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synced 2025-03-16 12:15:46 +08:00
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2.5.2 (2023-03-24)
Bug Fixes
2.5.1 (2023-03-12)
Bug Fixes
2.5.0 (2023-03-10)
- luv: use the luv addon instead of the deprecated 3rd party (f06c113)
2.4.2 (2023-03-08)
Bug Fixes
2.4.1 (2023-02-28)
Bug Fixes
2.4.0 (2023-02-13)
2.3.0 (2023-02-13)
- luv: more luv types (39bb79b)
2.2.1 (2023-02-12)
Bug Fixes
2.2.0 (2023-02-10)
2.1.0 (2023-02-08)
- Add
to stable (#119) (4b6ade9) - add class to vim.api and vim.loop (e27c03b)
Bug Fixes
- handle cases where
does not exist. Fixes #109 (fc20483) - provide a class for vim.api (#117) (9737bfc)
- revert #117 (dd63031)
- use integer for buffer, window, etc (#116) (71e3e0c)
2.0.1 (2023-01-15)
Bug Fixes
- ignore lua directory (82c8586)
- lsp: make sure everything works when lua root not found. Fixes #108 (31cba85)
2.0.0 (2023-01-11)
is now enabled by default. Needs sumneko >= 3.6.0. Much better performance
- options: allow setting an option to its type (1569664)
Bug Fixes
- simplified and improved plugin/config detection (a34a9e7)
Performance Improvements
is now enabled by default. Needs sumneko >= 3.6.0. Much better performance (5ff32d4)
1.0.0 (2023-01-04)
- removed config.plugin_library in favor of config.override for easier customization
- rewrite with easier setup and configuration. Backward compatible, but refer to the docs to use the optimized setup
- added @meta to generated emmy-lua files (97a3399)
- added @see for
from help docs (1e8a2b4) - added annotations for vim.filetype, vim.F, vim.fs, vim.health, vim.inspect (2be3d3f)
- added config.runtime() for new vim.fn parser (87adbea)
- added configuration option to set the runtime_path (slow). Fixes #29 (f7fecb7)
- added docs for options and vim.fn functions (4eb0e89)
- added function to check if a fiven fqname is a lua object (3d1d469)
- added luv docs (e38838a)
- added missing types (76e7b48)
- added option shortnames to vim.opt, o, go, bo, wo, opt_local, opt_global (309eca5)
- added options (9ec4a9c)
- added overrides for vim.fn.expand and vim.fn.sign_define. Fixes #72 (868db41)
- added overrides for vim.fn.glob (43f51e9)
- added overrides for vim.loop.new_timer() (d15370e)
- added possibility to define @overload annotations (a77f5db)
- added possibility to override auto generated annotations (9d6b75b)
- added support for lazy.nvim (6136979)
- added support for vim.opt methods. Fixes #73 (9e56a56)
- added support for vimdoc code blocks (6d8ce16)
- added types for vim.cmd.* (9962a1d)
- added vim.diagnostic & vim.ui (58796ba)
- added vim.treesitter.highlighter (5ca1178)
- added vim.treesitter.language (8d2a950)
- added warnings on old-style setup (17e73ce)
- added workspace support (681c0fc)
- aded experimental option pathStrict. You need the latest sumneko nightly for this (60f1ec9)
- allow config without using lspconfig. Fixes #83 (3b6b644)
- better type infer (6b9ae84)
- debug log (fdab800)
- docs.fqn (8f61232)
- enable call snippets (a267319)
- enable lua-dev by default for the Neovim runtime directory when needed (0001b27)
- fix indent of doc comments (5abb32a)
- fixed detection of definitions for vim.keymap (63bdf08)
- fixed option docs (fb82dcc)
- format code blocks as markdown (e85a190)
- full support of vim.go, wo, bo, o, opt, opt_local, opt_global (261d29c)
- generated types for stable (Neovim 0.8.0) (4366cad)
- handle special Lua keywords (142d456)
- hidden option to make sumneko use a different neovim runtime for testing (d55299f)
- implemented optional parameters for lua api functions (ee8e6af)
- improved docs.functions (c3a6a8c)
- improved vim.api and vim parsers (60fce6d)
- initial version (26bd607)
- integrate with settings.nvim (d95e691)
- integration with neoconf.nvim (77e8aec)
- keep original formatting when parsing docs (6cf4af1)
- lua-dev is now neodev (b43d272)
- lua-dev now properly sets up jsonls for .luarc.json, the sumneko local config files (fb62007)
- lua.txt doc parser (0e7a16b)
- merge defs of vim._editor in
(858bcd6) - merge in lspconfig options (1f7ee38)
