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Available layers A guide for managing SpaceVim with layers, tell you how to enable and disable a layer, also list all available layers in SpaceVim

Available layers


SpaceVim is a community-driven Vim distribution that seeks to provide layer feature. Layers help collecting related packages together to provide features. This approach helps keep configuration organized and reduces overhead for the user by keeping them from having to think about what packages to install.

Enable layers

By default SpaceVim enable these layers:

  • autocomplete
  • checkers
  • format
  • edit
  • ui
  • core
  • core#banner
  • core#statusline
  • core#tabline

To enable a specific layer you need to edit SpaceVim configuration file. The key binding for opening SpaceVim configuration file is SPC f v d.

The following example shows how to load shell layer with some specified options:

    name = "shell"
    default_position = "top"
    default_height = 30

Disable layers

Some layers are enabled by default. The following example shows how to disable shell layer:

    name = "shell"
    enable = false

Available layers

Name Description
VersionControl This layers provides general version control feature for vim. It should work with all VC backends such as Git, Mercurial, Bazaar, SVN, etc…
autocomplete Autocomplete code within SpaceVim, fuzzy find the candidates from multiple completion sources, expand snippet before cursor automatically
chat SpaceVim chatting layer provide chatting with qq and weixin in vim.
checkers Syntax checking automatically within SpaceVim, display error on the sign column and statusline.
chinese Layer for chinese users, include chinese docs and runtime messages
colorscheme colorscheme provides a list of colorscheme for SpaceVim, default colorscheme is gruvbox with dark theme.
core#banner This layer provides many default banner on welcome page.
core#statusline This layer provides default statusline for SpaceVim
core#tabline SpaceVim core#tabline layer provides a better tabline for SpaceVim
core SpaceVim core layer provides many default key bindings and features.
cscope cscope layer provides a smart cscope and pycscope helper for SpaceVim, help users win at cscope
ctrlp This layers provide a heavily customized ctrlp centric work-flow
debug This layer provide debug workflow support in SpaceVim
default SpaceVim default layer contains no plugins, but It provides some better default config for SpaceVim.
denite This layers provide a heavily customized Denite centric work-flow
edit Improve code edit expr in SpaceVim, provide more text opjects.
floobits This layer adds support for the peer programming tool floobits to SpaceVim.
format Code formatting support for SpaceVim
fzf This layers provide a heavily customized fzf centric work-flow
git This layers adds extensive support for git
github This layer provides GitHub integration for SpaceVim
gtags This layer provide gtags manager for project
japanese Layer for japanese users, include japanese docs and runtime messages
lang#WebAssembly This layer adds WebAssembly support to SpaceVim
lang#agda This layer adds Agda language support to SpaceVim.
lang#asciidoc Edit AsciiDoc within vim, autopreview AsciiDoc in the default browser, with this layer you can also format AsciiDoc file.
lang#assembly This layer adds Assembly language support to SpaceVim, including syntax highlighting.
lang#autohotkey This layer adds AutohotKey language support to SpaceVim.
lang#c C/C++/Object-C language support for SpaceVim, include code completion, jump to definition, quick runner.
lang#clojure This layer is for Clojure development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Clojure file.
lang#coffeescript This layer is for CoffeeScript development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for CoffeeScript file.
lang#csharp This layer is for csharp development
lang#d This layer is for d development, provide syntax checking, code runner support for d file.
lang#dart This layer is for Dart development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Dart file.
lang#dockerfile This layer adds DockerFile to SpaceVim
lang#elixir This layer is for Elixir development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Elixir file.
lang#elm This layer is for Elm development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Elm file.
lang#erlang This layer is for Erlang development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Erlang file.
lang#extra This layer adds extra language support to SpaceVim
lang#fsharp This layer adds FSharp language support to SpaceVim
lang#go This layer is for golang development. It also provides additional language-specific key mappings.
lang#graphql This layer adds GraphQL file support to SpaceVim
lang#groovy This layer is for Groovy development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for groovy file.
lang#hack This layer is for hack development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for hack file.
lang#haskell Haskell language support for SpaceVim, includes code completion, syntax checking, jumping to definition, also provides language server protocol support for Haskell
