position |
SPC t m t |
toggle the time |
SPC t m T |
toggle the mode line itself |
SPC t m v |
toggle the version control info |
Powerline font installation:
By defalut SpaceVim use DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline, to make statusline render correctly, you need to install the font. powerline extra symbols also should be installed.
syntax checking integration:
When syntax checking minor mode is enabled, a new element appears showing the number of errors, warnings.
syntax checking integration in statusline.
Search index integration:
Search index shows the number of occurrence when performing a search via /
or ?
. SpaceVim integrates nicely the search status by displaying it temporarily when n or N are being pressed. See the 20/22 segment on the screenshot below.
search index in statusline
Battery status integration:
acpi displays the percentage of total charge of the battery as well as the time remaining to charge or discharge completely the battery.
A color code is used for the battery status:
Battery State | Color |
Charging | Green |
Discharging | Orange |
Critical | Red |
all the colors based on the current colorscheme
Statusline separators:
It is possible to easily customize the statusline separator by setting the g:spacevim_statusline_separator
variable in your custon configration file and then redraw the statusline. For instance if you want to set back the separator to the well-known arrow separator add the following snippet to your configuration file:
let g:spacevim_statusline_separator = 'arrow'
here is an exhaustive set of screenshots for all the available separator:
Separator | Screenshot |
arrow |
![]() |
curve |
![]() |
slant |
![]() |
nil |
![]() |
fire |
![]() |
Minor Modes:
The minor mode area can be toggled on and off with SPC t m m
Unicode symbols are displayed by default. Setting the variable g:spacevim_statusline_unicode_symbols
to nil in your custom configuration file will display ASCII characters instead (may be useful in terminal if you cannot set an appropriate font).
The letters displayed in the statusline correspond to the key bindings used to toggle them.
Key Binding | Unicode | ASCII | Mode |
SPC t 8 |
⑧ | 8 | toggle highlight of characters for long lines |
SPC t f |
ⓕ | f | fill-column-indicator mode |
SPC t s |
ⓢ | s | syntax checking (neomake) |
SPC t S |
Ⓢ | S | enabled in spell checking |
SPC t w |
ⓦ | w | whitespace mode |
Buffers will be listed on tabline if there is only one tab, each item contains the index, filetype icon and the bufname. if there are more than one tab, all tabs will be listed on the tabline. each item can be quickly accessed using <Leader> number
. default <Leader>
is \
Key Binding | Description |
<Leader> 1 |
jump to index 1 on tabline |
<Leader> 2 |
jump to index 2 on tabline |
<Leader> 3 |
jump to index 3 on tabline |
<Leader> 4 |
jump to index 4 on tabline |
<Leader> 5 |
jump to index 5 on tabline |
<Leader> 6 |
jump to index 6 on tabline |
<Leader> 7 |
jump to index 7 on tabline |
<Leader> 8 |
jump to index 8 on tabline |
<Leader> 9 |
jump to index 9 on tabline |
please checkout the documentation of unite and denite via :h unite
and :h denite
Mappings within unite/denite buffer
Mappings | Mode | description |
Ctrl +h/k/l/r |
Normal | Un-map |
Ctrl +l |
Normal | Redraw |
Tab |
Insert | Select next line |
Tab |
Normal | Select actions |
Shift + Tab |
Insert | Select previous line |
Space |
Normal | Toggle mark current candidate, up |
Enter |
Normal | Run default action |
Ctrl +v |
Normal | Open in a split |
Ctrl +s |
Normal | Open in a vertical split |
Ctrl +t |
Normal | Open in a new tab |
Ctrl + g |
Normal | Exit unite |
jk |
Insert | Leave Insert mode |
r |
Normal | Replace ('search' profile) or rename |
Ctrl +z |
Normal/insert | Toggle transpose window |
Ctrl +w |
Insert | Delete backward path |
Mappings guide
A guide buffer is displayed each time the prefix key is pressed in normal mode. It lists the available key bindings and their short description.
The prefix can be [SPC]
, [Window]
, [denite]
, <leader>
and [unite]
The default key of these prefix is:
Prefix name | custom option and default value | description |
[SPC] |
NONE / <Space> |
default mapping prefix of SpaceVim |
[Window] |
g:spacevim_windows_leader / s |
window mapping prefix of SpaceVim |
[denite] |
g:spacevim_denite_leader / F |
denite mapping prefix of SpaceVim |
[unite] |
g:spacevim_unite_leader / f |
unite mapping prefix of SpaceVim |
<leader> |
mapleader / \ | default leader prefix of vim/neovim |
By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the key has been pressed. You can change the delay by setting 'timeoutlen'
option to your liking (the value is in milliseconds).
for example, after pressing <Space>
in normal mode, you will see :
this guide show you all the available key bindings begin with [SPC]
, you can type b
for all the buffer mappings, p
for project mappings, etc. after pressing <C-h>
in guide buffer, you will get paging and help info in the statusline.
key | description |
u |
undo pressing |
n |
next page of guide buffer |
p |
previous page of guide buffer |
to defined custom SPC mappings, use SpaceVim#custom#SPC()
. here is an example:
call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'echom "hello world"', 'test custom SPC', 1)
Unide/Denite describe key bindings
It is possible to search for specific key bindings by pressing ?
in the root of guide buffer.
To narrow the list, just insert the mapping keys or description of what mapping you want, Unite/Denite will fuzzy find the mappings, to find buffer related mappings:
then use <Tab>
or <Up>
and <Down>
to select the mapping, press <Enter>
will execute that command.
Getting help
Denite/Unite is powerful tool to unite all interfaces. it was meant to be like Helm for Vim. These mappings is for getting help info about functions, variables etc:
Mappings | Description |
SPC h SPC | discover SpaceVim documentation, layers and packages using unite |
SPC h i | get help with the symbol at point |
SPC h k | show top-level bindings with which-key |
SPC h m | search available man pages |
Reporting an issue:
Mappings | Description |
SPC h I | Open SpaceVim GitHub issue page with pre-filled information |
Available layers
All layers can be easily discovered via :SPLayer -l
accessible with SPC h l
Available plugins in SpaceVim
All plugins can be easily discovered via <leader> l p
New packages from ELPA repositories
both the toggles mappings started with [SPC] t
or [SPC] T
. you can find it in the mapping guide.
