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synced 2025-03-15 19:45:46 +08:00
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Closed issues:
- gruvbox gruvbox_sign_column #133
v2.2.0 (2020-05-03)
Closed issues:
- Lightline with gruvbox #125
- Cursor over highlight off in Vimr #121
Last Modified
date ofgruvbox.vim
still says12 Aug 2017
#119- Cursorline highlighting destroys syntax highlighting in Windows command prompt #117
- How can I make the GUI version look like the terminal version+notermguicolors? #116
- CSS properties get different colors #114
- Light mode is different from the sample picture #112
- Weird highlight with easymotion #111
- Switch terminal color codes of aqua and neutral blue #109
- Digraph characters are hard to see #106
- Python Function highlighting once declared. #105
- XML looks silly since dd4114fdb4 #103
- gruvbox is interfering with Typescript indent #102
- Light mode in gvim shows numbers in #C7F1FB until reload #100
- vim_did_enter is not available in older versions #99
- Modify XML Colors #96
- Override specific colors #68
- Hard to read y/n questions on dark b/g #66
- Cannot see cursor in insert mode #65
- Flag to Indicate Gruvbox Loaded #64
- Support changing background #62
- Faded aqua
and neutral blue\#458588
have same terminal colors #60 - gruvbox golang #56
- Can't define color palette solely in Xresources with g:gruvbox_termcolors = 16 #50
- 256 are used when inside tmux instead of truecolor #48
- Scrolling breaks gruvbox #49
- Some lines's background is discolored #43
- "Buffers" in top bar is grey #39
- A suggestion for error foreground color #38
- Fish integration #37
- GruvBox red is displaying kinda orange #34
- Unable to configure colors for vim-sneak plugin #33
- Gruvbox is broken in neovim #31
- Regular status line looks a little off... #29
- update release #27
- Airline theme breaks with transparent vim windows. #20
- C++ comment highlighting #22
- ^ and _ highlighted as red #19
- update airline theme for new command mode #17
- rust syntax #14
- Support for the fzf.vim #15
- support golang Syntax ? #10
- Colors not vivid #9
- Add airline_term section in order to correctly color Terminal buffer's statusline #6
- ALE not displaying errors when using gruvbox #5
Merged pull requests:
- Remove gitgutter settings #132 (ndreas)
- lightline: Fix normal.warning readability #131 (polyzen)
- add support for CocHighlightText in coc.nvim #127 (phphong)
- Add highlight support for coc.nvim #124 (RicardoMing)
- Highlight keywords for vim-javascript #123 (gbrlsnchs)
- Add highlight for ALE virtual text. #122 (kristijanhusak)
- Fix Airline for Terminal mode #120 (phddoom)
- Fix "Illegal variable name: a:color" issues vim 8.1+ #115 (eddyg)
- Change SpecialKey group color #113 (bronzehedwick)
- Add colors for fzf status line #110 (efnull)
- Add C# groups from vim runtime files #95 (nickspoons)
v2.1.0 (2019-05-28)
Closed issues:
- Highlight for spelling errors is switched? #28
- Haskell highlighting is broken #24
- Font/Typeface in readme -- link broken #7
Merged pull requests:
- fbterm support for palette script #92 (rbong)
- improve readability for lighline's middle section #91 (rbong)
- Modified HTML colors for easier reading #90 (rbong)
- Update URL for Fira Mono #89 (rbong)
- Spelling: Switch capital/bad word colors #88 (rbong)
- Fix the Haskell colors against haskell-vim. #87 (rbong)
- JS styling improvements #86 (rbong)
- Adding mail specific highlighting #85 (rbong)
- Added color for QuickFixLine
matches Error
#84 (rbong) - Add tabline_sel option to costumize selected tab foreground color #83 (rbong)
- Link pangloss jsFuncCall to GruvboxBlue. #82 (rbong)
- Treat C++ operators like C operators #81 (rbong)
- fix $TERM check for tmux: #79 (rbong)
- Docs: Add license #78 (rbong)
- Add support for MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty #77 (rbong)
- Airline: replace CursorLine color by StatusLineNC #76 (rbong)
- Customizable hlsearch highlight color
similar to hls\_cursor setting
#73 (rbong) - Set terminal colors in Vim with termguicolors #70 (rbong)
v2.0.0 (2015-09-04)
v1.9.3 (2015-09-02)
v1.3.5 (2014-03-19)
v0.0.8 (2012-12-08)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator