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title description
Documentation General documentation about how to using SpaceVim, including the quick start guide and FAQs.


Core Pillars

Four core pillars: Mnemonic, Discoverable, Consistent and “Crowd-Configured”.

If any of these core pillars is violated open an issue and well try our best to fix it.


Key bindings are organized using mnemonic prefixes like b for buffer, p for project, s for search, h for help, etc…


Innovative real-time display of available key bindings. Simple query system to quickly find available layers, packages, and more.


Similar functionalities have the same key bindings everywhere thanks to a clearly defined set of conventions. Documentation is mandatory for any layer that ships with SpaceVim.


Community-driven configuration provides curated packages tuned by power users and bugs are fixed quickly.

Highlighted features

  • Great documentation: access documentation in SpaceVim with :h SpaceVim.
  • Minimalistic and nice graphical UI: you'll love the awesome UI and its useful features.
  • Keep your fingers on the home row: for quicker editing with support for QWERTY and BEPO layouts.
  • Mnemonic key bindings: commands have mnemonic prefixes like [WIN] for all the window and buffer commands or [Unite] for the unite work flow commands.
  • Fast boot time: Lazy-load 90% of plugins with [dein.vim]
  • Lower the risk of RSI: by heavily using the space bar instead of modifiers.
  • Batteries included: discover hundreds of ready-to-use packages nicely organised in configuration layers following a set of conventions.
  • Neovim centric: Dark powered mode of SpaceVim


welcome page


working flow

screen shot 2017-04-26 at 4 28 07 pm

Neovim on iTerm2 using the SpaceVim color scheme base16-solarized-dark

Depicts a common frontend development scenario with JavaScript (jQuery), SASS, and PHP buffers.

Non-code buffers show a Neovim terminal, a TagBar window, a Vimfiler window and a TernJS definition window.

To get more screenshots, see: issue #415

Who can benefit from this?

  • Elementary Vim users.
  • Vim users pursuing a beautiful appearance.
  • Vim users wanting to lower the risk of RSI.
  • Vim users wanting to learn a different way to edit files.
  • Vim users wanting a simple but deep configuration system.

Update and Rollback

Update SpaceVim itself

There are several methods of updating the core files of SpaceVim. It is recommended to update the packages first; see the next section.

Automatic Updates

NOTE: By default, this feature is disabled. It would slow down the startup of Vim/Neovim. If you like this feature, add automatic_update = 1 to your custom configuration file.

SpaceVim will automatically check for a new version every startup. You have restart Vim after updating.

Updating from the SpaceVim Buffer

Use :SPUpdate SpaceVim in SpaceVim buffer. This command will open a new buffer to show the process of updating.

Updating Manually with git

You can close Vim/Neovim and update the git repository to update manually:

git -C ~/.SpaceVim pull.

Update plugins

Use :SPUpdate command to update all the plugins and SpaceVim itself. After :SPUpdate, you can assign plugins need to be updated. Use Tab to complete plugin names after :SPUpdate.

Get SpaceVim log

Use :SPDebugInfo! command to display the log of SpaceVim. You also can use SPC h I to open a buffer with the issue template.

Custom Configuration

The very first time SpaceVim starts up, it will ask you to choose a mode, then it will create a SpaceVim.d/init.toml in your HOME directory. All User configurations can be stored in your ~/.SpaceVim.d directory.

~/.SpaceVim.d/ will be added to &runtimepath of Vim.

It is also possible to override the location of ~/.SpaceVim.d/ using the environment variable SPACEVIMDIR. Of course you can also use symlinks to change the location of this directory.

SpaceVim also support local config file for project, the init file is .SpaceVim.d/init.toml in the root of your project. .SpaceVim.d/ will also be added into runtimepath.

All SpaceVim options can be found in :h SpaceVim-config, the key is same as the option name with the prefix g:spacevim_ being removed.

Comprehensive documentation is available for each layer by :h SpaceVim.

Add custom plugins

If you want to add plugins from github, just add the repo name to the custom_plugins section:

    name = "lilydjwg/colorizer"
    on_cmd = ["ColorHighlight", "ColorToggle"]
    merged = false

on_cmd option means this plugin will be loaded only when the following commands are called. For more options see :h dein-options.

disable existing plugins

If you want to disable plugins which are added by SpaceVim, you can use SpaceVim disabled_plugins options:

    # NOTE: the value should be a list, and each item is the name of the plugin.
    disabled_plugins = ["clighter", "clighter8"]

Bootstrap Functions

SpaceVim provides two kinds of bootstrap functions for custom configurations and key bindings, namely bootstrap_before and bootstrap_after. To enable them you need to add bootstrap_before = "myspacevim#before" and/or bootstrap_after = "myspacevim#after" to [options] section in file .SpaceVim.d/init.toml. The difference is that these two functions will be called before or after the loading of SpaceVim's main scripts as they named.

The bootstrap functions should be placed to the autoload directory in runtimepath, please refer to :h autoload-functions for further instructions. In our case, create file .SpaceVim.d/autoload/myspacevim.vim with contents for example

function! myspacevim#before() abort
    let g:neomake_enabled_c_makers = ['clang']
    nnoremap jk <Esc>

function! myspacevim#after() abort
    iunmap jk

The bootstrap_before will be called after custom configuration file is loaded. And the bootstrap_after will be called after Vim Enter autocmd.

If you want to add custom SPC prefix key bindings, you can add them to bootstrap function, be sure the key bindings are not used in SpaceVim.

function! myspacevim#before() abort
    call SpaceVim#custom#SPCGroupName(['G'], '+TestGroup')
    call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nore', ['G', 't'], 'echom 1', 'echomessage 1', 1)

Vim compatible mode

The different key bindings between SpaceVim and origin vim are shown as below.

  • The s key does replace cursor char, but in SpaceVim it is the Window key bindings specific leader key by default (which can be set on another key binding in dotfile). If you still prefer the origin function of s, you can use an empty string to disable this feature.

The option is windows_leader, default value is s.

  • The , key does repeat last f, F, t and T in vim, but in SpaceVim it is the language specified Leader key.

The option is enable_language_specific_leader, default value is 1.

  • The q key does recording, but in SpaceVim it is used for closing window smart. If you still prefer the origin function of q, you can use an empty string to disable this feature.

The option is windows_smartclose, default value is q.

  • The Ctrl-a binding on the command line can auto-complete variable names, but in SpaceVim it moves to the cursor to the beginning of the command line.
  • Ctrl-b in command line mode is mapped to <Left>, which will move cursor to the left.
  • Ctrl-f in command line mode is mapped to <Right>, which will move cursor to the right.

SpaceVim provides a vimcompatible mode, in vimcompatible mode, all the differences above will disappear. You can enable the vimcompatible mode via adding vimcompatible = true to [options] section.