Navigation is performed using the Vi key bindings hjkl
Key Binding | Description |
h |
move cursor left (origin vim key, no mappings) |
j |
move cursor down (origin vim key, no mappings) |
k |
move cursor up (origin vim key, no mappings) |
l |
move cursor right (origin vim key, no mappings) |
H |
move cursor to the top of the screen (origin vim key, no mappings) |
L |
move cursor to the bottom of the screen (origin vim key, no mappings) |
SPC j 0 |
go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC j $ |
go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC t - |
lock the cursor at the center of the screen |
Vim motions with vim-easymotion
quick-jump-link mode (TODO)
Similar to easymotion or f
in vimperator for firefox, this mode allows one to jump to any link in help file with two key strokes.
mapping | description |
o |
initiate quick jump link mode in help buffer |
Unimpaired bindings
Mappings | Description |
[ SPC |
Insert space above |
] SPC |
Insert space below |
[ b |
Go to previous buffer |
] b |
Go to next buffer |
[ f |
Go to previous file in directory |
] f |
Go to next file in directory |
[ l |
Go to the previous error |
] l |
Go to the next error |
[ c |
Go to the previous vcs hunk |
] c |
Go to the next vcs hunk |
[ q |
Go to the previous error |
] q |
Go to the next error |
[ t |
Go to the previous frame |
] t |
Go to the next frame |
[ w |
Go to the previous window |
] w |
Go to the next window |
[ e |
Move line up |
] e |
Move line down |
[ p |
Paste above current line |
] p |
Paste below current line |
g p |
Select pasted text |
Jumping, Joining and Splitting
The SPC j
prefix is for jumping, joining and splitting.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC j 0 |
go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC j $ |
go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line) |
SPC j b |
jump backward |
SPC j f |
jump forward |
SPC j d |
jump to a listing of the current directory |
SPC j D |
jump to a listing of the current directory (other window) |
SPC j i |
jump to a definition in buffer (denite outline) |
SPC j I |
jump to a definition in any buffer (denite outline) |
SPC j j |
jump to a character in the buffer (easymotion) |
SPC j J |
jump to a suite of two characters in the buffer (easymotion) |
SPC j k |
jump to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules |
SPC j l |
jump to a line with avy (easymotion) |
SPC j q |
show the dumb-jump quick look tooltip (TODO) |
SPC j u |
jump to a URL in the current window |
SPC j v |
jump to the definition/declaration of an Emacs Lisp variable (TODO) |
SPC j w |
jump to a word in the current buffer (easymotion) |
Joining and splitting
Key Binding | Description |
J |
join the current line with the next line |
SPC j k |
go to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules |
SPC j n |
split the current line at point, insert a new line and auto-indent |
SPC j o |
split the current line at point but let point on current line |
SPC j s |
split a quoted string or s-expression in place |
SPC j S |
split a quoted string or s-expression, insert a new line and auto-indent |
Window manipulation
Window manipulation key bindings
Every window has a number displayed at the start of the statusline and can be quickly accessed using SPC number
Key Binding | Description |
SPC 1 |
go to window number 1 |
SPC 2 |
go to window number 2 |
SPC 3 |
go to window number 3 |
SPC 4 |
go to window number 4 |
SPC 5 |
go to window number 5 |
SPC 6 |
go to window number 6 |
SPC 7 |
go to window number 7 |
SPC 8 |
go to window number 8 |
SPC 9 |
go to window number 9 |
Windows manipulation commands (start with w
Key Binding | Description |
switch to alternate window in the current frame (switch back and forth) |
SPC w = |
balance split windows |
SPC w b |
force the focus back to the minibuffer (TODO) |
SPC w c |
Distraction-free reading current window |
SPC w C |
Distraction-free reading other windows via vim-choosewin |
SPC w d |
delete a window |
SPC u SPC w d |
delete a window and its current buffer (does not delete the file) (TODO) |
SPC w D |
delete another window using vim-choosewin |
SPC u SPC w D |
delete another window and its current buffer using vim-choosewin (TODO) |
SPC w t |
toggle window dedication (dedicated window cannot be reused by a mode) (TODO) |
SPC w f |
toggle follow mode (TODO) |
SPC w F |
create new tab(frame) |
SPC w h |
move to window on the left |
SPC w H |
move window to the left |
SPC w j |
move to window below |
SPC w J |
move window to the bottom |
SPC w k |
move to window above |
SPC w K |
move window to the top |
SPC w l |
move to window on the right |
SPC w L |
move window to the right |
SPC w m |
maximize/minimize a window (maximize is equivalent to delete other windows) (TODO, now only support maximize) |
SPC w M |
swap windows using vim-choosewin |
SPC w o |
cycle and focus between tabs |
SPC w p m |
open messages buffer in a popup window (TODO) |
SPC w p p |
close the current sticky popup window (TODO) |
SPC w r |
rotate windows forward |
SPC w R |
rotate windows backward |
SPC w s or SPC w - |
horizontal split |
SPC w S |
horizontal split and focus new window |
SPC w u |
undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window) (TODO) |
SPC w U |
redo window layout (TODO) |
SPC w v or SPC w / |
vertical split |
SPC w V |
vertical split and focus new window |
SPC w w |
cycle and focus between windows |
SPC w W |
select window using vim-choosewin |
Buffers and Files
Buffers manipulation key bindings
Buffer manipulation commands (start with b
Key Binding | Description |
switch to alternate buffer in the current window (switch back and forth) |
SPC b . |
buffer transient state |
SPC b b |
switch to a buffer (via denite/unite) |
SPC b d |
kill the current buffer (does not delete the visited file) |
SPC u SPC b d |
kill the current buffer and window (does not delete the visited file) (TODO) |
SPC b D |
kill a visible buffer using vim-choosewin |
SPC u SPC b D |
kill a visible buffer and its window using ace-window(TODO) |
SPC b C-d |
kill other buffers |
SPC b C-D |
kill buffers using a regular expression(TODO) |
SPC b e |
erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation) |
SPC b h |
open SpaceVim home buffer |
SPC b n |
switch to next buffer avoiding special buffers |
SPC b m |
open Messages buffer |
SPC u SPC b m |
kill all buffers and windows except the current one(TODO) |
SPC b p |
switch to previous buffer avoiding special buffers |
SPC b P |
copy clipboard and replace buffer (useful when pasting from a browser) |
SPC b R |
revert the current buffer (reload from disk) |
SPC b s |
switch to the scratch buffer (create it if needed) |
SPC b w |
toggle read-only (writable state) |
SPC b Y |
copy whole buffer to clipboard (useful when copying to a browser) |
z f |
Make current function or comments visible in buffer as much as possible (TODO) |
Create a new empty buffer
Key Binding | Description |
SPC b N h |
create new empty buffer in a new window on the left |
SPC b N j |
create new empty buffer in a new window at the bottom |
SPC b N k |
create new empty buffer in a new window above |
SPC b N l |
create new empty buffer in a new window below |
SPC b N n |
create new empty buffer in current window |
Special Buffers
In SpaceVim, there are many special buffers, these buffers are created by plugins or SpaceVim isself. and all of this buffers are not listed.
Files manipulations key bindings
Files manipulation commands (start with f):
Key Binding | Description |
SPC f b |
go to file bookmarks |
SPC f c |
copy current file to a different location(TODO) |
SPC f C d |
convert file from unix to dos encoding |
SPC f C u |
convert file from dos to unix encoding |
SPC f D |
delete a file and the associated buffer (ask for confirmation) |
SPC f E |
open a file with elevated privileges (sudo edit)(TODO) |
SPC f f |
open file |
SPC f F |
try to open the file under point |
SPC f o |
open a file using the default external program(TODO) |
SPC f R |
rename the current file(TODO) |
SPC f s |
save a file |
SPC f S |
save all files |
SPC f r |
open a recent file |
SPC f t |
toggle file tree side bar |
SPC f T |
show file tree side bar |
SPC f y |
show and copy current file absolute path in the cmdline |
Vim and SpaceVim files
Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix SPC f v
to quickly navigate between Vim and SpaceVim specific files.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC f v v |
display and copy SpaceVim version |
SPC f v d |
open SpaceVim custom configuration file |
File tree
SpaceVim use vimfiler as the default file tree, and the default key binding is F3
, and SpaceVim also provide SPC f t
and SPC f T
to open the file tree. to change the file explore to nerdtree:
" the default value is vimfiler
let g:spacevim_filemanager = 'nerdtree'
VCS integration is supported, there will be a column status, this feature maybe make vimfiler slow, so it is not enabled by default. to enable this feature, add let g:spacevim_enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = 1
to your custom config. here is any picture for this feature:
File tree navigation
Navigation is centered on the hjkl
keys with the hope of providing a fast navigation experience like in vifm:
Key Binding | Description |
<F3> or SPC f t |
Toggle file explorer |
Within VimFiler buffers | |
<Left> or h |
go to parent node and collapse expanded directory |
<Down> or j |
select next file or directory |
<Up> or k |
select previous file or directory |
<Right> or l |
open selected file or expand directory |
Ctrl +j |
Un-map |
Ctrl +l |
Un-map |
E |
Un-map |
. |
toggle visible ignored files |
sv |
Split edit |
sg |
Vertical split edit |
p |
Preview |
i |
Switch to directory history |
v |
Quick look |
gx |
Execute with vimfiler associated |
' |
Toggle mark current line |
V |
Clear all marks |
Ctrl +r |
Redraw |
Open file with file tree.
If there is only one file buffer opened, a file is opened in the active window, otherwise we need to use vim-choosewin to select a window to open the file.
Key Binding | Description |
l or Enter |
open file in one window |
sg |
open file in an vertically split window |
sv |
open file in an horizontally split window |
Commands starting with g
after pressing prefix g
in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with g
Key Binding | Description |
g# |
search under cursor backward |
g$ |
go to rightmost character |
g& |
repeat last ":s" on all lines |
g' |
jump to mark |
g* |
search under cursor forward |
g+ |
newer text state |
g, |
newer position in change list |
g- |
older text state |
g/ |
stay incsearch |
g0 |
go to leftmost character |
g; |
older position in change list |
g< |
last page of previous command output |
g<Home> |
go to leftmost character |
gE |
end of previous word |
gF |
edit file under cursor(jump to line after name) |
gH |
select line mode |
gI |
insert text in column 1 |
gJ |
join lines without space |
gN |
visually select previous match |
gQ |
switch to Ex mode |
gR |
enter VREPLACE mode |
gT |
previous tag page |
gU |
make motion text uppercase |
g] |
tselect cursor tag |
g^ |
go to leftmost no-white character |
g_ |
go to last char |
g` |
jump to mark |
ga |
print ascii value of cursor character |
gd |
goto definition |
ge |
go to end of previous word |
gf |
edit file under cursor |
gg |
go to line N |
gh |
select mode |
gi |
insert text after '^ mark |
gj |
move cursor down screen line |
gk |
move cursor up screen line |
gm |
go to middle of screenline |
gn |
visually select next match |
go |
goto byte N in the buffer |
gs |
sleep N seconds |
gt |
next tag page |
gu |
make motion text lowercase |
g~ |
swap case for Nmove text |
g<End> |
go to rightmost character |
g<C-G> |
show cursor info |
Commands starting with z
after pressing prefix z
in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with z
Key Binding | Description |
z<Right> |
scroll screen N characters to left |
z+ |
cursor to screen top line N |
z- |
cursor to screen bottom line N |
z. |
cursor line to center |
z<CR> |
cursor line to top |
z= |
spelling suggestions |
zA |
toggle folds recursively |
zC |
close folds recursively |
zD |
delete folds recursively |
zE |
eliminate all folds |
zF |
create a fold for N lines |
zG |
mark good spelled(update internal-wordlist) |
zH |
scroll half a screenwidth to the right |
zL |
scroll half a screenwidth to the left |
zM |
set foldlevel to zero |
zN |
set foldenable |
zO |
open folds recursively |
zR |
set foldlevel to deepest fold |
zW |
mark wrong spelled |
zX |
re-apply foldleve |
z^ |
cursor to screen bottom line N |
za |
toggle a fold |
zb |
redraw, cursor line at bottom |
zc |
close a fold |
zd |
delete a fold |
ze |
right scroll horizontally to cursor position |
zf |
create a fold for motion |
zg |
mark good spelled |
zh |
scroll screen N characters to right |
zi |
toggle foldenable |
zj |
mode to start of next fold |
zk |
mode to end of previous fold |
zl |
scroll screen N characters to left |
zm |
subtract one from foldlevel |
zn |
reset foldenable |
zo |
open fold |
zr |
add one to foldlevel |
zs |
left scroll horizontally to cursor position |
zt |
cursor line at top of window |
zv |
open enough folds to view cursor line |
zx |
re-apply foldlevel and do "zV" |
zz |
smart scroll |
z<Left> |
scroll screen N characters to right |
With an external tool
SpaceVim can be interfaced with different searching tools like:
The search commands in SpaceVim are organized under the SPC s
prefix with the next key is the tool to use and the last key is the scope. For instance SPC s a b
will search in all opened buffers using ag
If the last key (determining the scope) is uppercase then the current word under the cursor is used as default input for the search. For instance SPC s a B
will search with word under cursor.
