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Use lua to reimplement core plugins |
The core plugins of spacevim have been reimplemented with lua. | article |
Blogs >> Use Lua to Reimplement Core Plugins
After comparing the speed of vim script and lua, I want to rewrite SpaceVim with Lua.
NOTE: All vim scripts will be retained to ensure support for older versions of Vim and NeoVim
How to compare speed
with following vim script, and run:
:TestFunc Fibo 1000
:TestFunc Fibo 10000000
:TestFunc LuaFibo 1000
:TestFunc LuaFibo 10000000
function! Fibo(N) abort
let t = a:N
let b = 0
while t > 0
let t = t - 1
let a = 1
let b = 1
let c = 73
while c > 0
let c = c - 1
let tmp = a + b
let a = b
let b = tmp
echo b
function! LuaFibo(N) abort
lua << EOF
local a, b, r, c, t
t = vim.api.nvim_eval("str2nr(a:N)")
while t > 0 do
t = t - 1
a = 1
b = 1
c = 73
while c > 0 do
c = c - 1
r = a + b
a = b
b = r
print(string.format("%d", b))
function! s:test(...) abort
" for func in a:000
let start = reltime()
call call(a:1,[a:2])
let sec = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
echom printf('%s(%d): %.6g sec', a:1, a:2, sec)
" endfor
command! -nargs=+ TestFunc call s:test(<f-args>)
Fibo(1000): 0.410364 sec
Fibo(10000000): 1470.280914 sec
LuaFibo(1000): 9.052000e-4 sec
LuaFibo(10000000): 1.235385 sec
Which version of neovim should I use?
It is recommended to use neovim 0.9.0 or 0.9.1
What has been done?
- The spacevim runtime logger
The default runtime logger can be used in in both vim script and lua script. For example:
-- in lua script test.lua
local log = require('spacevim.logger').derive('test')
local function test_foo()
log.debug('this is debug message')
Then the runtime log via SPC h L
, and you should be able to see:
[ test ] [17:14:56:907] [ Debug ] this is debug message
Built-in Plugins:
These plugins are very commonly used in SpaceVim, so they are rewritten using lua for a better experience.
alternate file manager
:A {type}
to jump to alternate file quickly. -
The project manager provides the function of quickly switching to the project root directory.
key binding guide
code runner
The REPL plugin
The next step
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