2019-10-25 12:00:47 -07:00

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prezto docker container

This branch contains a Dockerfile and a Makefile that hopefully may prove helpful for prezto development.

The idea is to have a totally independendn and isolated environemnet in which to quickly make changes to either prezto-core or any plugin that may bein development, enabling automated testing and even continuous integration.

The container is a basic install of alpine linux, so the image download is reasonably small

On the container we have a few utilities and additionalsoftware that prezto has core support for

you can check it out in a snap by doing:

docker pull hlecuanda/prezto-dev:latest

once you have the image, create a container from it with:

docker run -it --rm -h prezto hlecuanda/prezto-dev:latest

that will set you on a prompt withing the container with a vanilla install of prezto.

a development and testing run can be achieved by mounting the stuff you're working on to the image's filesystem:

docker run -it --rm -h prezto
-v /local/path:/home/prezto
-v /local/path/zdotdir:/home/preztoa
-v /local/module-dev-src:/home/prezto/.zprezto/modules/yourmodulea

the third volume mapping is particularly interesting. you can develop on your own machine and environnmen, and when spinning up the container, your actual source is already in-plase asif installed on a vanilla prezto install.

keep in mind that the container are ephemeral, unless you remove the --rm option which will create new containers each time you run the command, but the changes to the filesystemwill persist on a container file that you can later spin up again to re use.

I have found epehermeral containers to be most useful since you get an untainted, pristine environment for testing every time you spin up the container.