If you want to disable any differences above, use the relevant options. For example, in order to disable language specific leader, you may add the following lines to your configuration file:

    enable_language_specific_leader = false

Send a PR to add the differences you found in this section.

Private Layers

This section is an overview of layers. A more extensive introduction to writing configuration layers can be found in SpaceVim's layers page (recommended reading!).


Layers help collect related packages together to provide features. For example, the lang#python layer provides auto-completion, syntax checking, and REPL support for python files. This approach helps keep configuration organized and reduces overhead for users by keeping them from having to think about what packages to install. To install all the python features users only need to add the lang#python layer to their custom configuration file.


In SpaceVim, a layer is a single file. In a layer, for example, autocomplete layer, the file is autoload/SpaceVim/layers/autocomplete.vim, and there are three public functions:

  • SpaceVim#layers#autocomplete#plugins(): return a list of plugins used in this plugins.
  • SpaceVim#layers#autocomplete#config(): layer config, such as key bindings and autocmds.
  • SpaceVim#layers#autocomplete#set_variable(): function for setting layer options.

Debug upstream plugins

If you found one of the built-in plugins has bugs, and you want to debug that plugin. You can follow these steps:

  1. Disable this plugin Take disabling neomake.vim for instance:
    disabled_plugins = ["neomake.vim"]
  1. Add a forked plugin or add a local plugin Use toml file to add custom forked plugins:
   name = "wsdjeg/neomake.vim"
   # note: you need to disable merged feature
   merged = false

Use the bootstrap_before function to add local plugin:

function! myspacevim#before() abort
    set rtp+=~/path/to/your/localplugin



SpaceVim defines a wide variety of transient states (temporary overlay maps) where it makes sense. This prevents one from doing repetitive and tedious presses on the SPC key.

When a transient state is active, a documentation is displayed in the transient state buffer. Additional information may as well be displayed in it.

Move Text Transient State:

Move Text Transient State

Interface elements

SpaceVim has a minimalistic and distraction free UI:

  • custom airline with color feedback according to current check status
  • custom icon in sign column and error feedbacks for checker.


The default colorscheme of SpaceVim is gruvbox. There are two variants of this colorscheme, a dark one and a light one. Some aspects of these colorscheme can be customized in the custom configuration file, read :h gruvbox.

It is possible to define your default themes in your ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml with the variable colorschemes. For instance, to specify desert:

    colorscheme = "desert"
    colorscheme_bg = "dark"
Mappings Descriptions
SPC T n switch to next random colorscheme listed in colorscheme layer.
SPC T s select a theme using a unite buffer.

All the included colorschemes can be found in colorscheme layer.

SpaceVim supports true colors in terminal, and it is disabled by default, to enable this feature, you should make sure your terminal supports true colors. For more information see: Colours in terminal.

If your terminal does not support true colors, you can disable SpaceVim true colors feature in [options] section:

    enable_guicolors = false


The default font used by SpaceVim is SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono. It is recommended to install it on your system if you wish to use it.

To change the default font set the variable guifont in your ~/.SpaceVim.d/init.toml file. By default its value is:

    guifont = "SauceCodePro Nerd Font Mono:h11"

If the specified font is not found, the fallback one will be used (depends on your system). Also note that changing this value has no effect if you are running Vim/Neovim in terminal.

UI Toggles

Some UI indicators can be toggled on and off (toggles start with t and T):

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC t 8 highlight any character past the 80th column
SPC t f display the fill column (by default max_column is 120)
SPC t h h toggle highlight of the current line
SPC t h i toggle highlight indentation levels (TODO)
SPC t h c toggle highlight indentation current column
SPC t h s toggle syntax highlighting
SPC t i toggle indentation guide at point
SPC t n toggle line numbers
SPC t b toggle background
SPC t c toggle conceal
SPC t t open tabs manager
SPC T ~ display ~ in the fringe on empty lines
SPC T F toggle frame fullscreen
SPC T f toggle display of the fringe
SPC T m toggle menu bar
SPC T t toggle tool bar


The core#statusline layer provides a heavily customized powerline with the following capabilities:

  • show the window number
  • show the current mode
  • color code for current state
  • show the index of searching result
  • toggle syntax checking info
  • toggle battery info
  • toggle minor mode lighters
  • show VCS information (branch, hunk summary) (need git and VersionControl layer)
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC [1-9] jump to the windows with the specific number

Reminder of the color codes for the states:

Mode Color
Normal Grey
Insert Blue
Visual Orange
Replace Aqua

All the colors based on the current colorscheme

Some elements can be dynamically toggled:

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC t m b toggle the battery status (need to install acpi)
SPC t m c toggle the org task clock (available in org layer)(TODO)
SPC t m i toggle the input method
SPC t m m toggle the minor mode lighters
SPC t m M toggle the major mode
SPC t m n toggle the cat! (If colors layer is declared in your dotfile)(TODO)
SPC t m p toggle the cursor position
SPC t m t toggle the time
SPC t m d toggle the date
SPC t m T toggle the mode line itself
SPC t m v toggle the version control info

nerd font installation:

By default SpaceVim use nerd-fonts, please read the documentation of nerd fonts.

syntax checking integration:

When syntax checking minor mode is enabled, a new element appears showing the number of errors, warnings.

Search index integration:

Search index shows the number of occurrence when performing a search via / or ?. SpaceVim integrates nicely the search status by displaying it temporarily when n or N are being pressed. See the 20/22 segment on the screenshot below.

search status

Battery status integration:

acpi displays the percentage of total charge of the battery as well as the time remaining to charge or discharge completely the battery.

A color code is used for the battery status:

Battery State Color
Charging Green
Discharging Orange
Critical Red

All the colors are based on the current colorscheme.

Statusline separators:

It is possible to easily customize the statusline separator by setting the statusline_separator variable in your custom configuration file and then redraw the statusline. For instance if you want to set back the separator to the well-known arrow separator add the following snippet to your configuration file:

  statusline_separator = 'arrow'

Here is an exhaustive set of screenshots for all the available separator:

Separator Screenshot
arrow separator-arrow
curve separator-curve
slant separator-slant
nil separator-nil
fire separator-fire

Minor Modes:

The minor mode area can be toggled on and off with SPC t m m.

Unicode symbols are displayed by default. Add statusline_unicode_symbols = false to your custom configuration file, statusline will display ASCII characters instead (may be useful in terminal if you cannot set an appropriate font).

The letters displayed in the statusline correspond to the key bindings used to toggle them.

Key Bindings Unicode ASCII Mode
SPC t 8 8 toggle highlight of characters for long lines
SPC t f f fill-column-indicator mode
SPC t s s syntax checking (neomake)
SPC t S S enabled in spell checking
SPC t w w whitespace mode

colorscheme of statusline:

By default SpaceVim only support colorschemes which has been included in colorscheme layer.

If you want to contribute theme please check the template of a statusline theme.

" the theme colors should be
" [
"    \ [ a_guifg,  a_guibg,  a_ctermfg,  a_ctermbg],
"    \ [ b_guifg,  b_guibg,  b_ctermfg,  b_ctermbg],
"    \ [ c_guifg,  c_guibg,  c_ctermfg,  c_ctermbg],
"    \ [ z_guibg,  z_ctermbg],
"    \ [ i_guifg,  i_guibg,  i_ctermfg,  i_ctermbg],
"    \ [ v_guifg,  v_guibg,  v_ctermfg,  v_ctermbg],
"    \ [ r_guifg,  r_guibg,  r_ctermfg,  r_ctermbg],
"    \ [ ii_guifg, ii_guibg, ii_ctermfg, ii_ctermbg],
"    \ [ in_guifg, in_guibg, in_ctermfg, in_ctermbg],
" \ ]
" group_a: window id
" group_b/group_c: stausline sections
" group_z: empty area
" group_i: window id in insert mode
" group_v: window id in visual mode
" group_r: window id in select mode
" group_ii: window id in iedit-insert mode
" group_in: windows id in iedit-normal mode
function! SpaceVim#mapping#guide#theme#gruvbox#palette() abort
    return [
                \ ['#282828', '#a89984', 246, 235],
                \ ['#a89984', '#504945', 239, 246],
                \ ['#a89984', '#3c3836', 237, 246],
                \ ['#665c54', 241],
                \ ['#282828', '#83a598', 235, 109],
                \ ['#282828', '#fe8019', 235, 208],
                \ ['#282828', '#8ec07c', 235, 108],
                \ ['#282828', '#689d6a', 235, 72],
                \ ['#282828', '#8f3f71', 235, 132],
                \ ]

This example is the gruvbox colorscheme, if you want to use same colors when switching between different colorschemes, you may need to set custom_color_palette in your custom configuration file. For example:

custom_color_palette = [
    ["#282828", "#a89984", 246, 235],
    ["#a89984", "#504945", 239, 246],
    ["#a89984", "#3c3836", 237, 246],
    ["#665c54", 241],
    ["#282828", "#83a598", 235, 109],
    ["#282828", "#fe8019", 235, 208],
    ["#282828", "#8ec07c", 235, 108],
    ["#282828", "#689d6a", 235, 72],
    ["#282828", "#8f3f71", 235, 132],


Buffers will be listed on the tabline if there is only one tab, each item contains the index, bufname and the filetype icon. If there are more than one tab, all tabs will be listed on the tabline. Each item can be quickly accessed by using <Leader> number. Default <Leader> is \.

Key Bindings Descriptions
<Leader> 1 Jump to index 1 on tabline
<Leader> 2 Jump to index 2 on tabline
<Leader> 3 Jump to index 3 on tabline
<Leader> 4 Jump to index 4 on tabline
<Leader> 5 Jump to index 5 on tabline
<Leader> 6 Jump to index 6 on tabline
<Leader> 7 Jump to index 7 on tabline
<Leader> 8 Jump to index 8 on tabline
<Leader> 9 Jump to index 9 on tabline

SpaceVim tabline also supports mouse click, left mouse button will switch to buffer, while middle button will delete the buffer.

NOTE: This feature is only supported in Neovim with has('tablineat').

Key Bindings Descriptions
<Mouse-left> Jump to the buffer
<Mouse-middle> Delete the buffer

Tab manager:

You can also use SPC t t to open the tab manager windows.

Key bindings within tab manager windows:

Key Bindings Descriptions
o Close or expand tab windows.
r Rename the tab under the cursor.
n Create new named tab below the cursor tab
N Create new tab below the cursor tab
x Delete the tab
Ctrl-Shift-Up Move tab backward
Ctrl-Shift-Down Move tab forward
<Enter> Jump to windows under the cursor.

General Key bindings

Window manager

Window manager key bindings can only be used in normal mode. The default leader [WIN] is s, you can change it via windows_leader option:

    windows_leader = "s"
Key Bindings Descriptions
q Smart buffer close
WIN v :split
WIN V Split with previous buffer
WIN g :vsplit
WIN G Vertically split with previous buffer
WIN t Open new tab (:tabnew)
WIN o Close other windows (:only)
WIN x Remove buffer, leave blank window
WIN q Remove current buffer
WIN Q Close current buffer (:close)
<Tab> Next window or tab
Shift-Tab Previous window or tab

SpaceVim has mapped normal q as smart buffer close, the normal func of q can be get by <Leader> q r, if you want to disable this feature, you can use vimcompatible mode.

Key Mode Action
<Leader> y visual Copy selection to X11 clipboard ("+y)
Ctrl-c Normal Copy full path of current buffer to X11 clipboard
<Leader> Ctrl-c Normal Copy github.com url of current buffer to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo)
<Leader> Ctrl-l Normal/visual Copy github.com url of current lines to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo)
<Leader> p Normal/visual Paste selection from X11 clipboard ("+p)
Ctrl-f Normal Smart page forward (Ctrl-f / Ctrl-d)
Ctrl-b Normal Smart page backwards (C-b / C-u)
Ctrl-e Normal Smart scroll down (3 Ctrl-e/j)
Ctrl-y Normal Smart scroll up (3Ctrl-y/k)
Ctrl-q Normal Ctrl-w
Ctrl-x Normal Switch buffer and placement
<Up>, <Down> Normal Smart up and down
} Normal After paragraph motion go to first non-blank char (}^)
< Visual/Normal Indent to left and re-select
> Visual/Normal Indent to right and re-select
<Tab> Visual Indent to right and re-select
Shift-<Tab> Visual Indent to left and re-select
g p Normal Select last paste
Q / g Q Normal Disable EX-mode ()
Ctrl-a Command Navigation in command line
Ctrl-b Command Move cursor backward in command line
Ctrl-f Command Move cursor forward in command line

File Operations

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC f s Write (:w)
Ctrl-s Write (:w)
SPC f W Write as root (need sudo layer)

Editor UI

Key Bindings Descriptions
<F2> Toggle tagbar
<F3> Toggle Vimfiler
<Leader> [1-9] Jump to the buffer with the num index
Alt-[1-9] Jump to the buffer with the num index, this only works in Neovim
Alt-h / Alt-Left Jump to left buffer in the tabline, this only works in Neovim
Alt-l / Alt-Right Jump to Right buffer in the tabline, this only works in Neovim
SPC t S Toggle spell checker
SPC t n Toggle line number and relativenumber
SPC t l Toggle hidden characters (:setlocal nolist!)
SPC t W Toggle wrap (:setlocal wrap! breakindent!)
g 0 Go to first tab (:tabfirst)
g $ Go to last tab (:tablast)
g r Go to previous tab (:tabprevious)
Ctrl-Down Move to split below (Ctrl-w j)
Ctrl-Up Move to upper split (Ctrl-w k)
Ctrl-Left Move to left split (Ctrl-w h)
Ctrl-Right Move to right split (Ctrl-w l)
* Search selection forwards
# Search selection backwards
, <Space> Remove all spaces at EOL
Ctrl-r Replace selection in visual mode