lang#html Edit html in SpaceVim, with this layer, this layer provides code completion, syntax checking and code formatting for html.
lang#hy This layer is for hy development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for hy file.
lang#ipynb This layer adds Jupyter Notebook support to SpaceVim
lang#j This layer is for j development, provide syntax checking and repl support for j file.
lang#java This layer is for Java development. All the features such as code completion, formatting, syntax checking, REPL and debug have be done in this layer.
lang#javascript This layer provides JavaScript development support for SpaceVim, including code completion, syntax highlighting and syntax checking
lang#julia This layer is for Julia development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking and code formatting
lang#kotlin This layer adds Kotlin language support to SpaceVim, including syntax highlighting, code runner and REPL support.
lang#latex This layer provides support for writing LaTeX documents, including syntax highlighting, code completion, formatting etc.
lang#lisp This layer is for Lisp development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Lisp file.
lang#livescript This layer is for livescript development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for livescript file.
lang#lua This layer is for Lua development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Lua file.
lang#markdown Edit markdown within vim, autopreview markdown in the default browser, with this layer you can also format markdown file.
lang#matlab This layer adds matlab language support to SpaceVim, including syntax highlighting.
lang#nim This layer adds Nim language support to SpaceVim
lang#ocaml This layer is for OCaml development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for OCaml file.
lang#pact This layer is for pact development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for pact file.
lang#perl This layer is for Perl development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Perl file.
lang#php PHP language support, including code completion, syntax lint and code runner
lang#plantuml This layer is for PlantUML development, syntax highlighting for PlantUML file.
lang#pony This layer is for pony development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for pony file.
lang#powershell This layer is for powershell development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for powershell file.
lang#processing This layer is for working on Processing sketches. It provides sytnax checking and an app runner
lang#prolog This layer is for Prolog development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for prolog file.
lang#puppet This layer adds Puppet language support to SpaceVim
lang#purescript This layer is for PureScript development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for PureScript file.
lang#python This layer is for Python development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Python file.
lang#r This layer is for R development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking and code format.
lang#racket This layer adds racket language support to SpaceVim, including syntax highlighting, code runner and REPL support.
lang#red This layer is for Red development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking and code format.
lang#ruby This layer is for Ruby development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Ruby file.
lang#rust This layer is for Rust development, provide autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for Rust file.
lang#scala This layer adds Scala language support to SpaceVim
lang#scheme This layer adds Scheme language support to SpaceVim
lang#sh Shell script development layer, provides autocompletion, syntax checking, code format for bash and zsh script.
lang#swift swift language support for SpaceVim, includes code completion, syntax highlighting
lang#tcl This layer is for Tcl development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for tcl file.
lang#typescript This layer is for TypeScript development, includding code completion, Syntax lint, and doc generation.
lang#v This layer is for v development, provide syntax checking, code runner and repl support for v file.
lang#vim This layer is for writting Vimscript, including code completion, syntax checking and buffer formatting
lang#vue This layer adds Vue language support to SpaceVim
language-server-protocol This layers provides language server protocol for vim and neovim
leaderf This layers provide a heavily customized LeaderF centric work-flow
shell This layer provide shell support in SpaceVim
sudo sudo layer provides ability to read and write file elevated privileges in SpaceVim
test This layer allows to run tests directly on SpaceVim
tmux This layers adds extensive support for tmux
tools#dash This layer provides Dash integration for SpaceVim
tools#zeal This layer provides Zeal integration for SpaceVim
tools This layer provides some tools for vim
ui Awesome UI layer for SpaceVim, provide IDE-like UI for neovim and vim in both TUI and GUI
unite This layers provide a heavily customized Unite centric work-flow