If the tool key is omitted then a default tool will be automatically selected for the search. This tool corresponds to the first tool found on the system of the list g:spacevim_search_tools
, the default order is rg
, ag
, pt
, ack
then grep
. For instance SPC s b
will search in the opened buffers using pt
if rg
and ag
have not been found on the system.
The tool keys are:
Tool | Key |
ag | a |
grep | g |
ack | k |
rg | r |
pt | t |
The available scopes and corresponding keys are:
Scope | Key |
opened buffers | b |
files in a given directory | f |
current project | p |
It is possible to search in the current file by double pressing the second key of the sequence, for instance SPC s a a
will search in the current file with ag
are optimized to be used in a source control repository but they can be used in an arbitrary directory as well.- It is also possible to search in several directories at once by marking them in the unite buffer.
Beware if you use pt
, TCL parser tools also install a command line tool called pt
Useful key bindings
Key Binding | Description |
SPC r l |
resume the last completion buffer |
SPC s ` |
go back to the previous place before jump |
Prefix argument | will ask for file extensions |
Searching in current file
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s s |
search with the first found tool |
SPC s S |
search with the first found tool with default input |
SPC s a a |
ag |
SPC s a A |
ag with default input |
SPC s g g |
grep |
SPC s g G |
grep with default input |
SPC s r r |
rg |
SPC s r R |
rg with default input |
Searching in all loaded buffers
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s b |
search with the first found tool |
SPC s B |
search with the first found tool with default input |
SPC s a b |
ag |
SPC s a B |
ag with default input |
SPC s g b |
grep |
SPC s g B |
grep with default input |
SPC s k b |
ack |
SPC s k B |
ack with default input |
SPC s r b |
rg |
SPC s r B |
rg with default input |
SPC s t b |
pt |
SPC s t B |
pt with default input |
Searching in an arbitrary directory
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s f |
search with the first found tool |
SPC s F |
search with the first found tool with default input |
SPC s a f |
ag |
SPC s a F |
ag with default text |
SPC s g f |
grep |
SPC s g F |
grep with default text |
SPC s k f |
ack |
SPC s k F |
ack with default text |
SPC s r f |
rg |
SPC s r F |
rg with default text |
SPC s t f |
pt |
SPC s t F |
pt with default text |
Searching in a project
Key Binding | Description |
SPC / or SPC s p |
search with the first found tool |
SPC * or SPC s P |
search with the first found tool with default input |
SPC s a p |
ag |
SPC s a P |
ag with default text |
SPC s g p |
grep |
SPC s g p |
grep with default text |
SPC s k p |
ack |
SPC s k P |
ack with default text |
SPC s t p |
pt |
SPC s t P |
pt with default text |
SPC s r p |
rg |
SPC s r P |
rg with default text |
Hint: It is also possible to search in a project without needing to open a file beforehand. To do so use SPC p p
and then C-s
on a given project to directly search into it like with SPC s p
. (TODO)
Background searching in a project
Background search keyword in a project, when searching done, the count will be shown on the statusline.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s j |
searching input expr background with the first found tool |
SPC s J |
searching cursor word background with the first found tool |
SPC s l |
List all searching result in quickfix buffer |
SPC s a j |
ag |
SPC s a J |
ag with default text |
SPC s g j |
grep |
SPC s g J |
grep with default text |
SPC s k j |
ack |
SPC s k J |
ack with default text |
SPC s t j |
pt |
SPC s t J |
pt with default text |
SPC s r j |
rg |
SPC s r J |
rg with default text |
Searching the web
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s w g |
Get Google suggestions in vim. Opens Google results in Browser. |
SPC s w w |
Get Wikipedia suggestions in vim. Opens Wikipedia page in Browser.(TODO) |
Note: to enable google suggestions in vim, you need to add let g:spacevim_enable_googlesuggest = 1
to your custom Configuration file.
Searching on the fly
Key Binding | Description |
SPC s g G |
Searching in project on the fly with default tools |
key binding in FlyGrep buffer:
Key Binding Description
-----------| -----------
| close FlyGrep buffer
| open file at the cursor line
| move cursor line down
| move cursor line up
| remove last character
| remove the Word before the cursor
| remove the Line before the cursor
| remove the Line after the cursor
| Go to the beginning of the line
| Go to the end of the line
Persistent highlighting
SpaceVim uses g:spacevim_search_highlight_persist
to keep the searched expression highlighted until the next search. It is also possible to clear the highlighting by pressing SPC s c
or executing the ex command :noh
Paste text
Auto-indent pasted text
Text manipulation commands
Text related commands (start with x
Key Binding | Description |
SPC x a & |
align region at & |
SPC x a ( |
align region at ( |
SPC x a ) |
align region at ) |
SPC x a [ |
align region at [ |
SPC x a ] |
align region at ] |
SPC x a { |
align region at { |
SPC x a } |
align region at } |
SPC x a , |
align region at , |
SPC x a . |
align region at . (for numeric tables) |
SPC x a : |
align region at : |
SPC x a ; |
align region at ; |
SPC x a = |
align region at = |
SPC x a ¦ |
align region at ¦ |
SPC x a a |
align region (or guessed section) using default rules (TODO) |
SPC x a c |
align current indentation region using default rules (TODO) |
SPC x a l |
left-align with evil-lion (TODO) |
SPC x a L |
right-align with evil-lion (TODO) |
SPC x a r |
align region using user-specified regexp (TODO) |
SPC x a m |
align region at arithmetic operators (+-*/) (TODO) |
SPC x c |
count the number of chars/words/lines in the selection region |
SPC x d w |
delete trailing whitespaces |
SPC x d SPC |
Delete all spaces and tabs around point, leaving one space |
SPC x g l |
set lanuages used by translate commands (TODO) |
SPC x g t |
translate current word using Google Translate |
SPC x g T |
reverse source and target languages (TODO) |
SPC x i c |
change symbol style to lowerCamelCase |
SPC x i C |
change symbol style to UpperCamelCase |
SPC x i i |
cycle symbol naming styles (i to keep cycling) |
SPC x i - |
change symbol style to kebab-case |
SPC x i k |
change symbol style to kebab-case |
SPC x i _ |
change symbol style to under_score |
SPC x i u |
change symbol style to under_score |
SPC x i U |
change symbol style to UP_CASE |
SPC x j c |
set the justification to center (TODO) |
SPC x j f |
set the justification to full (TODO) |
SPC x j l |
set the justification to left (TODO) |
SPC x j n |
set the justification to none (TODO) |
SPC x j r |
set the justification to right (TODO) |
SPC x J |
move down a line of text (enter transient state) |
SPC x K |
move up a line of text (enter transient state) |
SPC x l d |
duplicate line or region (TODO) |
SPC x l s |
sort lines (TODO) |
SPC x l u |
uniquify lines (TODO) |
SPC x o |
use avy to select a link in the frame and open it (TODO) |
SPC x O |
use avy to select multiple links in the frame and open them (TODO) |
SPC x t c |
swap (transpose) the current character with the previous one |
SPC x t w |
swap (transpose) the current word with the previous one |
SPC x t l |
swap (transpose) the current line with the previous one |
SPC x u |
set the selected text to lower case (TODO) |
SPC x U |
set the selected text to upper case (TODO) |
SPC x w c |
count the number of occurrences per word in the select region (TODO) |
SPC x w d |
show dictionary entry of word from wordnik.com (TODO) |
indent or dedent a region rigidly (TODO) |
Text insertion commands
Text insertion commands (start with i
Key binding | Description |
SPC i l l |
insert lorem-ipsum list |
SPC i l p |
insert lorem-ipsum paragraph |
SPC i l s |
insert lorem-ipsum sentence |
SPC i p 1 |
insert simple password |
SPC i p 2 |
insert stronger password |
SPC i p 3 |
insert password for paranoids |
SPC i p p |
insert a phonetically easy password |
SPC i p n |
insert a numerical password |
SPC i u |
Search for Unicode characters and insert them into the active buffer. |
SPC i U 1 |
insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID format) |
SPC i U 4 |
insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format) |
SPC i U U |
insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format) |
Comments are handled by nerdcommenter, it’s bound to the following keys.
Key Binding | Description |
SPC ; |
comment operator |
SPC c h |
hide/show comments |
SPC c l |
comment lines |
SPC c L |
invert comment lines |
SPC c p |
comment paragraphs |
SPC c P |
invert comment paragraphs |
SPC c t |
comment to line |
SPC c T |
invert comment to line |
SPC c y |
comment and yank |
SPC c Y |
invert comment and yank |
Tips: To comment efficiently a block of line use the combo SPC ; SPC j l
SpaceVim use utf-8 as default encoding. there are four options for these case:
- fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
- fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
- encoding (enc): utf-8
- termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in vim)
to fix messy display: SPC e a
is the mapping for auto detect the file encoding. after detecting file encoding, you can run the command below to fix the encoding:
set enc=utf-8
Errors handling
SpaceVim uses neomake to gives error feedback on the fly. The checks are only performed at save time by default.
Errors management mappings (start with e):
Mappings | Description |
SPC t s |
toggle syntax checker |
SPC e c |
clear all errors |
SPC e h |
describe a syntax checker |
SPC e l |
toggle the display of the list of errors/warnings |
SPC e n |
go to the next error |
SPC e p |
go to the previous error |
SPC e v |
verify syntax checker setup (useful to debug 3rd party tools configuration) |
SPC e . |
error transient state |
The next/previous error mappings and the error transient state can be used to browse errors from syntax checkers as well as errors from location list buffers, and indeed anything that supports vim's location list. This includes for example search results that have been saved to a location list buffer.
Custom sign symbol:
Symbol | Description | Custom option |
✖ |
Error | g:spacevim_error_symbol |
➤ |
warning | g:spacevim_warning_symbol |
Managing projects
Projects in SpaceVim are managed by vim-projectionist and vim-rooter, vim-rooter will find the root of the project when a .git
directory or a .projections.json
file is encountered in the file tree.
project manager commands start with p
Key Binding | Description |
SPC p ' |
open a shell in project’s root (with the shell layer) |
Achievements | Account |
100th issue(issue) | BenBergman |
Stars, forks and watchers
Achievements | Account |
First stargazers | monkeydterry |
100th stargazers | naraj |
1000th stargazers | icecity96 |
2000th stargazers | frowhy |
3000th stargazers | purkylin |
Awesome ui
- outline + filemanager + checker
Mnemonic key bindings
Key bindings are organized using mnemonic prefixes like b for buffer, p for project, s for search, h for help, etc…
SPC mapping root : SPC means <Space>
on the keyboard.
Key | Description |
SPC ! | shell cmd |
SPC a | +applications |
SPC b | +buffers |
SPC 1...9 | windows 1...9 |
Language specific mode
Key Mapping
c/c++ support
- code completion: autocompletion and fuzzy match.
- syntax check: Asynchronous linting and make framework.
go support
python support
Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim.
By default, SpaceVim use these dark powered plugins:
- deoplete.nvim - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim
- dein.vim - Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager
- defx.nvim - Dark powered file explorer
- deoppet.nvim - Dark powered snippet plugin
- denite.nvim - Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8
Modular configuration
Multiple leader mode
Global origin vim leader
Vim's origin global leader can be used in all modes.
Local origin vim leader
Vim's origin local leader can be used in all the mode.
Windows function leader
Windows function leader can only be used in normal mode. For the list of mappings see the link
Unite work flow leader
Unite work flow leader can only be used in normal mode. Unite leader need unite groups.
Unite centric work-flow
List all the plugins has been installed, fuzzy find what you want, default action is open the github website of current plugin. default key is
List all the starred repos in github.com, fuzzy find and open the website of the repo. default key is
Plugin Highlights
Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading
Project-aware tabs and label
Vimfiler as file-manager + SSH connections
Go completion via vim-go and gocode
Javascript completion via Tern
PHP completion, indent, folds, syntax
Python jedi completion, pep8 convention
Languages: Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache
Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation, hex editor, sessions, and much more.
Note that 90% of the plugins are [lazy-loaded].
[lazy-loaded]: ./config/plugins.vim
Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins
Name | Description |
dein.vim | Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager |
vimproc | Interactive command execution |
colorschemes | Awesome color-schemes |
file-line | Allow opening a file in a given line |
neomru | MRU source for Unite |
cursorword | Underlines word under cursor |
gitbranch | Lightweight git branch detection |
gitgutter | Shows git diffs in the gutter |
tinyline | Tiny great looking statusline |
tagabana | Central location for all tags |
bookmarks | Bookmarks, works independently from vim marks |
tmux-navigator | Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits |
Lazy-Loaded Plugins
Name | Description |
html5 | HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax |
mustache | Mustache and handlebars syntax |
markdown | Markdown syntax highlighting |
ansible-yaml | Additional support for Ansible |
jinja | Jinja support in vim |
less | Syntax for LESS |
css3-syntax | CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in syntax/css.vim |
csv | Handling column separated data |
pep8-indent | Nicer Python indentation |
logstash | Highlights logstash configuration files |
tmux | vim plugin for tmux.conf |
json | Better JSON support |
toml | Syntax for TOML |
i3 | i3 window manager config syntax |
Dockerfile | syntax and snippets for Dockerfile |
go | Go development |
jedi-vim | Python jedi autocompletion library |
ruby | Ruby configuration files |
portfile | Macports portfile configuration files |
javascript | Enhanced Javascript syntax |
javascript-indent | Javascript indent script |
tern | Provides Tern-based JavaScript editing support |
php | Up-to-date PHP syntax file |
phpfold | PHP folding |
phpcomplete | Improved PHP omnicompletion |
phpindent | PHP official indenting |
phpspec | PhpSpec integration |
Name | Description |
vimfiler | Powerful file explorer |
[NERD Commenter] | Comment tool - no comment necessary |
vinarise | Hex editor |
syntastic | Syntax checking hacks |
gita | An awesome git handling plugin |
gista | Manipulate gists in Vim |
undotree | Ultimate undo history visualizer |
incsearch | Improved incremental searching |
expand-region | Visually select increasingly larger regions of text |
open-browser | Open URI with your favorite browser |
prettyprint | Pretty-print vim variables |
quickrun | Run commands quickly |
ref | Integrated reference viewer |
dictionary | Dictionary.app interface |
vimwiki | Personal Wiki for Vim |
thesaurus | Look up words in an online thesaurus |
Name | Description |
goyo | Distraction-free writing |
limelight | Hyperfocus-writing |
matchit | Intelligent pair matching |
indentline | Display vertical indention lines |
choosewin | Choose window to use, like tmux's 'display-pane' |
Name | Description |
delimitmate | Insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parenthesis, brackets |
echodoc | Print objects' documentation in echo area |
deoplete | Neovim: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework |
neocomplete | Next generation completion framework |
neosnippet | Contains neocomplete snippets source |
Name | Description |
unite | Unite and create user interfaces |
unite-colorscheme | Browse colorschemes |
unite-filetype | Select file type |
unite-history | Browse history of command/search |
unite-build | Build with Unite interface |
unite-outline | File "outline" source for unite |
unite-tag | Tags source for Unite |
unite-quickfix | Quickfix source for Unite |
neossh | SSH interface for plugins |
unite-pull-request | GitHub pull-request source for Unite |
junkfile | Create temporary files for memo and testing |
unite-issue | Issue manager for JIRA and GitHub |
Operators & Text Objects
Name | Description |
operator-user | Define your own operator easily |
operator-replace | Operator to replace text with register content |
operator-surround | Operator to enclose text objects |
textobj-user | Create your own text objects |
textobj-multiblock | Handle multiple brackets objects |
Custom Key bindings
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +y |
visual | Copy selection to X11 clipboard ("+y) |
Ctrl +c |
Normal | Copy full path of current buffer to X11 clipboard |
<leader> +Ctrl +c |
Normal | Copy github.com url of current buffer to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo) |
<leader> +Ctrl +l |
Normal/visual | Copy github.com url of current lines to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo) |
<leader> +p |
Normal/visual | Paste selection from X11 clipboard ("+p) |
Ctrl +f |
Normal | Smart page forward (C-f/C-d) |
Ctrl +b |
Normal | Smart page backwards (C-b/C-u) |
Ctrl +e |
Normal | Smart scroll down (3C-e/j) |
Ctrl +y |
Normal | Smart scroll up (3C-y/k) |
Ctrl +q |
Normal | Ctrl +w |
Ctrl +x |
Normal | Switch buffer and placement |
Up,Down |
Normal | Smart up and down |
} |
Normal | After paragraph motion go to first non-blank char (}^) |
< |
Visual/Normal | Indent to left and re-select |
> |
Visual/Normal | Indent to right and re-select |
Tab |
Visual | Indent to right and re-select |
Shift +Tab |
Visual | Indent to left and re-select |
gp |
Normal | Select last paste |
Q /gQ |
Normal | Disable EX-mode () |
Ctrl +a |
Command | Navigation in command line |
Ctrl +b |
Command | Move cursor backward in command line |
Ctrl +f |
Command | Move cursor forward in command line |
File Operations
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +cd |
Normal | Switch to the directory of the open buffer |
<leader> +w |
Normal/visual | Write (:w) |
Ctrl +s |
Normal/visual/Command | Write (:w) |
:w!! |
Command | Write as root (%!sudo tee > /dev/null %) |
Editor UI
Key | Mode | Action |
F2 |
All | Toggle tagbar |
F3 |
All | Toggle Vimfiler |
<leader> + num |
Normal | Jump to the buffer whit the num index |
<Alt> + num |
Normal | Jump to the buffer whit the num index, this only works in neovim |
<Alt> + h /<Left> |
Normal | Jump to left buffer in the tabline, this only works in neovim |
<Alt> + l /<Right> |
Normal | Jump to Right buffer in the tabline, this only works in neovim |
<leader> +ts |
Normal | Toggle spell-checker (:setlocal spell!) |
<leader> +tn |
Normal | Toggle line numbers (:setlocal nonumber!) |
<leader> +tl |
Normal | Toggle hidden characters (:setlocal nolist!) |
<leader> +th |
Normal | Toggle highlighted search (:set hlsearch!) |
<leader> +tw |
Normal | Toggle wrap (:setlocal wrap! breakindent!) |
g0 |
Normal | Go to first tab (:tabfirst) |
g$ |
Normal | Go to last tab (:tablast) |
gr |
Normal | Go to previous tab (:tabprevious) |
Ctrl +<Dow> |
Normal | Move to split below (j) |
Ctrl +<Up> |
Normal | Move to upper split (k) |
Ctrl +<Left> |
Normal | Move to left split (h) |
Ctrl +<Right> |
Normal | Move to right split (l) |
* |
Visual | Search selection forwards |
# |
Visual | Search selection backwards |
, +Space |
Normal | Remove all spaces at EOL |
Ctrl +r |
Visual | Replace selection |
<leader> +lj |
Normal | Next on location list |
<leader> +lk |
Normal | Previous on location list |
<leader> +S |
Normal/visual | Source selection |
Window Management
Key | Mode | Action |
q |
Normal | Smart buffer close |
s +p |
Normal | Split nicely |
s +v |
Normal | :split |
s +g |
Normal | :vsplit |
s +t |
Normal | Open new tab (:tabnew) |
s +o |
Normal | Close other windows (:only) |
s +x |
Normal | Remove buffer, leave blank window |
s +q |
Normal | Closes current buffer (:close) |
s +Q |
Normal | Removes current buffer, left buffer in the tabline will be displayed, if there is no buffer on the left, the right buffer will be displayed, if this is the last buffer in the tabline, then an empty buffer will be displayed. |
Tab |
Normal | Next window or tab |
Shift +Tab |
Normal | Previous window or tab |
<leader> +sv |
Normal | Split with previous buffer |
<leader> +sg |
Normal | Vertical split with previous buffer |
SpaceVim has mapped normal q as smart buffer close, the normal func of q
can be get by <leader>
q r
Native functions
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> + qr |
Normal | Same as native q |
<leader> + qr/ |
Normal | Same as native q/ , open cmdwin |
<leader> + qr? |
Normal | Same as native q? , open cmdwin |
<leader> + qr: |
Normal | Same as native q: , open cmdwin |
Plugin: Unite
Key | Mode | Action |
[unite] |
Normal | unite leader, default is f , :h g:spacevim_unite_leader |
[unite] +r |
Normal | Resumes Unite window |
[unite] +f |
Normal | Opens Unite file recursive search |
[unite] +i |
Normal | Opens Unite git file search |
[unite] +g |
Normal | Opens Unite grep with ag (the_silver_searcher) |
[unite] +u |
Normal | Opens Unite source |
[unite] +t |
Normal | Opens Unite tag |
[unite] +T |
Normal | Opens Unite tag/include |
[unite] +l |
Normal | Opens Unite location list |
[unite] +q |
Normal | Opens Unite quick fix |
[unite] +e |
Normal | Opens Unite register |
[unite] +j |
Normal | Opens Unite jump, change |
[unite] +h |
Normal | Opens Unite history/yank |
[unite] +s |
Normal | Opens Unite session |
[unite] +n |
Normal | Opens Unite session/new |
[unite] +o |
Normal | Opens Unite outline |
[unite] +c |
Normal | Opens Unite buffer bookmark file in current directory |
[unite] +b |
Normal | Opens Unite buffer bookmark file in buffer directory |
[unite] +ma |
Normal | Opens Unite mapping |
[unite] +<space> |
Normal | Opens Unite menu:CustomKeyMaps |
[unite] +me |
Normal | Opens Unite output messages |
<leader> +bl |
Normal | Opens Unite buffers, mru, bookmark |
<leader> +ta |
Normal | Opens Unite tab |
<leader> +ugf |
Normal | Opens Unite file with word at cursor |
<leader> +ugt |
Normal/visual | Opens Unite tag with word at cursor |
Plugin: neocomplete
Key | Mode | Action |
Enter |
Insert | Smart snippet expansion |
Ctrl +space |
Insert | Autocomplete with Unite |
Tab |
Insert/select | Smart tab movement or completion |
Ctrl +j/k/f/b |
Insert | Movement in popup |
Ctrl +g |
Insert | Undo completion |
Ctrl +l |
Insert | Complete common string |
Ctrl +o |
Insert | Expand snippet |
Ctrl +y |
Insert | Close pop-up |
Ctrl +e |
Insert | Close pop-up |
Ctrl +l |
Insert | Complete common string |
Ctrl +d |
Insert | Scroll down |
Ctrl +u |
Insert | Scroll up |
Plugin: NERD Commenter
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +cc |
Normal/visual | Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode. |
<leader> +cn |
Normal/visual | Same as cc but forces nesting. |
<leader> +cu |
Normal/visual | Uncomments the selected line(s). |
<leader> +cs |
Normal/visual | Comments out the selected lines with a pretty block formatted layout. |
<leader> +cy |
Normal/visual | Same as cc except that the commented line(s) are yanked first. |
Plugin: Goyo and Limelight
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +G |
Normal | Toggle distraction-free writing |
Plugin: ChooseWin
Key | Mode | Action |
- |
Normal | Choose a window to edit |
<leader> +- |
Normal | Switch editing window with selected |
Plugin: Bookmarks
Key | Mode | Action |
m +a |
Normal | Show list of all bookmarks |
m +m |
Normal | Toggle bookmark in current line |
m +n |
Normal | Jump to next bookmark |
m +p |
Normal | Jump to previous bookmark |
m +i |
Normal | Annotate bookmark |
As SpaceVim use above bookmarks mappings, so you can not use a
, m
, n
, p
or i
registers to mark current position, but other registers should works will. if you really need to use these registers, you can add nnoremap <leader>m m
to your custom configuration, then you use use a
registers via \ma
Plugin: Gina/Gita
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +gs |
Normal | Git status |
<leader> +gd |
Normal | Git diff |
<leader> +gc |
Normal | Git commit |
<leader> +gb |
Normal | Git blame |
<leader> +gp |
Normal | Git push |
<leader> +ga |
Normal | Git add current buffer |
<leader> +gA |
Normal | Git add all files |
Plugin: vim-signify
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +hj / ]c |
Normal | Jump to next hunk |
<leader> +hk / [c |
Normal | Jump to previous hunk |
<leader> +hJ / ]C |
Normal | Jump to last hunk |
<leader> +hK / [C |
Normal | Jump to first hunk |
Misc Plugins
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +gu |
Normal | Open undo tree |
<leader> +i |
Normal | Toggle indentation lines |
<leader> +j |
Normal | Start smalls |
<leader> +r |
Normal | Quickrun |
<leader> +? |
Normal | Dictionary |
<leader> +W |
Normal | Wiki |
<leader> +K |
Normal | Thesaurus |
SpaceVim 是由多个独立模块组成的配置集合,针对不同的功能需求,设计了多个模块,用户在使用的时候只需要载入相应的模块即可。比如对于 Java 开发者,载入 lang#java
模块即可配置出一个适合 Java 开发的 Vim 环境。
SpaceVim 支持的模:http://spacevim.org/layers/
Unite 的快捷键前缀是f
, 可以通过 g:spacevim_unite_leader
来设定,快捷键无需记忆,SpaceVim 有很好的快捷键辅助机制,如下是 Unite 的快捷键键图:
Denite 是新一代的插件,相比 Unite 速度更加快,安装也更加方便。 的快捷键前缀是F
, 可以通过 g:spacevim_denite_leader
SpaceVim 采用最快补全引擎 deoplete, 该引擎不同与YouCompleteMe的主要一点是支持多源补全,而不单单是语义补全。 而且补全来源拓展非常方便。
SpaceVim 将从 ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim 和当前目录的 ./SpaceVim.d/init.vim 载入配置,并且更新 rtp,用户可以在 ~/.SpaceVim.d/ 和 .SpaceVim.d/ 这两个文件夹下编辑自己的脚本,和 SpaceVim 的配置文件。
" Here are some basic customizations,
" please refer to the ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim
" file for all possible options:
let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3
let g:spacevim_max_column = 80
" Change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go.
" By default it is ~/.cache/vimfiles/.
let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = '~/.cache/vimfiles/'
" set SpaceVim colorscheme
let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'jellybeans'
" Set plugin manager, you want to use, default is dein.vim
let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug
" use space as `<Leader>`
let mapleader = "\<space>"
" Set windows shortcut leader [Window], default is `s`
let g:spacevim_windows_leader = 's'
" Set unite work flow shortcut leader [Unite], default is `f`
let g:spacevim_unite_leader = 'f'
" By default, language specific plugins are not loaded. This can be changed
" with the following, then the plugins for go development will be loaded.
call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#go')
" loaded ui layer
call SpaceVim#layers#load('ui')
" If there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this
" variable to disable them entirely:
let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=[
\ ['junegunn/fzf.vim'],
\ ]
" If you want to add some custom plugins, use these options:
let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [
\ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}],
\ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'],
\ ]
" set the guifont
let g:spacevim_guifont = 'DejaVu\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline\ 11'
选项名称 | 默认值 | 描述 |
g:spacevim_default_indent |
2 | 对齐空格 |
g:spacevim_enable_guicolors |
1 | 启用/禁用终端使用真色彩 |
g:spacevim_windows_leader |
s |
窗口管理快捷键前缀 |
g:spacevim_unite_leader |
f |
Unite快捷键前缀 |
g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir |
~/.cache/vimfiles |
默认插件缓存位置 |
g:spacevim_realtime_leader_guide |
0 | 启用/禁用实时快捷键提示 |
g:spacevim_guifont |
'' | 设置SpaceVim字体 |
g:spacevim_sidebar_width |
30 | 设置边栏宽度,文件树以及语法树 |
g:spacevim_custom_plugins |
[] |
设置自定义插件 |
Vim 8 新特新之旅
{% for post in site.categories.tutorials_cn %}
- {{ post.title }} {% endfor %}