Native functions

Key bindings Mode Action
<Leader> q r Normal Same as native q
<Leader> q r / Normal Same as native q /, open cmdwin
<Leader> q r ? Normal Same as native q ?, open cmdwin
<Leader> q r : Normal Same as native q :, open cmdwin

Bookmarks management

Bookmarks manager is included in tools layer, to use following key bindings, you need to enable tools layer:

    name = "tools"
Key Bindings Descriptions
m a Show list of all bookmarks
m m Toggle bookmark in current line
m n Jump to next bookmark
m p Jump to previous bookmark
m i Annotate bookmark

As SpaceVim use above bookmarks mappings, so you cannot use a, m, n, p or i registers to mark current position, but other registers should work well. If you really need to use these registers, you can map <Leader> m to m in your bootstrap function, then you can use a registers via <Leader> m a.

function! myspacevim#before() abort
    nnoremap <silent><Leader>m m

Fuzzy finder

SpaceVim provides five fuzzy find tools, each of them is configured in a layer(unite, denite, leaderf, ctrlp and fzf layer). These layers have the same key bindings and features. But they need different dependencies.

Users only need to load one of these layers, they will be able to get these features.

for example, load the denite layer:

    name = "denite"

Key bindings

Key bindings Discription
<Leader> f <Space> Fuzzy find menu:CustomKeyMaps
<Leader> f p Fuzzy find menu:AddedPlugins
<Leader> f e Fuzzy find register
<Leader> f h Fuzzy find history/yank
<Leader> f j Fuzzy find jump, change
<Leader> f l Fuzzy find location list
<Leader> f m Fuzzy find output messages
<Leader> f o Fuzzy find outline
<Leader> f q Fuzzy find quick fix
<Leader> f r Resumes Unite window

Differences between these layers

Feature denite unite leaderf ctrlp fzf
CustomKeyMaps menu yes yes no no no
AddedPlugins menu yes yes no no no
register yes yes no yes yes
file yes yes yes yes yes
yank history yes yes no no yes
jump yes yes no yes yes
location list yes yes no no yes
outline yes yes yes yes yes
message yes yes no no yes
quickfix list yes yes no yes yes
resume windows yes yes no no no

Key bindings within fuzzy finder buffer

Key Bindings Descriptions
<Tab> / Ctrl-j Select next line
Shift-<Tab> / Ctrl-k Select previous line
j k Leave Insert mode (Only for denite/unite)
Ctrl-w Delete backward path
<Enter> Run default action
Ctrl-s Open in a split
Ctrl-v Open in a vertical split
Ctrl-t Open in a new tab
Ctrl-g Exit unite

Denite/Unite normal mode key bindings

Key Bindings Mode Descriptions
Ctrl-h/k/l/r Normal Un-map
Ctrl-l Normal Redraw
<Tab> Normal Select actions
<Space> Normal Toggle mark current candidate, up
r Normal Replace ('search' profile) or rename
Ctrl-z Normal/insert Toggle transpose window

The above key bindings are only part of fuzzy finder layers, please read the layers's documentations.



Mappings guide

A guide buffer is displayed each time the prefix key is pressed in normal mode. It lists the available key bindings and their short descriptions. The prefix can be [SPC], [WIN] and <Leader>.

The default keys of these prefixs are:

Prefix name Custom options and default values Descriptions
[SPC] NONE / <Space> default mapping prefix of SpaceVim
[WIN] windows_leader / s window mapping prefix of SpaceVim
<Leader> default vim leader default leader prefix of vim/Neovim

By default the guide buffer will be displayed 1000ms after the keys being pressed. You can change the delay by adding vim option 'timeoutlen' to your bootstrap function.

For example, after pressing <Space> in normal mode, you will see:


This guide shows you all the available key bindings begin with [SPC], you can type b for all the buffer mappings, p for project mappings, etc.

After pressing Ctrl-h in guide buffer, you will get paging and help info in the statusline.

Keys Descriptions
u undo pressing
n next page of guide buffer
p previous page of guide buffer

Use SpaceVim#custom#SPC() to define custom SPC mappings. For instance:

call SpaceVim#custom#SPC('nnoremap', ['f', 't'], 'echom "hello world"', 'test custom SPC', 1)

Unite/Denite describe key bindings

It is possible to search for specific key bindings by pressing ? in the root of guide buffer.

To narrow the list, just insert the mapping keys or descriptions of what mappings you want, Unite/Denite will fuzzy find the mappings, to find buffer related mappings:


Then use <Tab> or <Up> and <Down> to select the mapping, press <Enter> to execute that command.

Getting help

Fuzzy finder layer is powerful tool to unite all interfaces. It is meant to be like Helm for Vim. These mappings are for getting help info about functions, variables etc:

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC h SPC discover SpaceVim documentation, layers and packages using fuzzy finder layer
SPC h i get help with the symbol at point
SPC h k show top-level bindings with which-key
SPC h m search available man pages

Reporting an issue:

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC h I Open SpaceVim GitHub issue page with pre-filled information

Available layers

All layers can be easily discovered via :SPLayer -l accessible with SPC h l.

Available plugins in SpaceVim

All plugins can be easily discovered via <leader> l p.


Both the toggles mappings start with [SPC] t or [SPC] T. You can find them in the mapping guide.



Navigation is performed using the Vi key bindings hjkl.

Key Bindings Descriptions
h move cursor left (origin Vim key, no mappings)
j move cursor down (origin Vim key, no mappings)
k move cursor up (origin Vim key, no mappings)
l move cursor right (origin Vim key, no mappings)
H move cursor to the top of the screen (origin Vim key, no mappings)
L move cursor to the bottom of the screen (origin Vim key, no mappings)
SPC j 0 go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line)
SPC j $ go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line)
SPC t - lock the cursor at the center of the screen

Vim motions with vim-easymotion


Similar to easymotion or f in vimperator for firefox, this mode allows one to jump to any link in help file with two key strokes.

Mappings Descriptions
o initiate quick jump link mode in help buffer

Unimpaired bindings

Mappings Descriptions
[ SPC Insert space above
] SPC Insert space below
[ b Go to previous buffer
] b Go to next buffer
[ n Go to previous conflict marker
] n Go to next conflict marker
[ f Go to previous file in directory
] f Go to next file in directory
[ l Go to the previous error
] l Go to the next error
[ c Go to the previous vcs hunk (need VersionControl layer)
] c Go to the next vcs hunk (need VersionControl layer)
[ q Go to the previous error
] q Go to the next error
[ t Go to the previous frame
] t Go to the next frame
[ w Go to the previous window
] w Go to the next window
[ e Move line up
] e Move line down
[ p Paste above current line
] p Paste below current line
g p Select pasted text

Jumping, Joining and Splitting

The SPC j prefix is for jumping, joining and splitting.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC j 0 go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line)
SPC j $ go to the end of line (and set a mark at the previous location in the line)
SPC j b jump backward
SPC j f jump forward
SPC j d jump to a listing of the current directory
SPC j D jump to a listing of the current directory (other window)
SPC j i jump to a definition in buffer (denite outline)
SPC j I jump to a definition in any buffer (denite outline)
SPC j j jump to a character in the buffer (easymotion)
SPC j J jump to a suite of two characters in the buffer (easymotion)
SPC j k jump to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules
SPC j l jump to a line with avy (easymotion)
SPC j q show the dumb-jump quick look tooltip (TODO)
SPC j u jump to a URL in the current window
SPC j v jump to the definition/declaration of an Emacs Lisp variable (TODO)
SPC j w jump to a word in the current buffer (easymotion)
Joining and splitting
Key Bindings Descriptions
J join the current line with the next line
SPC j k go to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules
SPC j n split the current line at point, insert a new line and auto-indent
SPC j o split the current line at point but let point on current line
SPC j s split a quoted string or s-expression in place
SPC j S split a quoted string or s-expression with \n, and auto-indent the new line

Window manipulation

Window manipulation key bindings

Every window has a number displayed at the start of the statusline and can be quickly accessed using SPC number.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC 1 go to window number 1
SPC 2 go to window number 2
SPC 3 go to window number 3
SPC 4 go to window number 4
SPC 5 go to window number 5
SPC 6 go to window number 6
SPC 7 go to window number 7
SPC 8 go to window number 8
SPC 9 go to window number 9

Windows manipulation commands (start with w):

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC w <Tab> switch to alternate window in the current frame (switch back and forth)
SPC w = balance split windows
SPC w b force the focus back to the minibuffer (TODO)
SPC w c Distraction-free reading current window (tools layer)
SPC w C Distraction-free reading other windows via vim-choosewin (tools layer)
SPC w d delete a window
SPC u SPC w d delete a window and its current buffer (does not delete the file) (TODO)
SPC w D delete another window using vim-choosewin
SPC u SPC w D delete another window and its current buffer using vim-choosewin (TODO)
SPC w t toggle window dedication (dedicated window cannot be reused by a mode) (TODO)
SPC w f toggle follow mode (TODO)
SPC w F create new tab(frame)
SPC w h move to window on the left
SPC w H move window to the left
SPC w j move to window below
SPC w J move window to the bottom
SPC w k move to window above
SPC w K move window to the top
SPC w l move to window on the right
SPC w L move window to the right
SPC w m maximize/minimize a window (maximize is equivalent to delete other windows) (TODO, now only support maximize)
SPC w M swap windows using vim-choosewin
SPC w o cycle and focus between tabs
SPC w p m open messages buffer in a popup window (TODO)
SPC w p p close the current sticky popup window (TODO)
SPC w r rotate windows forward
SPC w R rotate windows backward
SPC w s / SPC w - horizontal split
SPC w S horizontal split and focus new window
SPC w u undo window layout (used to effectively undo a closed window) (TODO)
SPC w U redo window layout (TODO)
SPC w v / SPC w / vertical split
SPC w V vertical split and focus new window
SPC w w cycle and focus between windows
SPC w W select window using vim-choosewin

Buffers and Files

Buffers manipulation key bindings

Buffer manipulation commands (start with b):

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC <Tab> switch to alternate buffer in the current window (switch back and forth)
SPC b . buffer transient state
SPC b b switch to a buffer (via denite/unite)
SPC b d kill the current buffer (does not delete the visited file)
SPC u SPC b d kill the current buffer and window (does not delete the visited file) (TODO)
SPC b D kill a visible buffer using vim-choosewin
SPC u SPC b D kill a visible buffer and its window using ace-window(TODO)
SPC b Ctrl-d kill other buffers
SPC b Ctrl-D kill buffers using a regular expression(TODO)
SPC b e erase the content of the buffer (ask for confirmation)
SPC b h open SpaceVim home buffer
SPC b n switch to next buffer avoiding special buffers
SPC b m open Messages buffer
SPC u SPC b m kill all buffers and windows except the current one(TODO)
SPC b p switch to previous buffer avoiding special buffers
SPC b P copy clipboard and replace buffer (useful when pasting from a browser)
SPC b R revert the current buffer (reload from disk)
SPC b s switch to the scratch buffer (create it if needed)
SPC b w toggle read-only (writable state)
SPC b Y copy whole buffer to clipboard (useful when copying to a browser)
z f Make current function or comments visible in buffer as much as possible (TODO)
Create a new empty buffer
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC b N h create new empty buffer in a new window on the left
SPC b N j create new empty buffer in a new window at the bottom
SPC b N k create new empty buffer in a new window above
SPC b N l create new empty buffer in a new window below
SPC b N n create new empty buffer in current window
Special Buffers

In SpaceVim, there are many special buffers, these buffers are created by plugins or SpaceVim itself. And these buffers are not listed.

Files manipulations key bindings

Files manipulation commands (start with f):

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC f / Find files with find command
SPC f b go to file bookmarks
SPC f c copy current file to a different location(TODO)
SPC f C d convert file from unix to dos encoding
SPC f C u convert file from dos to unix encoding
SPC f D delete a file and the associated buffer with confirmation
SPC f E open a file with elevated privileges (sudo layer) (TODO)
SPC f W save a file with elevated privileges (sudo layer)
SPC f f open file
SPC f F try to open the file under point
SPC f o Find current file in file tree
SPC f R rename the current file(TODO)
SPC f s save a file
SPC f S save all files
SPC f r open a recent file
SPC f t toggle file tree side bar
SPC f T show file tree side bar
SPC f d toggle disk manager in Windows OS
SPC f y show and copy current file absolute path in the cmdline
Vim and SpaceVim files

Convenient key bindings are located under the prefix SPC f v to quickly navigate between Vim and SpaceVim specific files.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC f v v display and copy SpaceVim version
SPC f v d open SpaceVim custom configuration file

File tree

SpaceVim uses vimfiler as the default file tree, and the default key binding is <F3>. And SpaceVim also provides SPC f t and SPC f T to open the file tree.

To change the filemanager plugin:

    # file manager plugins supported in SpaceVim:
    # - vimfiler (default)
    # - nerdtree
    # - defx
    filemanager = "defx"

VCS integration is supported, there will be a column status, this feature maybe make vimfiler slow, so it is not enabled by default. To enable this feature, add enable_vimfiler_gitstatus = true to your custom configure. Here is a picture for this feature:


There is also an option to config the direction of file tree, by default it is right. To move the file tree to the left, you can use filetree_direction option:

    filetree_direction = "left"
File tree navigation

Navigation is centered on the hjkl keys with the hope of providing a fast navigation experience like in vifm:

Key Bindings Descriptions
<F3> / SPC f t Toggle file explorer
with in file tree
<Left> / h go to parent node and collapse expanded directory
<Down> / j select next file or directory
<Up> / k select previous file or directory
<Right> / l open selected file or expand directory
N Create new file under cursor
y y Copy file full path to system clipboard
y Y Copy file to system clipboard
P Paste file to the position under the cursor
. toggle visible ignored files
s v Split edit
s g Vertical split edit
p Preview
i Switch to directory history
v Quick look
g x Execute with vimfiler associated
' Toggle mark current line
V Clear all marks
> iecrease filetree screenwidth
< dncrease filetree screenwidth
<Home> Jump to first line
<End> Jump to last line
Ctrl-Home Switch to project root directory
Ctrl-r Redraw
Open file with file tree.

If only one file buffer is opened, a file is opened in the active window, otherwise we need to use vim-choosewin to select a window to open the file.

Key Bindings Descriptions
l / <Enter> open file in one window
sg open file in an vertically split window
sv open file in an horizontally split window

Commands starting with g

After pressing prefix g in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with g.

Key Bindings Descriptions
g # search under cursor backward
g $ go to rightmost character
g & repeat last ":s" on all lines
g ' jump to mark
g * search under cursor forward
g + newer text state
g , newer position in change list
g - older text state
g / stay incsearch
g 0 go to leftmost character
g ; older position in change list
g < last page of previous command output
g <Home> go to leftmost character
g E end of previous word
g F edit file under cursor(jump to line after name)
g H select line mode
g I insert text in column 1
g J join lines without space
g N visually select previous match
g Q switch to Ex mode
g R enter VREPLACE mode
g T previous tag page
g U make motion text uppercase
g ] tselect cursor tag
g ^ go to leftmost no-white character
g _ go to last char
g ` jump to mark
g a print ascii value of cursor character
g d goto definition
g e go to end of previous word
g f edit file under cursor
g g go to line N
g h select mode
g i insert text after '^ mark
g j move cursor down screen line
g k move cursor up screen line
g m go to middle of screenline
g n visually select next match
g o goto byte N in the buffer
g s sleep N seconds
g t next tag page
g u make motion text lowercase
g ~ swap case for Nmove text
g <End> go to rightmost character
g Ctrl-g show cursor info

Commands starting with z

After pressing prefix z in normal mode, if you do not remember the mappings, you will see the guide which will tell you the functional of all mappings starting with z.

Key Bindings Descriptions
z <Right> scroll screen N characters to left
z + cursor to screen top line N
z - cursor to screen bottom line N
z . cursor line to center
z <Enter> cursor line to top
z = spelling suggestions
z A toggle folds recursively
z C close folds recursively
z D delete folds recursively
z E eliminate all folds
z F create a fold for N lines
z G mark good spelled (update internal wordlist)
z H scroll half a screenwidth to the right
z L scroll half a screenwidth to the left
z M set foldlevel to zero
z N set foldenable
z O open folds recursively
z R set foldlevel to deepest fold
z W mark wrong spelled (update internal wordlist)
z X re-apply foldlevel
z ^ cursor to screen bottom line N
z a toggle a fold
z b redraw, cursor line at bottom
z c close a fold
z d delete a fold
z e right scroll horizontally to cursor position
z f create a fold for motion
z g mark good spelled
z h scroll screen N characters to right
z i toggle foldenable
z j mode to start of next fold
z k mode to end of previous fold
z l scroll screen N characters to left
z m subtract one from foldlevel
z n reset foldenable
z o open fold
z r add one to foldlevel
z s left scroll horizontally to cursor position
z t cursor line at top of window
z v open enough folds to view cursor line
z w mark wrong spelled
z x re-apply foldlevel and do "zV"
z z smart scroll
z <Left> scroll screen N characters to right


With an external tool

SpaceVim can be interfaced with different searching tools like:

The search commands in SpaceVim are organized under the SPC s prefix with the next key is the tool to use and the last key is the scope. For instance, SPC s a b will search in all opened buffers using ag.

If the last key (determining the scope) is uppercase then the current word under the cursor is used as default input for the search. For instance, SPC s a B will search the word under cursor.

If the tool key is omitted then a default tool will be automatically selected for the search. This tool corresponds to the first tool found on the system of the list search_tools, the default order is rg, ag, pt, ack then grep. For instance SPC s b will search in the opened buffers using pt if rg and ag have not been found on the system.

The tool keys are:

Tool Key
ag a
grep g
ack k
rg r
pt t

The available scopes and corresponding keys are:

Scope Key
opened buffers b
buffer directory d
files in a given directory f
current project p

It is possible to search in the current file by double pressing the second key of the sequence, for instance SPC s a a will search in the current file with ag.


  • rg, ag and pt are optimized to be used in a source control repository but they can be used in an arbitrary directory as well.
  • It is also possible to search in several directories at once by marking them in the unite buffer.

Beware if you use pt, TCL parser tools also install a command line tool called pt.

Custom searching tool

To change the options of a search tool, you need to use the bootstrap function. The following example shows how to change the default option of searching tool rg.

function! myspacevim#before() abort
    let profile = SpaceVim#mapping#search#getprofile('rg')
    let default_opt = profile.default_opts + ['--no-ignore-vcs']
    call SpaceVim#mapping#search#profile({'rg' : {'default_opts' : default_opt}})

The structure of searching tool profile is:

" { 'ag' : {
"   'namespace' : '',         " a single char a-z
"   'command' : '',           " executable
"   'default_opts' : [],      " default options
"   'recursive_opt' : [],     " default recursive options
"   'expr_opt' : '',          " option for enable expr mode
"   'fixed_string_opt' : '',  " option for enable fixed string mode
"   'ignore_case' : '',       " option for enable ignore case mode
"   'smart_case' : '',        " option for enable smart case mode
"   }
"  }
Useful key bindings
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC r l resume the last completion buffer
SPC s ` go back to the previous place before jump
Prefix argument will ask for file extensions
Searching in current file
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s s search with the first found tool
SPC s S search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a a ag
SPC s a A ag with default input
SPC s g g grep
SPC s g G grep with default input
SPC s r r rg
SPC s r R rg with default input
Searching in buffer directory
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s d searching in buffer directory with default tool
SPC s D searching in buffer directory cursor word with default tool
SPC s a d searching in buffer directory with ag
SPC s a D searching in buffer directory cursor word with ag
SPC s g d searching in buffer directory with grep
SPC s g D searching in buffer directory cursor word with grep
SPC s k d searching in buffer directory with ack
SPC s k D searching in buffer directory cursor word with ack
SPC s r d searching in buffer directory with rg
SPC s r D searching in buffer directory cursor word with rg
SPC s t d searching in buffer directory with pt
SPC s t D searching in buffer directory cursor word with pt
Searching in all loaded buffers
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s b search with the first found tool
SPC s B search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a b ag
SPC s a B ag with default input
SPC s g b grep
SPC s g B grep with default input
SPC s k b ack
SPC s k B ack with default input
SPC s r b rg
SPC s r B rg with default input
SPC s t b pt
SPC s t B pt with default input
Searching in an arbitrary directory
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s f search with the first found tool
SPC s F search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a f ag
SPC s a F ag with default text
SPC s g f grep
SPC s g F grep with default text
SPC s k f ack
SPC s k F ack with default text
SPC s r f rg
SPC s r F rg with default text
SPC s t f pt
SPC s t F pt with default text
Searching in a project
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC / / SPC s p search with the first found tool
SPC * / SPC s P search with the first found tool with default input
SPC s a p ag
SPC s a P ag with default text
SPC s g p grep
SPC s g p grep with default text
SPC s k p ack
SPC s k P ack with default text
SPC s t p pt
SPC s t P pt with default text
SPC s r p rg
SPC s r P rg with default text

Hint: It is also possible to search in a project without needing to open a file beforehand. To do so use SPC p p and then C-s on a given project to directly search into it like with SPC s p. (TODO)

Background searching in a project

Background search keyword in a project, when searching done, the count will be shown on the statusline.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s j searching input expr background with the first found tool
SPC s J searching cursor word background with the first found tool
SPC s l List all searching result in quickfix buffer
SPC s a j ag
SPC s a J ag with default text
SPC s g j grep
SPC s g J grep with default text
SPC s k j ack
SPC s k J ack with default text
SPC s t j pt
SPC s t J pt with default text
SPC s r j rg
SPC s r J rg with default text
Searching the web
Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s w g Get Google suggestions in Vim. Opens Google results in Browser.
SPC s w w Get Wikipedia suggestions in Vim. Opens Wikipedia page in Browser.(TODO)

Note: to enable google suggestions in Vim, you need to add enable_googlesuggest = 1 to your custom Configuration file.

Searching on the fly

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC s g G Searching in project on the fly with default tools

Key bindings in FlyGrep buffer:

Key Bindings Descriptions
<Esc> close FlyGrep buffer
<Enter> open file at the cursor line
<Tab> move cursor line down
Shift-<Tab> move cursor line up
<BackSpace> remove last character
Ctrl-w remove the Word before the cursor
Ctrl-u remove the Line before the cursor
Ctrl-k remove the Line after the cursor
Ctrl-a / <Home> Go to the beginning of the line
Ctrl-e / <End> Go to the end of the line

Persistent highlighting

SpaceVim uses search_highlight_persist to keep the searched expression highlighted until the next search. It is also possible to clear the highlighting by pressing SPC s c or executing the ex command :noh.

Highlight current symbol

SpaceVim supports highlighting of the current symbol on demand and add a transient state to easily navigate and rename these symbols.

It is also possible to change the range of the navigation on the fly to:

  • buffer
  • function
  • visible area

To Highlight the current symbol under point press SPC s h.

Navigation between the highlighted symbols can be done with the commands:

Key Bindings Descriptions
* initiate navigation transient state on current symbol and jump forwards
# initiate navigation transient state on current symbol and jump backwards
SPC s e edit all occurrences of the current symbol
SPC s h highlight the current symbol and all its occurrence within the current range
SPC s H go to the last searched occurrence of the last highlighted symbol

In highlight symbol transient state:

Key Bindings Descriptions
e edit occurrences (*)
n go to next occurrence
N / p go to previous occurrence
b search occurrence in all buffers
/ search occurrence in whole project
<Tab> toggle highlight current occurrence
r change range (function, display area, whole buffer)
R go to home occurrence (reset position to starting occurrence)
Any other key leave the navigation transient state


Paste text

Auto-indent pasted text

Text manipulation commands

Text related commands (start with x):

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC x a & align region at &
SPC x a ( align region at (
SPC x a ) align region at )
SPC x a [ align region at [
SPC x a ] align region at ]
SPC x a { align region at {
SPC x a } align region at }
SPC x a , align region at ,
SPC x a . align region at . (for numeric tables)
SPC x a : align region at :
SPC x a ; align region at ;
SPC x a = align region at =
SPC x a ¦ align region at ¦
`SPC x a `
SPC x a SPC align region at [SPC]
SPC x a a align region (or guessed section) using default rules (TODO)
SPC x a c align current indentation region using default rules (TODO)
SPC x a l left-align with evil-lion (TODO)
SPC x a L right-align with evil-lion (TODO)
SPC x a r align region at user-specified regexp
SPC x a o align region at operators +-*/ etc
SPC x c count the number of chars/words/lines in the selection region
SPC x d w delete trailing whitespaces
SPC x d SPC Delete all spaces and tabs around point, leaving one space
SPC x g l set lanuages used by translate commands (TODO)
SPC x g t translate current word using Google Translate
SPC x g T reverse source and target languages (TODO)
SPC x i c change symbol style to lowerCamelCase
SPC x i C change symbol style to UpperCamelCase
SPC x i i cycle symbol naming styles (i to keep cycling)
SPC x i - change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i k change symbol style to kebab-case
SPC x i _ change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i u change symbol style to under_score
SPC x i U change symbol style to UP_CASE
SPC x j c set the justification to center
SPC x j f set the justification to full (TODO)
SPC x j l set the justification to left
SPC x j n set the justification to none (TODO)
SPC x j r set the justification to right
SPC x J move down a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x K move up a line of text (enter transient state)
SPC x l d duplicate line or region (TODO)
SPC x l s sort lines (TODO)
SPC x l u uniquify lines (TODO)
SPC x o use avy to select a link in the frame and open it (TODO)
SPC x O use avy to select multiple links in the frame and open them (TODO)
SPC x t c swap (transpose) the current character with the previous one
SPC x t C swap (transpose) the current character with the next one
SPC x t w swap (transpose) the current word with the previous one
SPC x t W swap (transpose) the current word with the next one
SPC x t l swap (transpose) the current line with the previous one
SPC x t L swap (transpose) the current line with the next one
SPC x u set the selected text to lower case
SPC x U set the selected text to upper case
SPC x w c count the words in the select region
SPC x w d show dictionary entry of word from wordnik.com (TODO)
SPC x <Tab> indent or dedent a region rigidly (TODO)

Text insertion commands

Text insertion commands (start with i):

Key bindings Descriptions
SPC i l l insert lorem-ipsum list
SPC i l p insert lorem-ipsum paragraph
SPC i l s insert lorem-ipsum sentence
SPC i p 1 insert simple password
SPC i p 2 insert stronger password
SPC i p 3 insert password for paranoids
SPC i p p insert a phonetically easy password
SPC i p n insert a numerical password
SPC i u Search for Unicode characters and insert them into the active buffer.
SPC i U 1 insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
SPC i U 4 insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
SPC i U U insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)

Increase/Decrease numbers

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC n + increase the number under point by one and initiate transient state
SPC n - decrease the number under point by one and initiate transient state

In transient state:

Key Bindings Descriptions
+ increase the number under point by one
- decrease the number under point by one
Any other key leave the transient state

Tips: You can increase or decrease a number by more than once by using a prefix argument (i.e. 10 SPC n + will add 10 to the number under cursor).

Replace text with iedit

SpaceVim uses a powerful iedit mode to quick edit multiple occurrences of a symbol or selection.

Two new modes: iedit-Normal/iedit-Insert

The default color for iedit is red/green which is based on the current colorscheme.

iedit states key bindings

State transitions:

Key Bindings From to
SPC s e normal or visual iedit-Normal

In iedit-Normal mode:

iedit-Normal mode inherits from Normal mode, the following key bindings are specific to iedit-Normal mode.

Key Binding Descriptions
<Esc> go back to Normal mode
i switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as i in Normal model
a switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as a in Normal model
I go to the beginning of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as I in Normal model
A go to the end of the current occurrence and switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as A in Normal model
<Left>/h Move cursor to left, same as h in Normal model
<Right>/l Move cursor to right, same as l in Normal model
0/<Home> go to the beginning of the current occurrence, same as 0 in Normal model
$/<End> go to the end of the current occurrence, same as $ in Normal model
C delete the characters from the cursor to the end in all occurrences and switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as C in Normal model
D delete the occurrences, same as D in Normal model
s delete the character under cursor and switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as s in Normal model
S delete the occurrences and switch to iedit-Insert mode, same as S in Normal model
x delete the character under cursor in all the occurrences, same as x in Normal model
X delete the character before cursor in all the occurrences, same as X in Normal model
gg go to first occurrence, same as gg in Normal model
G go to last occurrence, same as G in Normal model
n go to next occurrence
N go to previous occurrence
p replace occurrences with last yanked (copied) text
<Tab> toggle current occurrence

In iedit-Insert mode:

Key Bindings Descriptions
Ctrl-g / <Esc> go back to iedit-Normal mode
Ctrl-b / <Left> move cursor to left
Ctrl-f / <Right> move cursor to right
Ctrl-a / <Home> moves the cursor to the beginning of the current occurrence
Ctrl-e / <End> moves the cursor to the end of the current occurrence
Ctrl-w delete word before cursor
Ctrl-k delete all words after cursor
Ctrl-u delete all characters before cursor
Ctrl-h / <Backspace> delete character before cursor
<Delete> delete character after cursor


Comments are handled by nerdcommenter, its bound to the following keys.

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC ; comment operator
SPC c h hide/show comments
SPC c l toggle comment lines
SPC c L comment lines
SPC c u uncomment lines
SPC c p toggle comment paragraphs
SPC c P comment paragraphs
SPC c s comment with pretty layout
SPC c t toggle comment to line
SPC c T comment to line
SPC c y toggle comment and yank(TODO)
SPC c Y yank and comment
SPC c $ comment current line from cursor to the end of the line

Tips: SPC ; will start operator mode, in this mode, you can use motion command to comment lines. For example, SPC ; 4 j will comment current line and the following 4 lines.


SpaceVim uses utf-8 as default encoding. There are four options for these case:

  • fileencodings (fencs): ucs-bom,utf-8,default,latin1
  • fileencoding (fenc): utf-8
  • encoding (enc): utf-8
  • termencoding (tenc): utf-8 (only supported in Vim)

To fix messy display: SPC e a is the mapping for auto detect the file encoding. After detecting file encoding, you can run the command below to fix the encoding:

set enc=utf-8

Code runner and REPL

SpaceVim provides an asynchronously code runner plugin. In most language layer, we have defined a key bidning SPC l r for running current buffer. If you need to add new commands, you can use the bootstrap function. For example: Use F5 to build project asynchronously.

nnoremap <silent> <F5> :call SpaceVim#plugins#runner#open('make')

These following features have been added to runner and repl plugin:

  • Run current file with default command
  • Run code file through system file explorer, only supported in gvim.
  • Run code per Shebang
  • Stop code running
  • View output in Output Window
  • Set default language to run
  • Select language to run
  • REPL support
  • Run selected code snippet

Errors handling

SpaceVim uses neomake to give error feedback on the fly. The checks are only performed at save time by default.

Errors management mappings (start with e):

Mappings Descriptions
SPC t s toggle syntax checker
SPC e c clear all errors
SPC e h describe a syntax checker
SPC e l toggle the display of the list of errors/warnings
SPC e n go to the next error
SPC e p go to the previous error
SPC e v verify syntax checker setup (useful to debug 3rd party tools configuration)
SPC e . error transient state

The next/previous error mappings and the error transient state can be used to browse errors from syntax checkers as well as errors from location list buffers, and indeed anything that supports Vim's location list. This includes for example search results that have been saved to a location list buffer.

Custom sign symbol:

Symbol Descriptions Custom options
Error error_symbol
warning warning_symbol
Info info_symbol

quickfix list movement:

Mappings Descriptions
<Leader> q l Open quickfix list windows
<Leader> q c clear quickfix list
<Leader> q n jump to next item in quickfix list
<Leader> q p jump to previous item in quickfix list

Managing projects

SpaceVim will find the root of the project when a .git directory or a .project_alt.json file is encountered in the file tree.

Project manager commands start with p:

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC p ' open a shell in projects root (need the shell layer)

Searching files in project

Key Bindings Descriptions
SPC p f find files in current project
SPC p / fuzzy search for text in current project
SPC p k kill all buffers of current project
SPC p t find project root
SPC p p list all projects


SpaceVim has supported EditorConfig, a configuration file to “define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs.”

To customize your editorconfig experience, read the editorconfig-vim packages documentation.

Vim Server

SpaceVim starts a server at launch. This server is killed whenever you close your Vim windows.

Connecting to the Vim server

If you are using Neovim, you need to install neovim-remote, then add this to your bashrc.

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.SpaceVim/bin

Use svc to open a file in the existing Vim server, or use nsvc to open a file in the existing Neovim server.




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100th issue(issue) BenBergman
1000th issue(PR) sei40kr
2000th issue(PR) nikolaussucher

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