- more luv annotations (b50621a)
- new options parser (0c65251)
- new parser (42e9c51)
- new vim functions parser (4d9ee97)
- only load missing functions from mpack on nightly. hidden functions (f0bf928)
- optionally supply a list of plugins to add to the workspace #2 (1fb6cc8)
- parse luv return values from docs (107b7d9)
- proper typing for vim.g, vim.v, vim.b, vim.w and vim.t (b16231e)
- properly configure runtime.path to make require work for plugins (slow). Fixes #23 (274f72b)
- properly parse optional params like (*opts) (48cca93)
- removed config.plugin_library in favor of config.override for easier customization (46a2eb0)
- replace code regions by markdown lua code blocks (23df3f4)
- rewrite with easier setup and configuration. Backward compatible, but refer to the docs to use the optimized setup (ae74bc9)
- set correct default option (e9e1da3)
- snippet option for setup (#47) (8553f1c)
- types for nightly (3e97b3e)
- types for stable (499bc32)
- updated all the docs for Neovim 0.6 (1933c7e)
- updated docs to 0.7 (6063731)
- updated emmy lua files (5e6caa9)
- util.error (c771c04)
- vim.fn functions (b1e7776)
- vim.lua for nightly (cae3dfa)
- vimdoc parser (ac2a760)
- when param name is string, and unknown type, then use string (ddb8162)
Bug Fixes
- add correct neovim config directory when pathstrict (d20c601)
- add lua directories to workspace.library (563e365)
- add vim itself to globals (2c9311b)
- added .luarc.jsonc validation also to jsonls (8e2f046)
- added # for parameter docs (3c7dfda)
- added support for builtin libraries and meta/3rd libraries (8d47e3a)
- added vim.log.levels (4331626)
- alias
type (#103) (23b58ff) - append on_new_config instead of replacing it (cff0972)
- append to existing workspace.library instead of replacing (b4bc26d)
- better detection of nvim config and plugins where root-dir is incorrect (d6212c1)
- better method of finding typed directory #6 (2e1a816)
- better package path (03a44ec)
- broke require path completion again (9da602d)
- correctly process global_local options (2815a2a)
- docs (7b96f30)
- docs: update sumneko_lua setup example (#67) (8b2b228)
- don't add arena parameters to functions (99ee7f2)
- don't include lua docs in generated docs. They are correctly set up through
(130b35e) - don't skip anything from shared, otherwise builtin lua function docs are missing like notify (24d8cf9)
- dont add root_dir to workspace library. Fixes #21 (e958850)
- fixed lua-dev schema for settings.nvim (d6900dc)
- fixed requiring files and require path (3c18da8)
- get all the lua docs for internal lua functions (6b0d9b0)
- improved emmy lua annotations (4f5a10f)
- indentation from docs (a4e5103)
- line context (fbcdd6d)
- luv: also parse sync return values (7b495ec)
- make options generation deterministic (136ec0e)
- more markdown code blocks (5b620d9)
- more neodev renames (d23076d)
- move settings to lua-dev (c62617e)
- mpack functions can have multiple docs (2c2293c)
- multi-line comments for parameters (acfa55b)
- new settings.nvim API (6477ca9)
- options now have proper types (d9bd9b4)
- other way to prevent name change issues (d3f7002)
- parse incorrect function signatures with missing {} (7eb0f15)
- prepend "lua/" to package path (b24f225)
- remove duplication of lua/ (#66) (ec50266)
- remove root_dir from library. otherwise rename is broken (b9b721a)
- remove vimconfig from workspace library. not needed #1 (0faabb9)
- replace
, otherwise sumneko fails to render the hover (4667d53) - replace invalid param name characters (e5a553c)
- resolve realpath of neovim config (42eab7e)
- set proper runtime.path for require completion (7840b31)
- sort functions before writing (72c4e61)
- sort vim.fn functions before writing file (cc55fd1)
- sumneko library should be a list instead of a dict (14004d2)
- types for stable (901660d)
- use correct key for special lsp library paths (f879e53)
- use default values for vim.opt (#87) (66b67cf)
- use existing library on settings.Lua.workspace (cf3b028)
- use lazy.plugins() (c87f3c9)
- workspace.library uses a map (350b579)